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Showing posts with label Photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photographs. Show all posts

Friday 30 August 2024

That Path

That path led one away from you,
Their happiness is important,
But yours is too,
A step at a time you must go,
In the present moment that you know,
For every path is different,
As a past story shows...........

Sunday 25 August 2024

On A Summers Day

Sat on a seaside bench,
Watching a couple stroll,
Looking over a bay,
On a summers day,
A warming breeze,
Seagulls flying free,
Listening to the sounds,
As the waves kiss the golden shore,
A name on the bench of a person,
Who loved to sit there before,

Sunday 21 July 2024


I listened in the darkness,
I searched to see a sign,
No clear direction,
Confusion in the mind,
I took the decision to be brave,
The first foot step I made,
That led me forward,
On a path,
It led to the start,
Of a brand new day,

A Coin In Hand

A coin in hand,
Tossed to see how it lands,
It could be heads,
It could be tails,
It has a 50% chance,
The choice is yours,
What you call,
Is up to you,
For what is to be or not to be,
Is destined on one's life's path .....

A Coin In Hand

Dancing With The Devil

To dance with the Devil,
During a fire moon,
Enchanted by the spell,
I drank the witches brew,
The spell was woven,
That spell was cast,
On a path I strayed,
For lived in reverse is Devil,
I heard the Devil Laugh.........


When you are on a path,
The signs are seen,
That you're path is the right path, 

Life is Great

Driving The Car

To get in a car,
To drive real far,
To get away from where you are,
Night or day,
With the sound of the music,
Oh those lyrics,
Singing that song,
With the peddle down,
Gaining distance,
Not hanging around,
Open road,
Oh feeding your soul,

Sports Car

Wednesday 19 June 2024

The Spirit of Dance

To dance in the morning,
As a new dawn is born,
Dancing with a shadow,
You're not alone,
A shadow born with the rays of light,
A friend for life,
To be by your side,
To lead the way,
Have your back,
Naturally knowing when the time is right,

Spirit Dancer 


Thursday 2 May 2024

To Be

To be who you're meant to be,
This is what sets you free,
For you are you,
I am me,
Individuals we are meant to be,
A freedom of choice,
The choice is yours,
To be different,
Or be one of the sheep....

Thursday 4 April 2024

The Hand

You held my hand,
On a path,
Along the way,
Through the storms,
That come our way,
On a path,
You held it tight,
Safe I was,
With that touch,
Then one day,
It slipped away,
Gone you were,
Far away,
Tears were shed,
For you were gone,
Left me here all alone,
All that remain,
Memories dear,
In my heart,
You will remain,
Until we meet again,
At the gates,
When they call my name........

Monday 1 April 2024

A Pirates Life

Treasure placed upon the wall,
Is there for you to find if you dare to explore,
Hidden in the streets,
That treasure trove,
Guarded by pirates,
Where ever you go,
Armed to the teeth,
Singing shanties,
Loud and proud,
With the Golden Hind,
Safe and sound..........

Pirates Treasure 

To Wake

I woke,
When I heard my inner voice....


Thursday 22 February 2024

Bleeding Ink

A pen that endlessly bleeds,
Writing letters for all to read,
Tattooing a page to last eternity,
Words that will stir a heart,
Maybe produce a tear,
For emotions are a powerful thing,
Does not matter what language they are wrote in,

Romeo & Juliet

Monday 12 February 2024

Breadcrumbs For A Soul

I never asked you to follow me,
Along the path I stroll,
This is the path I chose,
I wrote the poems of my thoughts,
Breadcrumbs for a soul,
For in the darkness I left a trail,
A sign for those seeking a light,
That could lead you to the light of day,
That dawn of a new way,

Moon Light

Sunday 1 October 2023

Rising With The Morning Sun

To rise with the morning sun,
With a beaming smile with a warming ray,
The day has begun,
Listening to the radio a favourite song,
With a chorus of birds singing along,
Watching the dancing shadows cross the grassland floor,
Cast from the trees that sway to the gentle breeze,


The Platform

In a waiting moment,
To stand on a platform,
Waiting for the time to arrive,
As an hour clock dictated by grains of sand drain,
To wait or travel on the train,
One must decide,
To stay in a place or go forward with the day's tat remain..

Steam Train Goodrington Devon UK

Sunday 17 September 2023

Captured Visions

To capture the visions of one's dreams,
To write what the night eyes have seen,
Behind closed eyes where one will go,
Nobody understands the energy of the soul,
Put in chapter and verse for all to take time to digest,
Of paths and crossroads,
To live life like a King,

King Arthur Cornwall

To Dance With the Wind

To dance with the wind,
Listening to the singing leaves,
With the beating on the ground created 
by the rain beating down,
Swirling and twirling to the magical sound,
Dancing in the light of a burning fire,
With shadows cast across the forest floor until
the night is no more,

Dartmoor Mystical Woods

Thursday 17 August 2023

The Fog

The rolling fog,
It came my way,
My thoughts were all over the place,
Trying to find the words to say,
Best they are left for another day,
For when the fog disrupts the mind,
It's best to leave today until it becomes yesterday....

Torbay Devon UK

Sunday 19 March 2023

Driving With Destination Unknown

Driving with destination unknown,
Listening to your favourite songs,
On a road never travelled before,
Excitement within to explore,
All you need is a tank full of fuel,
That open road is waiting for you,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........