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Showing posts with label divorced man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divorced man. Show all posts

Sunday 15 September 2024

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining,

A day in front,

Pick a path,

Move a head........


When We Pause

In life we find times when we pause,
It's all about choice,
Your choice,
No right,
No wrong,
Be brave and take that first step,
It it doesn't go as planned,
You learned,
Let your inner instincts guide you,
One day that path will lead to a wonderful thing,

The Path

Thursday 14 March 2024

A Delicate Heart

The heart a delicate thing,
Filled with emotion deep within.
Falls in love easily,
Breaks and bleeds endlessly,
Scars that are healed,
Tell the tale,
Of a life to one's dying day,

Funeral Horses


A Rainbow's Arch

Sheltered under the rainbow's dome,
A place where one learned to call home,
Protected under the colourful arch,
Sanctuary to mend that broken heart,
To walk a path to where the storm will end,
To bloom again in the sunny days,

The Rainbow's Arch

Sunday 18 February 2024

A Frame of Mind

I'm ok,
Was said,
With a smile upon a face,
Hiding the pain,
Within a frame,
That portrait that was portrayed,
Hiding behind the mask,
Identity disguised,
Saying what needs to be said,
In verse and rhyme,
On a path,
In present time,
The movement of hands,
The clock chimes,

Portrait Mask

Thursday 1 February 2024

The Grass is Green

To open the gate to enter a pasture,
To the grass that is green,
The sweet fragrance of the meadow flowers,
The aroma so enchanting,
Like a bee drawn to a honey trap,
Life changing there after.....

Sunday 17 September 2023

To Rise With The Break Of Dawn

To wake and rise with the break of dawn,
A new day born,
Yesterday gone,
Graced by the rays of the sun,
The morning has come,
Heading towards tomorrow,
The path has begun,

A New Path Starts With The First Step

Sunday 6 November 2022

To Sail Upon a Pond

To sail upon a pond,
No wind to fill the sail,
Drifting alone,
One must prevail,
To have no compass bearing,
No destination end,
To drift with time,
As tomorrow begins to end.....


Thursday 13 October 2022

A Morning Dew

Tear drops form a morning dew,
On the grass that one once knew,
Grass was greener from a view,
A bridge has gone from where one grew,
As time goes by the grass survived,
Looking greener now from the other side,
No way to cross,
That bridge is lost,
No way back for you, 

Thursday 8 September 2022

Water Marks

A pen ran dry,

No words to pen,

Thoughts in mind of a letter to send,

Words to express no ink to write,

A paper stained  by the tears as they fell,

Sunday 21 August 2022

Words Written In Water

Words written in water,
Fountain pen tears expressed,
Washed away in time,
The memories still exist,
The pen is mightier than a sword,
Although the words cannot be read,
But silence is golden,
Those words will never be said,

Friday 11 February 2022

Tears of a Clown

Tears of a Clown

A hat to hide a frown,
That smile to hide the pain,
Hiding a tear in the pouring rain,

Looking like a fool in the eyes of others,
Feeling low again,
Slight joy to make others laugh,
Walking slowly on a path,

Healing a heart torn in two,
Calming the memories of the past,
Knowing you cannot change a thing,
What once was,
Will never be again,

If the tears of a Clown,
Strike a cord with you,
Your not alone,
There are others like you,
On the path you must go,
Things will change before you know,


Friday 14 January 2022

In a Zone of Silence

In a zone of silence,
Out in the cold,
There is nothing to say,
Listening to the downpour,
The noise that it brings,
One's way,
Wavelengths bring colours,
That sign that there will be better days,
To walk on a path,
The path that leads you away,


Monday 24 August 2020


Once there was a time when my heart knew my mind,
It was easy to love,
Being young and carefree,
Lessons learnt over time,
My heart and mind battle now,
With my soul in control,
With what will be will be ........

Hakuna Matata


Hakuna Matata my soul shouts to me,
As I am alone and free,
After things did not go as I planned,
Watching the herds from a high,
As the days go by,
Learning from the past,
Licking my wounds as time passed,
Looking towards the stars for guidance,
Predictions forecast,
Wishing on a shooting star,
That my dreams can come true,
On this journey of a circle of life......

August Days

August Days 

August days passing by,
Nights slowly drawing in,
Days strolling along waters edges,
Following a course from where I begin,
Sheltering under a horse chestnut,
Protected by the limbs,
Riding out of the storm,
Till the sky is blue again....

Friday 21 August 2020

Stood on a high

Stood on a high,

I have stood on a high,

Questioning why,

With pain running down my face,

Hands held high screaming out why,

To this day I did not get an answer,

Walking away starting again on a new path,

Accepting the change,

Coming to terms on where I am stood now...........

Saturday 25 July 2020


Memories stirred when music is heard,
To the times I held you in my arms,
Waltzing around the room dizzy in love,
The smell of perfume still lingers,
Poison to my heart,
A vision of yesterday, 
The dagger in my heart.....
Bleeding to be free of the past .......


I have walked in the dark,
Alone and afraid,
I have walked all night,
Until night has become day,
I have walked with my ghosts of lovers past,
Memories of kisses and caresses,
Sweet fragrances fill the air,
To dream I am not alone,
Is to dream that I am with you.

Monday 13 July 2020



Clouds in the sky drift on by, 
As time slowly goes forward, 
Life goes on as I sit and watch, 
Sedated in this moment, 
Soaring birds swoop on by, 
Safe in sanctuary as the world passes by, 
Not prepared to play the game, 
Only prepared to watch, 
In deep thought on how to go forward, 
Patiently waiting to see what destiny has in store for me, 
A twist of fate and a bit of luck, 
Help me on the way. 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........