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Wednesday 17 June 2020



Seeing you cry, 
I question why, 
It is you, who wanted this, 
Why oh why, 
It hurts me to the core, 
You said you did not love me anymore, 
Your eyes don’t lie, 
It is good bye, 
Although I question why, 
Thrown away the love that was, 
Thrown away all my trust, 
Destroying what we had, 
Memories of what once was, 
Photographs of all that was, 
Still remind me of our love. 

Feeling Silent

Feeling Silent 
I don’t want to talk anymore, 
I don’t want to see you no more, 
It is not a game, 
I don’t want you to see my pain, 
You hurt me to the core, 
My heart is not the same no more, 
You want to be friends, 
What is that about? 
You say you love me, 
But not like that, 
You say you don’t feel the same, 
Are you playing games? 
Perhaps you will wake up one day, 
You will see what you threw away,  
You were my world, 
I loved you so, 
You knew that though, 
All the same, You let me go, 
Destroyed all that meant so much to me, 
The family you pulled apart, 
Broken dreams a reality, 
A heart torn apart, 
Detached and alone where do I start, 
I need to listen to my soul, 
On my path I slowly go. 


World in two, 
Not sure what to do, 
Frightened and insecure, 
I don’t want to lose you, 
Understanding where we are, 
Coming to terms with what has occurred, 
Burnt and scared, Broken hearted, 
I still yearn, 
So great is my love for you, 
Grant me time, 
No limits have been set, 
Day by day, 
Take it slow, 
Get to know, 
Without regret, 
What we have is so valuable, 
I will show, 
We can repair what has been broken, 
You have to be prepared to give it a go. 

The Heart of a Broken Man Part 5

I died on the 6TH August  2017, a massive heart attack totally unexpected. 
Why I was chosen to survive when statistically the odds were not in my favor but I did.  
It was not my time and it put a lot of things into place the value of materialistic items compared to the value of life. 
Yes, there are things that I experienced and I did recall a vision, however that is a story for another day. When I explain all I ask is for you to be open minded for I cannot explain it. 

The Heart of a Broken Man Part 4

When you love someone you love them, a passion an emotional connection a bond that you have with that special person. 
When words are said with that in mind it is so hard to except rejection and hard to understand after words have been spoken and then broken. 
A human mind can overload trying to understand the logic when another person tells them how they feel and go and do the complete opposite. 
I now understand that you can open your heart to a human and they can tell you what you want to hear and then proceed on a course of action that can destroy a marriage and a family within seconds. 
They say the truth hurts, however trying to establish the truth and understanding why a marriage breaks down is the killer. 
When a relationship you thought had been built on truth and loyalty ends and you have no option but to walk away with a broken heart still knowing that you are still in love with the women that you married 19 years ago.  
As a man it was the hardest path I have ever had to walk. 
The emotions I was experiencing were challenging, the anxiety, the depression and the loneliness.  Somehow I had to find the will to survive. 
It was not easy with the highs and lows of my mood swings. 
Those I thought were friends kept their distant. Other friends I could not face and I confined myself to the sanctuary of the four walls with a locked door.  
It was for me to find the answers and find the strength and will to rebuild my life.  
My children will always be my priority however our relation due to the breakdown of the marriage created a distance between us. I wanted to protect them from seeing their father a broken man.  
The divorce was horrible, bitter and twisted. 
Who was my ex-wife? 
A side I had never seen, cold and calculated and unfortunately for the law was on her side. 

Tuesday 16 June 2020


Time stands still for no man, 
Time passes by, with a blink of an eye, 
Fond memories of days long past, 
Fond memories of loved ones lost, 
Tick tock, tick tock the hands on the clock want stop, 
Heading towards the destiny that is known to us, 
Tick tock, 
Reflecting on the past of all those memories and what they mean, 
Don’t dwell on the past that’s history, 
Living in the present is the place to be, 
Hour by hour, day by day, 
Make every second count, 
Tick tock, tick tock the hands on the clock want stop, 
Dreaming of tomorrow and what could be, 
Dreaming of tomorrow, 
Oh I wish I could see, 
Tick tock, tick tock the hands on the clock want stop


Standing up to be counted, 
A voice to be heard, 
An opinion to be shared, 
Yes I dared, 
Express my views, 
Counted among the many, 
On how I truly feel, 
Right or wrong my voice has sung, 
The feelings and my believes released, 
A voice to be heard, 
To the listening one. 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........