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Thursday, 21 December 2023

Five Golden Rings

Five golden rings,
The Carol Singers sing,
Voices carried through the air,
Bringing joy as they sang,
The Church Bells rang,
By the hands of the ringers,
From where they stand,

Six Geese A Laying

Six geese where laying,
Six golden eggs where laid,
All in different places,
Places around the world,
New life and beginning,
Stories to be made,
For the joy is creation,
How special these geese eggs are,

Monday, 18 December 2023

Seven Swans a Swimming

Seven Swans were swimming,
Carrying gifts to the shore,
Spirit in their strength,
Holy was their trumpet call,
With teaching in mind,
Of mercy and kind,
With a prophesy for Mankind,
Not to be ignored,
For global warming,
And destruction of war,
An ending will be the result,
As we have not learned from the lessons before,
So when you see a Swan,
A white Majestic sight,
Listen to this angel,
It may just save a life .....
Trumpet Swan

Sunday, 17 December 2023

8 Maids a Milking

Eight maids were milking,
Each with a tale to tell,
Some were married,
Some were single,
Some where going through hell,
For each maid experienced the lessons of life,
That they commonly shared well,
With dreams and hopes,
They milked the cows,
As the bells rang loud,

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Seasons Greetings

The season has come,
Tree's of light,
Houses light the streets at night,
With Carol singing heard about,
Excited children running around,
Mince pies with a dollop of cream,
Maybe a glass of mulled wine,
Advent calendars with open doors,
Leading to the night before,
With Christmas presents under the tree,
That special one for you from me,
For the perfect gift is that present day,
To spend it in your own special way, 



A Message for a Christmas Scrooge

No time to sleep within a world of dreams,
With winter tales of Xmas past,
With Christmas looming a present day,
New Years future who can say,
Gifted with words and verse,
A Christmas Carol,
To capture the hearts,
Even if you are called Scrooge,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...