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Saturday 20 June 2020

For you

I cannot find the words to speak,
Please do not think that I am weak,
For my strength comes from within to write the words with my pen,
To express my feelings that I cannot hide,
I wonder if my words you read, will make an impression on you,
Or even get a like,

Friday 19 June 2020

C'est La Vie

C'est La vie

So be it,
I heard my heart say,
My mind shouted one more day,
My body acted with out words,
As actions speak louder than words,
Tears ran down my cheeks,
I did not think I was week,
As my hand waved you good bye,

Rivers Lesson

Rivers Lesson 
I learned my lessons well, 
As I lived in the pain, 
Through life’s little game, 
As river’s flowed from their source, 
From my eyes again, 
Raging torrents flowing free, 
Waterfalls to me feet, 
Unable to stem the flow, 
As my eyes continued to weep, 
Through crimson eyes I viewed your lies, 
To come to terms with your deceit, 
You forced me to my knees, 
Feeling week in defeat, 
The pulse, of the heart of a broken man. 


I have no words to say about today, 
I haven’t spoken but it’s not my voice that is broken, 
Words of truth enraged on how I truly feel, 
Contained within, 
How to express, 
Going through hell, 
Living through the highs, 
Then suffering the lows, 
Knowing that my friends don’t understand, 
What I am going through, 
Words said to get me through, 
Living with a broken heart, 
What do I do now? 
What do I do to get me through? 
Lost all hope, 
How to cope, 
Looking for answers,
On my own, 
In the rut I am stuck. 



Navigating the labyrinth in my mind, 
Seeking to break free, 
Trying to unravel the enigmas that have ensnared me, 
Twist and turns along the way, 
Not the direction that I seek, 
Isolated and alone, 
Feeling very week, 
Patiently unraveling the way I had been, 
Remembering not to travel that way again, 
Setting markers on my path, 
So I don’t get lost again, 
Looking for signs to guide me on my way, 
Hopefully I will be free one day. 

The Valley

The Valley 

Walking through the valley of death,  
Analyzing my life to see what is left, 
Where to go, 
What to do, 
Who do I want to get to know? 
Living and breathing within reason, 
Writing a story as I go, 
Little pause here, 
Little pause there, 
Watching as I go, 
Memories new along the way, 
Each morning brings a brand new day. 


Lost my focus, 
Lost my mind, 
Not sure of my direction, 
Just wasting time, 
In the rain, 
Trying to control the pain, 
As I slowly rebuild again, 
Up’s and downs,  
Silly frowns, 
Funny life’s little games, 
Feeling like I am going insane. 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........