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Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Burning Eyes

The light it burned the eyes,
The light of this new born day,
For in the present,
It's a day to explore,
So on the grains of sand,
The feet will walk,
So exciting to see what this day will bring,
One foot step at a time,
Leaves an imprint behind,

Tuesday 12 December 2023

A Message for a Christmas Scrooge

No time to sleep within a world of dreams,
With winter tales of Xmas past,
With Christmas looming a present day,
New Years future who can say,
Gifted with words and verse,
A Christmas Carol,
To capture the hearts,
Even if you are called Scrooge,

Sunday 17 September 2023

To Rise With The Break Of Dawn

To wake and rise with the break of dawn,
A new day born,
Yesterday gone,
Graced by the rays of the sun,
The morning has come,
Heading towards tomorrow,
The path has begun,

A New Path Starts With The First Step

Sunday 19 March 2023

Stars at Night

To count the shining stars at night,
The stars that are shining bright,
To cast a wish upon that shooting star,
From where you stand,
From where you are,
Wishing for that dream to be real,

Saturday 21 January 2023

Day Dream Away

To sit and day dream away,
On a day in January,
Thoughts in the mind drift away,
Following the clouds on their way,
Racing through the sky way up high,
With other day dreamers thoughts,
Which travel by,

Tuesday 27 December 2022


To wonder,
What a future holds,
Nobody knows,
Of dreams and wishes,
What the heart longs for,
A change in life,
Of fortune,
Love and more,

In a present moment,
That is the gift,
To breath in the air,
The time to live,
To love the one's that mean the most,
To express the words to tell them so,

The past,
The present,
The future,
Divisions of life,

A second in a hand,
As time goes by,
Of smiles and laughter,
Rivers that flowed by tears that are shown,
All memories individual owned,

So to the stage,
One must go,
To play the part,
An actor's role,
Until the day we depart.........

Thursday 15 December 2022

The Mistletoe

The Lovers 

Toe to toe,
Under the mistletoe,
That loving kiss,
Lip to lip,
Emotions shown,
To that one,
You know .....

Thursday 13 October 2022

The Dark Spirit

It came from the darkest place,
A shadow in the night,
Unheard it advanced from out of sight,
Within a dream or wide awake,
Invisible to an eye,
It came with a fright,
To hear a whisper in the ear,
My name is FEAR ..... goodnight my dear,

Monday 29 August 2022

Horror Dream

 Horror comes within the dream.
What does a vision mean,
To wake in a cold sweat,
Leaving a fright night without regret,
Demons, ghouls and scary things,
Keep repeating within the dream,

Tuesday 23 August 2022

The Demon's Kiss

She kissed the demon within the dream,
The sharp white fangs pierced the skin,
Ecstasy filled her soul,
Passion did unfold,
Heightened frenzy did take place,
As the demon took her life from her veins,
Dripping fangs he left the scene,
To find another victim to feed again,

Sunday 24 July 2022

To Take A Breath

To take a breath on a morning new,
This present time,
A gift to you,
Yesterday's past,
A memory to last,
Forward you go,
On adventures new,


Thursday 7 July 2022

Ears of Grain

She sat amongst the ears of grain,
Through the wind and through the rain,
The darkness came at the end of the day's,
The sun it rose in so many ways,
Life carried on all around,
In her world time stood still,
No movement of hands,
But shadows tell,
Protected by the lunar light,
During the dreams of a previous life,
Basking in the day's sun ray's,
Mother Natures spells of creative ways.....

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Where is The Mind

Where is the mind,
During space,
During time,
Lost in the universe,
With the stars and the signs,
Twinkling stars, 
Some shooting at times,
Wishes cast with hope to come true,
Only future days will show if they become real....

Sunday 3 July 2022

Be In Control

Only one person can control change,
That person is you,
It will not be easy,
Day by day,
Step by step,
Stay on that path,
Overtime you will notice something different about yourself,
Be proud of your personal development,

Thursday 26 May 2022

Torbay Dreaming

Torbay Dreaming,
On a summer's day,
Sand, sea and sex,
Dreaming is so easy,

In the golden bay,
On a perfect day.
With a golden globe,
With those warming rays,
To help you pass the day,

Laying on the beach,
With sand under your feet,
Passing the day away,
Just Torbay Dreaming,


Tuesday 17 May 2022

Summer Days

Summer days,
Laying on a golden shore,
Running sand falling from the fingers of a open hand,
Basking in the rays of a warming sun,
From dawn to dusk,
Day dreaming of the things you love...  

Friday 8 April 2022

To Light a Beacon

A penny for your thought's,
The voice said within the dream,
In another dimension,
Time meant nothing,

A gypsy King on top of the world,
Looking down from the crown,
The mountain was hard to climb,
Blood and tears,
With sacrifices along the way,

The glory was to reach the top,
Determination helped him not to stop,
Self reward to light a beacon,
A sign that a man had gained his freedom...... 


Tuesday 5 April 2022

Shadows in the Dark

Those shadows in the dark,
Ghosts of the past,
Come alive in the heat of the dreams,

What has been and gone,
Emerges again,
Deep within a sleep,

That aroma of scent,
That favourite tune,
Find's us dancing in the wind,

Footprints left in the sand,
Where we had been,
A dance of two lovers,
As the message is read,

To stir from the sleep,
As the footprints disappear,
Claimed by a rising tide,
As the ghosts go back to the past,

Monday 28 March 2022

Illusions In The Dreams

Illusions in the dreams,
What do they mean,
Flying to the moon,
Dodging stars,
Then back again,
Like a comet with a tail,
Leaving a trial,
Of where you have been,


Sunday 27 March 2022

Drowning in Dreams

Drowning in dreams,
When one sleeps,
Hoping one day,
The dreams come true,
Before we wake,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........