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Friday 2 October 2020

The Robin

 A teacher flew to me to enlighten me on where I have been,
On a journey of personal growth a transformation of who I used to be,
A spiritual guider accompanying me on my path,
Teaching me on how to focus on the signs and trust on instincts,
With a red breast singing away,
I here the song everyday,
Some times sung as a duet as another robin appears,
Bringing joy to my soul,
A smile to my face to be graced in this way,
With confidence I go forward each day,

Wild Geese

I walked along the river today,
As wild geese flew my way,
A flock navigating a course,
Which had been flown by those before....


A canopy over me,
Shielding yet I am free,
Protected by mother nature,
As the storm passes over,
Umbrella of trust from the canopy above,
Mother nature has provided for me....

Wednesday 30 September 2020

A Picture of You

 I have a picture of you,
A still frame in my mind,
An image of you that you left behind,
Time is forever frozen,
A memory of you,
It was night time,
We were hand in hand,
At the time,
A picture of you in my mind,
Of a time long ago,
The bench where we sat and watched the river flow,
Under the lampposts that were aglow,
Warming light as I held you tight,
Then kissed your lips and said goodnight,

Tuesday 29 September 2020


All that remains of what was,
The skeleton a frame,
No individuality, 
No name,
No history,
Just a reminder of being present,
The tale of bones.....

Friday 25 September 2020

A Wheel

Round and round I go,
Riding on a roundabout,
A wheel,
After losing on the swings,
Around in circles I go,
Clockwise by perpetual motion,
Propelled by an external force,
Out of control,
A hamster on a wheel,
Unable to stop.........

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Autumn change

 As light time fades,
The sun beginning to dim,
Days are shorter as the night draws in,
Autumn leaf is upon us,
The colours start to change,
Shades of yellow, orange and brown,
Some of red and purple,
Many falling down to lie on the ground,
Time to snuggle in .....

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........