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Thursday 6 August 2020

Silent Days

Silent Days 

Oh silent days in my life,
Where my voice can't be heard,
I trust in my actions to be seen,
To bring joy to another being,
For if I can bring a smile,
My action has been worthwhile x

Saturday 25 July 2020

Flying with an Eagles Eye

Flying with an Eagles Eye

Flying alone, 
Flying free, 
Getting use to a single me, 
Way up high in the sky, 
Flying with the breeze effortlessly, 
Up above in the clouds, 
Watching the world from a high, 
In a beautiful place, 
In the sky, 
Gliding here, 
Gliding there, 
Gliding anywhere, 
Taken by the breeze. 



Drifting away from you,
Floating on the water,
Carried by the currents,
Further out to sea,
Just a piece of driftwood,
Traveling the oceans,
Broken free.......


I am,
Who I am,
As I am me,
Born who I was,
Born to be free .......


I walk along the seashore,
My feet are in the sand,
Imprints there where I have been,
None in front of me,
Sea breeze in my face,
The sun is at my back,
The waves are gently rolling in,
I love the sound they make,
Another day by the sea,
Another memory I have made......

Act 2

Act 2

The day has nearly ended,
As the sun starts it's decent,
A warm glow in the sky with a tear in my eye,
My character played it's part with real words from my heart,
Tomorrow is another day,
Today will be in the past ......

Act 1

Act 1,

The day has begun,
The sun rises in the Eastern sky,
I have practiced my lines a thousand times,
Each with a tear in my eye,
A character needed I can be,
But words from my heart it's really me ......

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........