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Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Devon Poet Anthony Personal Message

Devon Poet, Artist, England

Heart of a broken Man, New Day, New Way 

AKN Anthony Newman

The blog has now been established from 2018 but I have been writing since 2015.

The goal was to help by expressing my emotions hoping that it would assist others going through challenging times.

I thank all those who have engaged in taking the time to look at the blog poems that have been posted and for the private messages that I have received.

The art shop on Etsy is now established and progressing well. A contribution from the sales goes to various charities. ANArtshopByAnthony. There you can find Cards and artwork for sale reasonable priced, 

Again a big thank you, it truly means a lot.




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Thank you for visiting the Heart of A Broken Man, New Dawn, New Day. I do hope that you have enjoyed the poetry and quotes. Please feel free to leave a comment.

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