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Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Friday 30 August 2024

That Path

That path led one away from you,
Their happiness is important,
But yours is too,
A step at a time you must go,
In the present moment that you know,
For every path is different,
As a past story shows...........

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Emotions Flow

The emotions flow,
Tear stained streams,
Of what the pain means,

Now to see clearly,
Of what you truly mean,
Looking through the windows,
Of a Soul,

Looking at you,
Looking at me,
In a space, between,

Releasing the pressure,
A wall crashing down,
Removing that barrier,
Perhaps now we can talk,

For if true love exists,
After being put to the test,
Love will find a way,

For if two Souls,
Hear the same song,
Of two hearts singing,
They can become one........

Tears of a Clown

Sunday 18 February 2024

Happy Valentines Day

If I could find the words,
The lyrics of a song I'd write,
To tell you how special you are,
That stirs my heart alight,
For love is what I feel for you,
Everyday and every night,
For Cupids arrow has hit its mark,
In the centre of my heart,
Melting Heart

A Frame of Mind

I'm ok,
Was said,
With a smile upon a face,
Hiding the pain,
Within a frame,
That portrait that was portrayed,
Hiding behind the mask,
Identity disguised,
Saying what needs to be said,
In verse and rhyme,
On a path,
In present time,
The movement of hands,
The clock chimes,

Portrait Mask

Thursday 1 February 2024

The Grass is Green

To open the gate to enter a pasture,
To the grass that is green,
The sweet fragrance of the meadow flowers,
The aroma so enchanting,
Like a bee drawn to a honey trap,
Life changing there after.....

Sunday 14 January 2024

Tattooes in a Mind

To read the lines of another poet,
It stirred emotions within deep,
To hit a cord,
Not like before,
Really made me think,
To capture the feelings with pen and ink,
On a page in verse and rhyme,
A poem that will last,
For the rest of time,
For the words,
Are still there,
Tattooed in my mind,

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Seasons Greetings

The season has come,
Tree's of light,
Houses light the streets at night,
With Carol singing heard about,
Excited children running around,
Mince pies with a dollop of cream,
Maybe a glass of mulled wine,
Advent calendars with open doors,
Leading to the night before,
With Christmas presents under the tree,
That special one for you from me,
For the perfect gift is that present day,
To spend it in your own special way, 



Thursday 12 October 2023

The Hand

To hold a hand over a border line,
A love separated by a division,
The crime,
Tears run dry,
With emotions we try to comprehend the vision,
Of pain and destruction,
The beginning to an ending.......

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Happy Valentine's

If you could find the words,
The lyrics of a song to write,
To tell them how special they are,
That stirs a heart alight,
Everyday and every night,
For cupids arrow has hit it's mark,
In the centre of a heart,

Saturday 14 January 2023

Roses to Share

Passion in bloom,
Redder than a blood moon,
A desire of a heart on fire,
Of romance in the air,
A spoken word of love,
If you dare.
As romance begins to flare,
Of a beating heart,
With red roses to share,


Thursday 5 January 2023

To Make The Heart Melt

A Melting Heart

To hear a song sang,
By a Songbird in the spring,
The meaning of the lyrics,
They meant everything,
Conjuring a smile,
From the emotions that are felt,
Oh angelic voice,
How you have made a heart melt, 

To Another Day

To hear the wings from above,
An angel in the sky,
A message delivered,
Protection from a high,
That message of love,
From a guardian angel,
The one you learn to trust,
Guiding you on your way,
To another day, 

Wednesday 28 December 2022

A Ghost of A Butterfly

Butterfly Meadow

She rested under the willow tree,
The branches low and swinging free,
Catkins drooping overhead,
That is where she rested her weary head,
A ghost of butterfly,
In a meadow where she used to fly,
Watching now the butterflies in the sky,


Tuesday 27 December 2022


To wonder,
What a future holds,
Nobody knows,
Of dreams and wishes,
What the heart longs for,
A change in life,
Of fortune,
Love and more,

In a present moment,
That is the gift,
To breath in the air,
The time to live,
To love the one's that mean the most,
To express the words to tell them so,

The past,
The present,
The future,
Divisions of life,

A second in a hand,
As time goes by,
Of smiles and laughter,
Rivers that flowed by tears that are shown,
All memories individual owned,

So to the stage,
One must go,
To play the part,
An actor's role,
Until the day we depart.........

Thursday 15 December 2022

The Mistletoe

The Lovers 

Toe to toe,
Under the mistletoe,
That loving kiss,
Lip to lip,
Emotions shown,
To that one,
You know .....

Saturday 26 November 2022

The Robin

You came to say hello,
Knowing that I was low,
You stayed with me on this rainy day,
To hear what I had to say,
To hear me say,
I loved you,
Oh how I miss you so,
That you already know,

Friday 25 November 2022

A Secret Crush of Love

A burning heart on fire with desire,
That passionate flame burning within,
Radiant blush shown on the skin,
A secret crush of love,
The one who kindled the flame,

Whispering Words

Whispering words can be heard,
The voice unseen,
Travelling far upon the wind,
The message it brings,
In a code when it is heard,
Brings life from within,
For it stirs a heart,
To miss a beat,
Before it starts to sing,

Sunday 6 November 2022

Melted Chocolate Hearts

Chocolate hearts shared by two,
Melted hearts as passion grew,
Moulded together by the heat,
A true love bond,
That's so sweet, 

The Door

Open a door,
Enter a new,
A world you never knew,
That first step,
Over a threshold,
You must go,
For a future is waiting for you,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........