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Showing posts with label Devon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devon. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Rising Sun

To wake with the rising sun,
That guiding light,
A new morning has begun,
The warmth of the glow,
It warms a soul,
As one prepares for the show,
For the first act,
Is that first foot step,
Then the chapter grows,
For as an hour goes by,
A page is turned,
With the memories that are made,
For one has travelled on the path,
That leads us to midday,
As the story of the show,
Continues throughout the day,
Until the curtains are drawn,
Then in the dreams one rehearses the lines for the next day....


A Rainy Day

To walk on a path on a rainy day,
Path was still there after the storm had
passed this way,
It led to a rainbow,
Under the arch,
On the path,
Did not stray,
Now the sun is shining,
One is well on one's way......

Monday, 20 January 2025

The Flame

A flame is burning,
The candle is lit,
A carving desire,
Heart and mind in conflict,
From within is now without,
For as above is now below,
For passion is yearning,
For this loving Soul.....

Totnes Devon Sunrise 


Thursday, 5 December 2024

The Moon Light

The moon light,
Playing tricks with the mind,
Shadows within shadows,
Dancing in time,
That romancing duet,
Stepping to the break of dawn,
The start of something new,
As the sun was born,

Dartmoor Rising Sun

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

As Clear As Day

The moon it played with my mind,
Thought of love within a dream,
The name from the past,
Ignited a flame,
Memories of places where we had been,
Visions of a face,
As clear as day,
That first kiss,
Stole my heart away,
Maybe our paths will cross,
On a new dawn,
A new day.........



Sunday, 24 November 2024

The World Illuminated

The World illuminated,
The moon it shone,
A beaming light,
Against the blackness of night,
Emotions stirred,
Reaching their peak,
For some the freedom they seek,
A path for others has been lit,
That guiding way,
Leading to the start,
Something new,
A new day.....

Night Moon Devon

Sunday, 22 September 2024

You Are Your Own Music

You are your own music,
Sing your tune,

Travel The Path

To travel the paths,
Night or day,
All in an individual way,
Over the mountains,
Through the vale's,
Sometimes in the sunshine,
The rain and the hail,
To a special place you find,
Appreciating the view,
When you look back,
To see how far you have come,
On the path you choose,

Berry Head Devon


Sunday, 15 September 2024

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining,

A day in front,

Pick a path,

Move a head........


When We Pause

In life we find times when we pause,
It's all about choice,
Your choice,
No right,
No wrong,
Be brave and take that first step,
It it doesn't go as planned,
You learned,
Let your inner instincts guide you,
One day that path will lead to a wonderful thing,

The Path

Friday, 30 August 2024

A Passed Day

To feel the warming glow, 
The sun was rising slow,
A day had passed,
The new is starting,
Forward one must go,
The horizon in the distance,
Sand beneath the feet,
A chosen direction taken,
With the first foot step,
Leaves a deep impression on the beach,

We Find Times

In life we find times when we pause,
It's all about choice,
Your choice,
No right,
No wrong,
Be brave and take that first step,
If it doesn't go as planned,
You learned,
You have done your best,
Let your inner instincts guide you,
One day that path will lead to a wonderful thing,


Sunday, 25 August 2024

On A Summers Day

Sat on a seaside bench,
Watching a couple stroll,
Looking over a bay,
On a summers day,
A warming breeze,
Seagulls flying free,
Listening to the sounds,
As the waves kiss the golden shore,
A name on the bench of a person,
Who loved to sit there before,

Sunday, 21 July 2024

The Rays of The Day

It was the first ray,
That broke the dawn,
The light that turned the night into the day,
A circle of life,
That leads to a tomorrow,
In a warming way,

Dartmoor Warming Rays

Monday, 1 April 2024


It was Good Friday,
As the bunny hopped out of the bed,
I'm late,
I'm late,
A voice was heard in the bunny's head,
For the Easter bunny had forgotten the date,
Easter eggs may be late,
As a bonnet placed upon its head,
Rushed to the shop in haste,
To find Alice with chocolate on her face,

A Pirates Life

Treasure placed upon the wall,
Is there for you to find if you dare to explore,
Hidden in the streets,
That treasure trove,
Guarded by pirates,
Where ever you go,
Armed to the teeth,
Singing shanties,
Loud and proud,
With the Golden Hind,
Safe and sound..........

Pirates Treasure 

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Under The Rays

The day was born,
When the beams were shown,
Over the line,
That breaks the night and the day,
With a warming glow,
The day starts in a natural way,
Under the rays,
Of the warming sun,

Sun Flower


A Delicate Heart

The heart a delicate thing,
Filled with emotion deep within.
Falls in love easily,
Breaks and bleeds endlessly,
Scars that are healed,
Tell the tale,
Of a life to one's dying day,

Funeral Horses


A Rainbow's Arch

Sheltered under the rainbow's dome,
A place where one learned to call home,
Protected under the colourful arch,
Sanctuary to mend that broken heart,
To walk a path to where the storm will end,
To bloom again in the sunny days,

The Rainbow's Arch

Thursday, 1 February 2024

Heart Beat

A heart that beats faster,
When looking into those eyes,
A smile that generates a smile,
As they walk by,
Legs go week,
From the sound of a name,
For love is the name of the game,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...