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Showing posts with label Poetry Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry Quotes. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 February 2025

The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating,
The moon is full,
Blood is pumping,
Adrenaline fuelled,
The Lion is roaring,
In search for you.....

That Path Unknown

To be on that path,
The wind is howling,
Biting the flesh,
Like the hounds of hell,
The courage to face the fear,
To press forward through the storm,
On the path unknown,
Trusting in inner strength,
Strength to pass the test,
Until you find some shelter,
That is where to rest a burdened head,
To take some time,
Until the new dawn,
When the storm has gone,
With a new day born.....
Twisted Face

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Rising Sun

To wake with the rising sun,
That guiding light,
A new morning has begun,
The warmth of the glow,
It warms a soul,
As one prepares for the show,
For the first act,
Is that first foot step,
Then the chapter grows,
For as an hour goes by,
A page is turned,
With the memories that are made,
For one has travelled on the path,
That leads us to midday,
As the story of the show,
Continues throughout the day,
Until the curtains are drawn,
Then in the dreams one rehearses the lines for the next day....


A Rainy Day

To walk on a path on a rainy day,
Path was still there after the storm had
passed this way,
It led to a rainbow,
Under the arch,
On the path,
Did not stray,
Now the sun is shining,
One is well on one's way......

Try To Feel

One tried to feel,
A heart was still,
The rhythm had slowed it's beat,
To feel it still,
It was unreal,
This was not meant to be,
For it felt as if life was on pause,
In conflict with time,
As the seconds fell through the hands,
Just like grains of sand.....
Contemplating one's fate,
On destiny's path one waits,
Until a sign is shown,
That direction is then known,

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Feelings of Emotions

The feelings of emotions and the need to bleed,
The ink then flows freely to the page,
Scars were left from the trace of the flow,
For that was where the memories of love
departed on the last kiss that one had known.......

Woman Crying

Behind The Curtain

From behind the curtain,
I entered the stage,
An actor in life,
The lines were paged,
To play my part,
As the show must go on,
Some days it's hard,
But tomorrow always comes,
So with a costume change,
A different role to play,
Always gets me to another day,
Where I will greet the Sun,
At the break of the day,
With a loving smile,
And the words hello,
As I prepare for the stage...

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Letters of Tears

From the tears that formed the letters,
Words of emotions,
That fell upon a page,
To tell of the heartache,
That love,
Now just memories to be read,
Songs are made,
From love and sorrow,
To give us hope and faith,
That leads to tomorrow,
But for now,
We must remain in the day,
This present moment,
As we go along on our way,
For that is life,
Experienced in an individual way,
With curve balls and lessons,
We get taught,
When we open that door,

The Crush

The crush has lit a flame,
Desire is love's little game,
For Cupid's arrow has hit it's mark,
The centre of a heart,
For in vision and dreams that face appears,
With invisible faces whispering that name in 
one's ear,
No one knows what the future brings,
But a soul can wish and watch for signs,
For on a path one must take that could lead us to that
time an place.....


Monday, 20 January 2025

The Flame

A flame is burning,
The candle is lit,
A carving desire,
Heart and mind in conflict,
From within is now without,
For as above is now below,
For passion is yearning,
For this loving Soul.....

Totnes Devon Sunrise 


Mind Games

The full moon played with the mind,
Emotions overwhelming,
Like the tides,
Waves and waves washed over one,
Dreams and visions become undone,
For dancing through the midnight hours,
The vision of you is so true,
Drowning in those eyes of blue,
Embraced we froliced in the night,
To suddenly be alone at the break of light,
To sit there at the break of dawn,
Missing that warm embrace,
Only to be replaced by a warming glow,
That gives some comfort to this longing soul ...
Wishing that one day it will be real,
That one will be dancing,
Dancing with you.....

Monday, 13 January 2025

The Start

One started on a path,
A January morning,
The start of the New Year,
The chill was in the air,
The path was challenging,

It was slippery,
One nearly well,
Pausing for composure,
Thinking one's mind,
Taking some time........

That is when one started to climb,
Determination and discipline,
Focus of the mind,

One foot followed the other,
The past was left behind,
To take a break,
Up on the mountain,
Appreciating how far one had climbed,

Country Walk

Sunday, 5 January 2025

To Open A Heart

Opening the heart,
Expressing those emotions,
Letting the words fly free,
Vulnerability is easy to see,
But being  honest to oneself,
Is the rarest from of belief,
Or imprisoned you will be,
For when the mind engages with time,
A heart yearns behind the bars,
That vision of love breaking free,
For sending a message to the intended,
Then what will be will be,
For they may hold the key...... 

Friday, 3 January 2025

Dancing With Words

To dance around with words,
That fill one's head,
They may not mean anything,
Until they are read,
For sometimes when words are spoken,
They are taken as a token,
As the words that are seen,
Do funny things,
For they get absorbed when they are read,
Then end up going around in one's head,
Isn't that a wonderful thing?
So what did those words mean?
Did they really mean something?
Or are you missing something?

Auld Lang Syne

As the fire works lit the sky last night,
The bells had struck the hour of midnight,
Auld Lang Syne,
Filled the air,
A wish was made from me to you,
That all your dreams will come true,
For love,
Joy and happiness will come to you,
As you go forward on a path,
The path you choose that is right for you,
Happy New Year to you all,
I say,
Hopefully peace will find away,
Hard it is for the past cannot be changed,
But in the present a truce could be maintained,
This could lead to better days......

On A Christmas Eve

To sit and pause,
On a Christmas Eve,
Reminiscing on the Eve's,
That had passed before,
The family,
Friends and lover's,
That are no more,
Thank them all,
For being part of one's life,
The lessons,
Happiness and love,
That they brought,
For underneath the Xmas tree there are no
presents to share,
But on Xmas Day only the Gift of a memory
that fills the air,
That makes the day so special to us all,
In an individual way......

Xmas Tree

Monday, 23 December 2024

Gracing The Day

The Sun graced the day,
It warmed the heart in a special way,
Brought a smile upon a face,
Very positive in so many way's,
For when happiness shows,
That person will glow,
It radiates from them to others,
As they go along their way,
For happiness is a present,
That special gift,
To be shared,
Without a care,
Where ever you are,
In the world.......

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Dawn To Dusk

Paths don't cross in physical time,
That journey between Dawn to Dusk,
Walking through the days,
A foot step at a time,

But in the midnight hour,
You're there with me,
Dancing in mind,
Alive and free,
That is how it's meant to be,

Gone again,
At the break of Dawn,
Leaving me to walk alone,
With the memories,
The ghost of the past,
That only returns,
When I dream,
How I treasure those memories,
And what they mean.......

A Stones Throw

A stone thrown into a pond, 
The splash resonated,
As ripples were born,
From the impact to the shore,
Like a heart beat that sings a song,
That special rhythm,
For a message is born,
Hoping to reach another heart,
That wants to sing along,
For a message can travel far and wide,
Not controlled by distance or time,
For if this message reaches you,
Hello from me to a special you.......

The Rhythm of a Heart

A Tender Kiss

The warming sensation of a tender kiss,
The moisture left on eager lips,
The remnants of a smudged lipstick,
The memories of that passionate night,
Two as one at Christmas time,
The tale of when hearts collide,
When Soul's come together,
It's a special sign,
For destiny has arrived,
What is meant to be,
Will find a way,
For you,
And for me......

Mimic's Wheel 


Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...