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Saturday 25 July 2020

Act 2

Act 2

The day has nearly ended,
As the sun starts it's decent,
A warm glow in the sky with a tear in my eye,
My character played it's part with real words from my heart,
Tomorrow is another day,
Today will be in the past ......

Act 1

Act 1,

The day has begun,
The sun rises in the Eastern sky,
I have practiced my lines a thousand times,
Each with a tear in my eye,
A character needed I can be,
But words from my heart it's really me ......


As I stand here starring,
Fixed to my spot,
The ocean breeze washes over me,
Scent of sea,
Refreshing me,
Grounded in the moist sand,
Gentle waves caressing my feet,
Taking in the scenery around me,
Just a moment in time as I look back to where my foot prints had been ......


My dreams are illusions,
A figment of imagination,
A subconscious thought generated out of nowhere,
Deluded and tricked by an oasis in my mind,
How can this be I question myself ?
Is it deja vu or sorcery,
A picture imprinted and stored in the depths of my mind vault,


To sit and watch the world go by,
On a lazy Sunday afternoon,
With a guitar being played,
A man singing a tune,
Kids playing in the park,
Laughter all around,
As things get back to a new kind of normal,
The hands moving forward,
As time goes by .........


I fell into a slumber,
A deep and peaceful sleep,
Traveled to a dimension,
A place I have never been,
A figment of my imagination,  
That is where I met you,
The one who is meant to be,
You kissed me the once,
I don't know your name,
Maybe one day I will find you not in a dream.


Memories stirred when music is heard,
To the times I held you in my arms,
Waltzing around the room dizzy in love,
The smell of perfume still lingers,
Poison to my heart,
A vision of yesterday, 
The dagger in my heart.....
Bleeding to be free of the past .......

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........