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Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Finding The Words

Sometimes it's hard,
To find the words,
Of the emotions,
When they are stirred,
To capture what you're trying to say,
Maybe tomorrow will be that day,
That the letters,
Will form the words,
A sentence is born,
That means something,
Whether it is written,
Or to be heard,

SAGE, Owl 

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Friday's Smile

Friday's smile goes along way,
Over a mile,
It could make someone's day,
In every moment an emotion is felt,
Whether your basking in the sun,
Or sheltering from a storm,
For tomorrow heralds a new day,
A gift for some,






The written meaning can change in so many ways.....

The power of written and spoken.....


Letters Written

I write the letters,
To form a line,
The lines they rhyme,
The intention is,
To say Hello,
Hoping that my followers grow,
For if my lines,
Form a smile,
Then a day is better,
With a memory made,
Further on the path,
One goes,
Heading to tomorrow,
As the day is past,

Natures Song

The grass hoppers tuned a song,
An orchestra came to life,
The bees hummed along,
The beauty of natures song ,,,,

The Sad Face

You with the sad face,
What happened to take that smile away,
That storm one day will stop,
A rainbow will take its place,
A new day will start,
With golden rays,
To warm your heart,

 A Melting Heart


I listened in the darkness,
I searched to see a sign,
No clear direction,
Confusion in the mind,
I took the decision to be brave,
The first foot step I made,
That led me forward,
On a path,
It led to the start,
Of a brand new day,

A Gentle Breeze

A gentle breeze,
Washed over the leaves,
The branches swayed,
Warming rays broke through the canopy,
Guiding one on the way,
To come to a meadow,
Where the sky is blue,
With wild flowers of colour,
An aroma to,
A path that leads to a beautiful place,
Is there for you to choose,

Blue Bell Woods

The Longest Days

The rays on the longest day,
Warming in so many ways,
A sky of blue,
The trees are still,
The sea caresses the sand in a loving way,
Foot prints left on the seashore,
The signs of an early morning stroll,
Left on the golden shore.......

A Coin In Hand

A coin in hand,
Tossed to see how it lands,
It could be heads,
It could be tails,
It has a 50% chance,
The choice is yours,
What you call,
Is up to you,
For what is to be or not to be,
Is destined on one's life's path .....

A Coin In Hand

The Rays of The Day

It was the first ray,
That broke the dawn,
The light that turned the night into the day,
A circle of life,
That leads to a tomorrow,
In a warming way,

Dartmoor Warming Rays

Dancing With The Devil

To dance with the Devil,
During a fire moon,
Enchanted by the spell,
I drank the witches brew,
The spell was woven,
That spell was cast,
On a path I strayed,
For lived in reverse is Devil,
I heard the Devil Laugh.........


When you are on a path,
The signs are seen,
That you're path is the right path, 

Life is Great

Driving The Car

To get in a car,
To drive real far,
To get away from where you are,
Night or day,
With the sound of the music,
Oh those lyrics,
Singing that song,
With the peddle down,
Gaining distance,
Not hanging around,
Open road,
Oh feeding your soul,

Sports Car

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Burning Eyes

The light it burned the eyes,
The light of this new born day,
For in the present,
It's a day to explore,
So on the grains of sand,
The feet will walk,
So exciting to see what this day will bring,
One foot step at a time,
Leaves an imprint behind,

A Light

A light it shone in the distance,
In the darkness of night,
I heard the Angels singing,
I know I will be alright,
Towards the beacon,
I travel,
On this journey of life.....

Warming Rays

The warming rays,
The breaking of the day,
It broke the darkness,
Lit up the way,
On an untraveled path,
Not explored,
In life,
Memories are made along the way....

The Dance of  Flamingos

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...