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Sunday, 30 July 2023

The Key

Only you hold the key,
A key that sets you free,
To the mystery of tomorrow,
Is for you to discover,
For happiness lies within,
That same key opens a door for every tomorrow,
Open that door,
Let life begin,

The Vision

You have to see beyond the vision,
This present view is all that is given,
The future is the path you choose,
So feed those dreams alive inside your head,

The Ink Wells

To write the lines from tears that bled,
Fed from the ink wells in one's head,
No one understands the journey that you shed,
That took you on your path ahead,
To a present time of poetry and rhyme,
Which feeds the souls that hides inside..........

Soul Words

The words awakened a soul,
Deep thought led to a key,
That key opened the door,
Courage took the first step,
Forward on a path revealed each day,

Being Human

You're only human after all,
As a heart beats faster than before,
To see a smile that graces a day,
It turns you head in so many ways,
With piercing eyes that see deep into you,
You're true self exposed,
In a full view,
For this is beauty .....for this is you.....

Hold Your Breath

You can breathe ten million times or more,
Hold your breath but time goes on,
Speak without moving your lips,
Hear the words does that make sense....

Ghost Riders

Ghost riders on a path,
Sleeping in the daylight hours,
For when the darkness comes,
Galloping free between the trees,
Stories of hauntings,
To scare you,
To make you feel uneasy.....

The Phoenix

Like a phoenix from the ashes of a fire,
Soaring high in to the sky,
To clear the ash from one's eyes,
Looking down from a high,
For a phoenix rising is a powerful thing,
From the lessons learned will start again,

The Poet Words for a Son and Daughter

I will always write,
As I am the writer,
However the words are for you,
For you are the words,
A son and daughter,
Emotions flow like ink from a pen,
Like blood flowing from a broken heart,
The love will never end......

Rainbow's Beam

A rainbow's beam,
Colourful ray one has seen,
Over a bay,
In the sky,
Just before night time begins....

The Sun Over The Rainbow

To see the sun over the rainbow with beaming rays warming through,
Two magpies flying high,
Walking that path for tomorrow,
The fortune teller knew,
For a silver coin placed upon a palm,
A reading especially for you.... 

The Trojan Gift

A wooden horse given as gift,
Stood where it was left,
To stand rigid in a woodland trial,
Through all the weathers it will prevail...

Thursday, 13 July 2023


To fly on the wings above the clouds in a Spanish sky of blue,
To dream of walking on the Golden mile in Marbella with the love you knew,
Basking in the sun until the evening hours when the sun descends,
Watching from a cafe seat the sea caressing the beach,

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

To Bathe in the Rays

To bathe in the rays,
Those warming beams,
Golden wealth,
From high above,
Starts when the day begins,

Feeling the Heat

Dancing to a beat,
Feeling the heat,
Moving to a rhythm with both feet,
Like poetry feeding a soul,
A define message made by cords and strings,
To find the words to be paired,
That chorus you want to sing,
An expression out loud,
That others want to hear,

Shoot for the Stars

Shoot for the stars,
Where ever you are,
Capture that dream,
Let your heart sing,
Express those emotions with the biggest grin,
For happiness lies within,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...