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Saturday 5 September 2020

Wishing Well

I threw my coin in the wishing well today,
Heard it splash way down low,
Echoing sound,
Resounding in the well as my wish was cast,
A secret to unfold,
In the days to come. 

Opening Eyes

I opened my eyes last night,
To view upon the darkened skies,
Stars passed me by,
Some of them shot across the sky,
Star to star I drew my lines,
Drawing pictures in the sky,
Pictures new I drew,
Maybe deja vu,
Predictions told in the stars,
Fortunes to unfold,

Dancing Spirit

Dancing spirit,
Setting colours free,

Thursday 3 September 2020

Past and Future in a Frame

Past and Future in a frame.
Captured by a camera on a day,
Memories sad of the past,
Memories made on the day,
Dreaming of the future and what it holds.............
Only time will tell as it unfolds.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Dwell and Dwindle

Dwell and Dwindle

Like a nomad I dwell upon the land,
Not calling one place home,
A gypsy king in my own realm,
Self sacrifice to protect my pride,
Living my own dream,
Roaming here and there without a care,
Not dwelling on the past,
As issues dwindle away,
Living every day, 
Memories to last,
Prompted  by a word to make a pen come alive,
Bleeding ink,
To be captured in a diary,
A diary called................ LIFE

A Rose

A Rose

A rose was given as a lovers gift,
He held her in his arms,
Told her how he felt,
Opened up his heart,
All the words fell out,
Caressed her with his hand,
She kissed him with her lips,
Was this just a dream,

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Fast Lane Love

I sat and starred as you passed me by,
A vision of a passion,
I want you as my toy,
With a warm glow and racing wheels,
Singing away as your engine hummed.
A young boys dream,
Has passed me by,
As I sit and stare with envious eyes.......

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........