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Showing posts with label starting over. Show all posts
Showing posts with label starting over. Show all posts

Sunday 18 February 2024

A Frame of Mind

I'm ok,
Was said,
With a smile upon a face,
Hiding the pain,
Within a frame,
That portrait that was portrayed,
Hiding behind the mask,
Identity disguised,
Saying what needs to be said,
In verse and rhyme,
On a path,
In present time,
The movement of hands,
The clock chimes,

Portrait Mask

Sunday 17 September 2023

Forward Motion

Forward motion gets you far,
Far from where you are,
On that path you chose to go,
The path that is in front of you,
On your way enjoy the view,
For a view will change every day,
Memories made and lessons learned,
That is part of life's big plan,

Berry Head Brixham Devon 

Thursday 15 December 2022

The Journey

Haytor, Dartmoor, Devon 

What makes a journey,
To hear someone say,
With everyone taking footsteps every single day,
To climb the mountains,
A challenge for some,
Looking at the view,
When the climbing is done,
Measured in time means nothing,
What matters most is how far one has come ..... 

Sunday 6 November 2022

To Sail Upon a Pond

To sail upon a pond,
No wind to fill the sail,
Drifting alone,
One must prevail,
To have no compass bearing,
No destination end,
To drift with time,
As tomorrow begins to end.....


Saturday 1 October 2022

A New Gift

A gift of a present day,
A surprise and memories made,
This day to be renamed,
To be called yesterday,
To sleep and wake to a new day,
A new gift,
To dream of tomorrow,
To what life will bring,
Remaining in the present moment with every breath you take....  

Tuesday 20 September 2022


It is better to try and not give up,

Then not try at all,

Sometimes we try but don't try hard enough,

Try the thought of stepping stones,

Every step forward is progress,

Monday 19 September 2022

Coffee Mug

I looked at the horizon over a coffee mug,
The aroma of the coffee it woke me up,
The sun rising in the East,
Over a divining line,
A warming glow to start a day,
In a present moment,
In a present way,

The Beacon

To see a star,
A guiding light,
That direction a beacon in the dark of night,
To lead you on a path to a morning glow,
Where a ray of light will warm a soul,
With a New Day dawning to a chorus of song,
Yesterday is over and tomorrow has begun,


Sunday 4 September 2022

Burning Fire of Desire

Burning fire,
Raging desire,
Passion deep,
Feeling's over you,
Hit by a Cupid's arrow,
That heated kiss,
A building love that leads to tomorrow,

A Travelling Love

I saw the lines way up in the sky,
Tale, tale signs your travelling today,
Destination I not know where,
Coming or going I don't care,
Memories made either way,
To travel with you to another day .....

Thursday 11 August 2022

Mixed Pack of Christmas Cards

Mixed pack of Christmas Cards
2 number of each print,
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTShop by Anthony,

10 luxury quality colourful watercolour prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,


Thursday 23 June 2022

Traumatised and Still


Traumatised and still,
Arms outstretched like the branches of a tree,
Leaves rustling and lost with the effects of a turbulent wind,
Deep rooted this trunk through a hurricane,
To survive a storm and grow anew,
A fitting home for crows to choose,

Friday 6 May 2022

Cross the Horizon

Sitting on a golden beach,
Watching the sun cross the horizon,
A sun is climbing,

The start of a new day,
Looking back on the footprints,
The trail of the past,

Looking at the sand un-walked on,
That will be the way,
To walk on that beach,

A new day to explore,
That venture new,
A direction to follow,

To lead to tomorrow,
A day to reflect on that day,
The day of yesterday that led to today,

Sunday 6 February 2022

Emotions Expressed by the Grace of a Hand

To write what you feel,
The words that are real,
The messages straight from the soul,
That heart that beats,
As ink touches the sheet,
Emotions expressed by the grace of a hand,
As the letters flow and sentences are born,
For a reader to read,
Would they understand,
That Life is a lesson,
On the paths of decisions,
As we head to destiny's great plan,

Tuesday 11 January 2022

Silence is Golden

One drink's a coffee,
One drink's a tea,
One does the talking,
One listens intently,
No gesture or response will be shown,
Just taking it all in,
Muted still one is,
As the other one leaves,
Discipline is the master,
Power is the silence,
Silence is the message,
Golden is the value,
That is all one needs to hear,


Sunday 19 December 2021

A Winters Tale

Winters Tale


Naked branches of the trees,
Grace the skyline this time of year,
Winter storms have made them bare,
Golden brown the leaves grace the ground,
A winters tale,
Told every year,
As nature takes is course,
To fertilise the earth,
For where there is an end,
A new will begin,
That is the circle of Life.......

Sunday 21 November 2021


The echo's of the rain drops reoccurring in the dreams,
Oh the colour of the Rainbows after the storms,
The memory of the first dawn on that new day,
The steps on a new path that lead you away,
The music played on the paths you walked,
That music that helped you along the way.......


Saturday 20 November 2021

A Transformation

A vacant mind,
Open minded,
A vacuum in time,
But time goes by,
A state of transition,
In a cocoon,
Protected from the storms,
Hidden within,
Transforming silently,
Out of sight,
To return to society,
A beautiful sight.....

Monday 13 September 2021

Come Take My Hand

Come take my hand,
Lets walk upon the sand,
Listening to the sound of the band,
As the sea caresses the beach,
Our feet just out of reach,
As the moon light bathes the Bay,
In its natural way,
The lunar light shines on a lovers night,
As two are one,
In cupids eyes,
A Gypsy Queen leads her Gypsy King,
To that paradise,
As cupids arrow takes flight,
To hit its mark on this romantic night...........

Sunday 16 May 2021

The Barriers after the Pain

The barriers after the pain,
Built to contain the rain,
An energy source released through a duct,
A release of a sort when it is not,
For emotions do need to flow,
For if held back it will surely blow,
When memories are triggered,
By a song,
A rainy day it is,
Tear stain scars will flow,
Feeding the rivers again.....


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........