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Thursday, 23 March 2023

Hello, Greetings from Afar

To reach out from so far away,
That message from afar,
A greeting to say hello,
From someone you don't even know,
That message which took a time,
To travel through space and time,
To find its way,
How to respond and what to say,
I guess hello will have do today,


Sunday, 19 March 2023

Stars at Night

To count the shining stars at night,
The stars that are shining bright,
To cast a wish upon that shooting star,
From where you stand,
From where you are,
Wishing for that dream to be real,

A Poet

Being a poet writing by verse,
Posting your poems to be read,
Capturing your emotions those feelings inside,
For those to see,
There is nothing to hide,
Maybe you will be famous,
You could be a Wordsworth,
Not in a crowd,
To wander,
In time we will see......... 

Driving With Destination Unknown

Driving with destination unknown,
Listening to your favourite songs,
On a road never travelled before,
Excitement within to explore,
All you need is a tank full of fuel,
That open road is waiting for you,


Open that door to somewhere new,
Go and explore what is in front of you,
Forward to go on a present path,
Learning the lessons of the past,
To appreciate the beauty in front of you,
Take it easy and enjoy the view,

Reminisce Over The Days of Youth

To sit and sip coffee from a mug,
Reminisce over the days of youth,
The thought of growing old,
The memories of the past age with every new dawn,
But never forget the day you were born,

Snow Trail

To leave the footprints in a blanket of snow,
That tell tale sign where ever you go,
A trail that melts as the temperature grows,
A snowman built like a cairn,
On a path you won't return,
That disappears over time,
But the memories last a lifetime.



Tuesday, 7 March 2023

A Poetic Voice

To sing the songs in a poetic's voice,
Written words of a Poet's choice,
To write the verse to be heard,
That chorus line to last,
To rekindle that memory hidden deep,
A memory of a lifetime,
That is sweet,


Sunday, 5 March 2023


North, East, South and West,
The wind blows,
Which direction to take,
To soar above the clouds so high,
To view the world from a high,
Taken on the wind,
Adventure a new,
Not knowing the destination,
Somewhere new,

Cloud of Dreams

To sleep within a cloud of dreams,
Thoughts drifting in between,
Floating by in the mind,
With no particular destination,
Sometimes high,
Sometimes low,
One will never know,
How the dreams unfold,

To See

To open your eyes,
At the dawn of the day,
To spy the sunrise in a different way,
A surprise in a way,
This new born day,
Adventure and lessons to be made,

Grace of The Day

By the grace of the day,
To dance in a way,
Under the golden rays of the sun,
To dart between the shadows of the wandering clouds,
In the present moment on the path you found,
With budding bulbs on natures scene,
The birds and the bees carried on their wings,
Heading towards,


You Will Know

It's real,
When you feel it,
You will know, 

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...