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Friday 26 June 2020



What has been has gone, 
Cannot change a thing, 
The light has faded, 
Flame extinguished, 
Love extinct, 
Heart broken, 
In sorrow, 
Praying to survive tomorrow, 
Trust betrayed, 
Praying to survive the day, 
There has to be a way, 
Faith above is in what you must trust to guide you on your way, 
A guiding light, 
In the darkest night, 
Will help you not to stray, 
Don’t give in, 
Start to begin, 
Rebuild again, 
It will come right in the end. 

Tuesday 23 June 2020

The Act

The Act 

Like an actor on the stage, 
I play my part, 
The clown, 
Performing on a daily basis, 
Entertaining the crowds who relish in my fall, 
Laughing at my performance, 
Fake smile shown, 
To hide my pain, 
The stage has been set, 
The play unfolds the actors play their part, 
Scripts unknown, 
The play goes on, 
Until the final act. 

The Sun Days

The Sun Days 

The sun comes up, 
The sun goes down, 
No problem does it face, 
Looking down upon the world, 
Caressing it with its grace, 
A gentle glow a warm embrace, 
The warmth delivered from its golden rays, 
Waking in the East, 
Sleeping in the West, 
Daily it blesses us with its grace, 
Glowing way up high in the sky, 
Radiant beams shining down on a daily basis, 
Sometimes hidden from view, 
Desperate to break through, 
Warm and bright, 
It’s a delight, 
Its beams caress faces, 
For no problem does it know, 
Rising continually on its cycle, 
Heated rays on sunny days put smiles on many faces, 
Glowing bright it is a sight so eagerly awaited, 
For way up high in the sky in its rightful place, 
Glowing bright before the night when it exchanges places. 


The Line

The Line 

Walking the line, 
Memories to remind me of days gone by, 
Alone I walk with my thoughts hoping to clear my mind, 
Along the beach with sand at my feet, 
Waves crashing in as they breach, 
On the golden beach, 
Boats floating in the harbour, 
A protected armada, 
Overlooked by the Inn, 
A place watch the sun go in, 
To a favourite seat overlooking the beach beneath, 
Where the young love to play in the park on a sunny day, 
The steam train goes by with a puff of smoke,  
Waved on by many as it goes, 
Over hills far away, 
Up and down the hills to another place, 
On this line walked my many, 
The smell of sea salt air is plenty, 
It helps to make you feel at ease, 
In the gentle breeze, 
The sounds of gull’s are with you all the way, 
Seals pop up to say hello, 
Curious they are as we know. 



Dare I dream? 
Could it become reality? 
Dark of the night thinking that steals me from my sleep, 
Thinking of all the things deep within my mind, 
Churning over and over, 
Will they ever end? 
Will it always be like this? 
Can it ever end? 
Am I to be tortured until the bitter end? 

Tear Stained Scars

Tear Stained Scars 

Tear stained scars portray my past, 
Lessons learnt from a failed romance, 
Broken hearted a rhythm dance, 
Fluttering beats from the defeat, 
Rejection flowing within these veins, 
As walls start to build, 
A fortress to protect myself, 
To ease my pain, 
Long periods in the dark, 
Left in a place called yesterday, 
To live my remaining days another way, 
Looking to the sky, 
Blue in my eyes, 
As cotton wool clouds past, 
Soaring high, 
In a breeze, 
A way to feel free, 
Dreaming of what could be, 
If I could have faith and believe, 
To believe in me. 



It is not a dream, 
It is reality, 
As I open my mind to what I see, 
Viewed with clear clarity, 
For this is real, 
Real to me, 
The vision that I see, 
The emotions felt, 
From what I see, 
Oh how it affected me, 
Not in control of the cards that have been dealt, 
Life can change instantly, 
This is what happened to me, 
Starting again after the lessons learnt, 
Rising to my feet, 
After my defeat, 
Ready to start again, 
No longer am I weak. 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........