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Monday 24 August 2020

August Days

August Days 

August days passing by,
Nights slowly drawing in,
Days strolling along waters edges,
Following a course from where I begin,
Sheltering under a horse chestnut,
Protected by the limbs,
Riding out of the storm,
Till the sky is blue again....

Friday 21 August 2020

Stood on a high

Stood on a high,

I have stood on a high,

Questioning why,

With pain running down my face,

Hands held high screaming out why,

To this day I did not get an answer,

Walking away starting again on a new path,

Accepting the change,

Coming to terms on where I am stood now...........

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Busy Bee

 Busy Bee

A busy day in a scorching heat,

Humming a song to motivate,

Doing what is required.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Personnel Growth

Some times you have to learn to stand your ground alone, to stand up to be

heard. Remaining positive and choosing your own path. Good  or bad 

results is a learning curve. Life is about choice, accepting change and

adapting  and developing. Learning to say NO........ Personnel Growth.


Friday 7 August 2020

Thursday 6 August 2020



Like a hummingbird I am flying through my life,
Forwards, backwards and even upside down,
Sampling the nectar's available to me,
Some sweet and some sour,
Hovering over periods of time,
Then darting away to be free..........

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........