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Monday 21 September 2020

Thinking Aloud

Thinking aloud,
How has it come to this,
Your not alone,
Have twist and turns of fate made you feel this way,
An individual who lost their way,
Feel lost in a crowd every day,
Camouflaged in the herd as life goes by,
Dealing with fate the best you can,
You are doing great, 
It is good to talk,
Let it out,
Never be afraid to speak there is always a listening ear..


Tuesday 15 September 2020

king for the Day

Perched on a branch,
A King for the day,
Waiting for a fish to swim my way,
Heron's fish in the deep,
Eel's are what they seek,
The air is broken,
As swans start to fly,
A little moorhen floats on by......

Saturday 5 September 2020




Freedom is the ability to escape,
Escape from the restraints we make,
To liberate a soul,
To be free to express how we feel and how we want to live.......

Wishing Well

I threw my coin in the wishing well today,
Heard it splash way down low,
Echoing sound,
Resounding in the well as my wish was cast,
A secret to unfold,
In the days to come. 

Opening Eyes

I opened my eyes last night,
To view upon the darkened skies,
Stars passed me by,
Some of them shot across the sky,
Star to star I drew my lines,
Drawing pictures in the sky,
Pictures new I drew,
Maybe deja vu,
Predictions told in the stars,
Fortunes to unfold,

Dancing Spirit

Dancing spirit,
Setting colours free,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........