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Showing posts with label Outdoor Walks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outdoor Walks. Show all posts

Sunday 15 September 2024

When We Pause

In life we find times when we pause,
It's all about choice,
Your choice,
No right,
No wrong,
Be brave and take that first step,
It it doesn't go as planned,
You learned,
Let your inner instincts guide you,
One day that path will lead to a wonderful thing,

The Path

Friday 30 August 2024

A Passed Day

To feel the warming glow, 
The sun was rising slow,
A day had passed,
The new is starting,
Forward one must go,
The horizon in the distance,
Sand beneath the feet,
A chosen direction taken,
With the first foot step,
Leaves a deep impression on the beach,

We Find Times

In life we find times when we pause,
It's all about choice,
Your choice,
No right,
No wrong,
Be brave and take that first step,
If it doesn't go as planned,
You learned,
You have done your best,
Let your inner instincts guide you,
One day that path will lead to a wonderful thing,


Sunday 21 July 2024

Natures Song

The grass hoppers tuned a song,
An orchestra came to life,
The bees hummed along,
The beauty of natures song ,,,,

The Rays of The Day

It was the first ray,
That broke the dawn,
The light that turned the night into the day,
A circle of life,
That leads to a tomorrow,
In a warming way,

Dartmoor Warming Rays

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Burning Eyes

The light it burned the eyes,
The light of this new born day,
For in the present,
It's a day to explore,
So on the grains of sand,
The feet will walk,
So exciting to see what this day will bring,
One foot step at a time,
Leaves an imprint behind,

Monday 12 February 2024

Breadcrumbs For A Soul

I never asked you to follow me,
Along the path I stroll,
This is the path I chose,
I wrote the poems of my thoughts,
Breadcrumbs for a soul,
For in the darkness I left a trail,
A sign for those seeking a light,
That could lead you to the light of day,
That dawn of a new way,

Moon Light

Sunday 17 September 2023

Between The Lines

To read between the lines,
With an open mind,
Hidden words of a wish of a kind,
Maybe will come true on the path in front of you,
With each step forward a direction you will choose,
Climbing that mountain which is in front of you,
One day at a height you will stop,
To enjoy the view,

Haytor Dartmoor Devon 

To Rise With The Break Of Dawn

To wake and rise with the break of dawn,
A new day born,
Yesterday gone,
Graced by the rays of the sun,
The morning has come,
Heading towards tomorrow,
The path has begun,

A New Path Starts With The First Step

Wednesday 28 December 2022

A Ghost of A Butterfly

Butterfly Meadow

She rested under the willow tree,
The branches low and swinging free,
Catkins drooping overhead,
That is where she rested her weary head,
A ghost of butterfly,
In a meadow where she used to fly,
Watching now the butterflies in the sky,


Thursday 22 December 2022

A Winters Day


To walk a path on a winter's day,
Thoughts in your mind,
You lost your way,
Needed a sign to get you back on track,
That is when he came along,
With a flash of red,
Upon a breast,
Just to let you know your not alone,
That little friend,
To guide you home,

Thursday 15 December 2022

The Cold

The bitter cold,
It bit the skin,
It made the soul,
Shiver within,
The heart beat slowed,
As a pulse it froze,
The sign that winter is coming in.. 

The Journey

Haytor, Dartmoor, Devon 

What makes a journey,
To hear someone say,
With everyone taking footsteps every single day,
To climb the mountains,
A challenge for some,
Looking at the view,
When the climbing is done,
Measured in time means nothing,
What matters most is how far one has come ..... 

Saturday 26 November 2022

The Robin

You came to say hello,
Knowing that I was low,
You stayed with me on this rainy day,
To hear what I had to say,
To hear me say,
I loved you,
Oh how I miss you so,
That you already know,

Tuesday 4 October 2022

The Fall


To see the trees,
The Autumn leaves of different hues and shades,
Seasons come the leaves Fall down,
To lay upon the ground,
A sign that winter is coming,
As temperatures start to cool,
With birds migrating,
With murmuration in the air,
Nights drawing in,


Saturday 1 October 2022

Singing on a September Day

A blackbird singing at the break of day,
Announcing the dawn of a present day,
That warming glow as the sun starts to show,
Over a golden bay,
On this September day

Saturday 18 June 2022

Leaves of the Canopy

To look a high at the sky,
To see the breeze kissing the leaves,
The leaves in the trees in the canopy,
With rays of light breaking through to light the path to guide you through,
The darkest path you ever knew,
Those whispering trees encouraging you,

Friday 13 May 2022

To Open Your Eyes

To open your eyes,
To a grey dawn day,
Misty rain falls in a casual way,

Birds singing from under cover of dampened leaves,
Under the canopy of the budding trees,

Wednesday's dawn in the month of May,
Every dawn is different at the start of the day,

Blossom Falling

To see the budding trees of May,
Blossom falling,
Fruit is on the way,
Catkins drooping from the branches,
Trees in bloom,
Birds romantic,
Wild flowers cover a woodland floor,
As squirrels rummage,
As they explore,

Monday 4 April 2022

A Dimming Sun

A dimming sun,
Orange glow,
Descending slow,
Behind the sky line,

The golden bay,
Says goodbye to the last rays,
As the sea kisses the shore,

Sat on the sand,
With grains of sand,
As time flows away,
Just left with the memories,
That we made,

Listening to the rhythm,
As the sea as it is singing,
With the tide that rises high,

At this time of day,
Its time to say good by,
As the moon rises high,
In the night sky,
To be guided home,
By a shining star,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........