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Tuesday 23 June 2020

Path of Life

Path of life 

Path of life, 
Lead me to my destiny, 
Show me all the beautiful things that I am meant to see, 
Detour around the ugly parts and places where no human should go, 
Lead to places where memories are made, 
Where the sun shines endlessly, 
Let me be humble and gifted with empathy, 
To show kindness and love freely, 
Lead me on the path where I can live my life in full, 
Happy and contently, 

The Walk on Paths

The Walk on Paths 

Walk on paths on the land, 
Over grass, 
Over sand, 
Walking every day to pass the time away, 
Watching and listening on the way, 
Other people out and about, 
A little pause here, 
A little pause there, 
Try and figure things out, 
Everyone’s different in an individual way, 
Young and old, 
All actors on a stage, 
Different characters expressing themselves in their own way,  
Life goes on every day, 
All walking on paths on the land, 
Living that way to life’s great plan. 

The Key

The Key  
The key to my mind is my heart, 
Lost in the labyrinth in the dark, 
Searching for a guiding light to assist me to escape, 
I don’t understand the mystery within, 
Not even a clue where to begin, 
Afraid to open my eyes to let you inside to analyse, 
To let you see my tortured soul, 
That’s a definite no, 
A shattered heart, 
So many parts, 
How to peace the jigsaw together again, 
Not knowing where to start, 
A private hell, 
An infernal within, 
A supernova about to explode, 
Emotional overload, 
Raging infernal, 
Flamed by anger, 
Of what has expired, 
Lava flowing through my veins, 
Feeding on the pain, 
In a familiar way, 
Day after day, 
Not knowing how to switch off, 
The love that has been lost, 
Beauty killed the beast, 
After bringing him to his knees, 
Deceiving him of the love he held, 
The one he loved who threw him into hell, 
No other way to ease the pain, 
Just learn how to dance in the rain, 
Learn a new rhythm and go with your feet, 
Follow your heart and go with the beat.  



Standing on my feet, 
Surviving my defeat, 
Putting the pieces together, 
Missing the center piece, 
Life is different as I look around, 
Breathing I am, As I stand, 
On my own, 
Grateful for each day I have, 
Time on my hands, 
No plans, 
My direction is forward from where I am, 
What will be will be, 
With hope and faith with me.  


From the ashes of a burnt out zone, 
An ember a glow, 
Ignition of o sign of life, 
As a flame starts to show, 
Fueled by oxygen as its true colour starts to warm, 
A flame bursts into life, 
Keen to remain, 
Flame came back to life from a traumatic past, 
Burning bright with a desire to remain a light, 
A warming glow to show it’s still alive, 
Keen to share it’s heat in order to socialise, 
Hoping that others will fuel its desire to survive, 
A flame to grow for all to see, 
A beacon to all lost souls to give them hope when times get cold, 
If they end up in the burnt out zone, 
It’s so cold in the burnt out zone, 
Walking around with your head hanging low, 
All alone, 
Cold in the burnt out zone, 
Searching for a sign,  
To ignite a spark, 
to create a flame. 

Forgotten Image

Forgotten Image 

What about me, 
What has happened? 
Can’t you see? 
That inner voice yell’s out at me, 
Questioning the image in the mirror, 
Out of touch, 
Changed so much, 
Not the man I use to be, 
Don’t give in, 
Learn to begin, 
Start a new, 
Believe in you, 
Together we will see it through, 
Create a new, 
Just be true, 
True to you, 
From the heart at the start, 
Image what could happen, 
Find a new passion, 
Breathe and let it happen. 

Saturday 20 June 2020


Putting together the pieces of this broken man, 
A jigsaw I don’t understand, 
Not sure where each piece goes, 
Guess I will have to take it slow, 
A piece at a time, 
No picture to follow, 
Starting on the outer rim that is where I will begin, 
Piece by piece I will give it a go, 
To put this man together again, 
To make him whole. 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........