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Thursday, 22 February 2024

Bleeding Ink

A pen that endlessly bleeds,
Writing letters for all to read,
Tattooing a page to last eternity,
Words that will stir a heart,
Maybe produce a tear,
For emotions are a powerful thing,
Does not matter what language they are wrote in,

Romeo & Juliet

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Happy Valentines Day

If I could find the words,
The lyrics of a song I'd write,
To tell you how special you are,
That stirs my heart alight,
For love is what I feel for you,
Everyday and every night,
For Cupids arrow has hit its mark,
In the centre of my heart,
Melting Heart

A Frame of Mind

I'm ok,
Was said,
With a smile upon a face,
Hiding the pain,
Within a frame,
That portrait that was portrayed,
Hiding behind the mask,
Identity disguised,
Saying what needs to be said,
In verse and rhyme,
On a path,
In present time,
The movement of hands,
The clock chimes,

Portrait Mask

That Whisper From Within

To hear a whisper within,
That quiet voice,
A speaker invisible to the eye,
Spoken words with no movement of lips,
That ghost inside a mind,
The soul,
An energy source,
That helper to decide,
Assisting to make a decision,
On that life path,
Guiding one with a sign,

Monday, 12 February 2024

Breadcrumbs For A Soul

I never asked you to follow me,
Along the path I stroll,
This is the path I chose,
I wrote the poems of my thoughts,
Breadcrumbs for a soul,
For in the darkness I left a trail,
A sign for those seeking a light,
That could lead you to the light of day,
That dawn of a new way,

Moon Light

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Time on a Dial

A smile graces a dial,
The hands caress the face,
As time goes by,
Changes take place,
For every minute,
That enters the past,
A memory made,
Which will always last,
For as a heart beats,
In rhythm with time,
Look into those eyes,
For love is what you will find,


Sunday, 4 February 2024

Letter of Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Thank you all,

As time goes on and my Blog is getting more 
world wide views,
I personally want to thank each and every single
individual who has visited my pages,
I hope what you have read has helped,

This started out as a very personal journey
for me, 
Never did I visualise that it would lead to me 
creating a Blog, which was started to express
my emotions in the process of helping others,
that was in 2020 after commencing in 2016.

The aim is to keep writing, poetry was not my intention
as I never thought of myself as a poet, however words of 
expression just seamed to flow.

So looking towards the future.
All those that have commented, shared and have engaged with DM's 
Again thank you so much,
If future readers would like to engage with the posts please feel free
to comment, share, repost or DM me.

Again thank you,





Thursday, 1 February 2024

Heart Beat

A heart that beats faster,
When looking into those eyes,
A smile that generates a smile,
As they walk by,
Legs go week,
From the sound of a name,
For love is the name of the game,

The Grass is Green

To open the gate to enter a pasture,
To the grass that is green,
The sweet fragrance of the meadow flowers,
The aroma so enchanting,
Like a bee drawn to a honey trap,
Life changing there after.....

Thoughts of Grains of Sand

Thoughts deep within the mind,
Clog's turning,
A momentum of time,
Grains of sand drop,
Through the hands,
As they grace the face of the dial,
As the sun rises,
Casting shadows across the land,
All that remains are the memories past,
At this present moment in the mind,

Grains of Sand


Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...