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Saturday 20 June 2020



I have come to realize I am nothing, 
Nothing is what I am, 
Understanding I am nothing, 
I have become something, 
Now I understand, 
So nothing is something, 
Something is who I am, 
I am something, 
I am has value, 
I am me, 
Now I see. 



Not bound by rules, 
I am not at school, 
Taking a rain check on the lessons already given, 
Free to express what’s on my mind, 
In my own time, 
On my own path, 
With my decisions, 
Listening to my heart to my final destination, 
At present in a place I need to be, 
Place of understanding, 
Understanding me. 



Can you help me find a way out of the labyrinth one day? 
To view life clearly in clarity, 
To understand the mess I am in, 
Oh were do we begin, 
I will talk and you can listen, 
Still not sure this is the right decision. 

Friends Light

Friends Light 

I need my friends to show me a guiding light, 
Rescue me from this plight, 
To save me from ending the day, 
Show me a guiding light, 
Can you light the way? 
Bring me out of the darkness to live, 
To live again, 
Help me, 
Can you brighten up my day? 
Alone in my loneliness, 
I question why, 
The reason my heart is broke, 
When you said goodbye,  
Relationship in turmoil past the point of no return, 
Emotional melting point as untruths are told, 
Help me, 
Do you really care? 
Are you really there? 
Help me, 
Will you light the way? 
Help me, 
Can you brighten up my day? 
I have reached ignition point, 
Emotional overload, 
Heart at breaking point, 
Now love has reached its goal, 
Fire is burning bright before the flame says good bye, 
The flame is dead, 
In my heart, 
The flame is dead, 
My flame is dead, 
Help me, 
Do you really care? 
Are you really there? 
Help me, 
Will you light the way? 
Help me, 
Can you brighten up my day? 
In the burnt out zone, 
Listening to sad songs, 
Reference to the past of what the lyrics meant, 
Lost in the wilderness of Hell’s vast plain, 
Searching for the gates to escape the pain, 
Choking on the ashes of long lost souls,  
Friends deserted them and left them to their plight, 
I need to escape to live again, 
Have to escape the burnt out zone, 
I need my friends to show me a guiding light, 
To rescue me from this plight, 
To save me from ending the day, 
Show me a guiding light, 
Can you light the way? 
Bring me out of the darkness to live, 
To live again, 
Show me, 
Show me the way, 
Can you show me the way? 
Show me a guiding light, 
Can you light the way? 
Bring me out of the darkness to live,  
Live again, 
I need my friends, 
I need my friends, 
Help me, 
Help me, 
Help me…… 


The past is in the past, 
Cannot undo what’s been done, 
Letting go to become undone, 
Easier said than done, 
Sitting, Just starring, 
Not caring, 
Lesson in life, 
What a lesson, 
Memories of yesterday fading, 
Time goes by distance pending, 
Wondering what is in store, 
Behind closed doors, 
Watching the clouds float by, 
Trying to decide,
What twist of fate I must face? 
As I sit and question why? 

Here and Now

Here and now 
Standing tall, 
All alone, Contemplating my fate, 
Which way to go, 
I don’t know, 
My minds not in the right place, 
Searching for a guiding light, 
A pointer for my way, 
Standing in this place for a while, 
Searching for a way, 
A mask I wear to hide my pain, 
Pretending I don’t care, 
But on my own, 
My eyes can’t lie as tears stream down my face, 
I must move on, 
Can’t bear it here in this horrible place, 
Where to go I don’t know, 
What’s the future hold for my tortured soul, 
Time will let me know. 

Night Time Blues

Night time Blues 

Sleeping is hard for me to do, 
Suffering from night time blues, 
For I keep dreaming of you, 
Your face is the vision I see day after day, 
You are in my head in so many different ways, 
Time is a healer so they say, 
As the clock hands move forward in their natural way, 
Living my life day by day, 
Yesterday has gone, 
Past along the way, 
Only memories remain of what once was, 
Haunted by words and things that have been said, 
No longer now do we share a bed, 
Photographs remind us of what we had and what has been thrown away, 
The good times,  
Bad times of the years gone past are lessons learnt on life’s great path, 
Going separate ways is the hardest thing to do, 
Day after day, 
Going forward is a starter, 
Slowly contemplating my way, 
Two steps forward, 
Five steps back as I go along on my way, 
Rightly or wrongly I will learn how to move forward with life’s great plan. 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........