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Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Devon Poet Anthony Personal Message

Devon Poet, Artist, England

Heart of a broken Man, New Day, New Way 

AKN Anthony Newman

The blog has now been established from 2018 but I have been writing since 2015.

The goal was to help by expressing my emotions hoping that it would assist others going through challenging times.

I thank all those who have engaged in taking the time to look at the blog poems that have been posted and for the private messages that I have received.

The art shop on Etsy is now established and progressing well. A contribution from the sales goes to various charities. ANArtshopByAnthony. There you can find Cards and artwork for sale reasonable priced, 

Again a big thank you, it truly means a lot.




A Mourning Dove

A morning dove,
Set free,
Flew away from love,
Heading into the glowing sun,
To feel the radiant glow,
Upon the wings,
As the dove begins to sing,
With a shadow upon the land,
Carried far from where she began...


Drifting With Time

Drifting with time,
As days pass by,
The full moon comes and goes,
Influencing the tide,
Days of highs,
Days of lows,
A story of life,
As we grow,

A Drifting Heart

The Message

The lips spoke the words, 
The message could not be heard,
Lost in the moment,
Upon the face of the dial,
But understood,
As time moved slowly,
By the movement of the hand,
From a present moment,
To the future,
As the blind mice ran......

Dance In The Sand

To dance in the sand,
As the sun began to shine,
With lapping waves caressing the beach,
Drifting in mind with a tidal flow,
Like a message in a bottle,
Not sure how far it will go,
For on a beach,
It's easy to dream......

A Tear In The Eye

Standing on the shoreline,
Thoughts drifting with the tide,
Foot prints in the sand,
A tear in the eye,
Looking at a division,
The sea and the sky,
Fixated by a rising sun,
Each day as time goes by....

Tears from an eye


Watching The Hands

Its seems funny,
Watching the hands,
Moving in a clockwise direction,
As time goes by a second at a time,
As a human we move with it,
Memories will lapse as the movement goes,
Watching time pass,
As we age in the process,
With every second priceless as we grow old,


Broken Heart

The heart was young,

When it learnt to love,

It broke when it learned the word of trust,

Opened Eyes

Eyes opened to see the beauty in front of you,
A world outside the front door for you to explore,
Pastures green,
With falls of blue into a stream,
Drifting clouds in skies of blue,
Golden rays beaming,
Warming you through,
Walking a path destined for you,

River Dart Totnes Devon England

That Magic Spell

That magic spell cast on you,
A charming attraction,
That drew,
Enchanting words whispered low,
Spell bound in thought a curse alluring you to,
That charming charm,
A talisman's alarm,
Be careful who you let cast a magic spell on you,

Staring at a Lunar Light

To stare through the branches under a lunar light,
Watching the drifting clouds travelling in the dark of the night,
A midsummer's dream,
With spirits and ghosts in an ancient woodland,
With shadows cast by swaying twigs,
The sound of singing pixies as the fairies dance,
Magical the scene under a moonlight glow,
Guarded by trees,
Sentry's as strong as oak,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...