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Thursday, 21 December 2023

Five Golden Rings

Five golden rings,
The Carol Singers sing,
Voices carried through the air,
Bringing joy as they sang,
The Church Bells rang,
By the hands of the ringers,
From where they stand,

Six Geese A Laying

Six geese where laying,
Six golden eggs where laid,
All in different places,
Places around the world,
New life and beginning,
Stories to be made,
For the joy is creation,
How special these geese eggs are,

Monday, 18 December 2023

Seven Swans a Swimming

Seven Swans were swimming,
Carrying gifts to the shore,
Spirit in their strength,
Holy was their trumpet call,
With teaching in mind,
Of mercy and kind,
With a prophesy for Mankind,
Not to be ignored,
For global warming,
And destruction of war,
An ending will be the result,
As we have not learned from the lessons before,
So when you see a Swan,
A white Majestic sight,
Listen to this angel,
It may just save a life .....
Trumpet Swan

Sunday, 17 December 2023

8 Maids a Milking

Eight maids were milking,
Each with a tale to tell,
Some were married,
Some were single,
Some where going through hell,
For each maid experienced the lessons of life,
That they commonly shared well,
With dreams and hopes,
They milked the cows,
As the bells rang loud,

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Seasons Greetings

The season has come,
Tree's of light,
Houses light the streets at night,
With Carol singing heard about,
Excited children running around,
Mince pies with a dollop of cream,
Maybe a glass of mulled wine,
Advent calendars with open doors,
Leading to the night before,
With Christmas presents under the tree,
That special one for you from me,
For the perfect gift is that present day,
To spend it in your own special way, 



A Message for a Christmas Scrooge

No time to sleep within a world of dreams,
With winter tales of Xmas past,
With Christmas looming a present day,
New Years future who can say,
Gifted with words and verse,
A Christmas Carol,
To capture the hearts,
Even if you are called Scrooge,

Friday, 24 November 2023

To Wander

To wander with one's thoughts,
Memories of the mind,
Lost in time,
Distance far behind,
Memories made to last,
Until the end of time,
Dates and times,
To this present moment,
With this precious time,
On a chosen path,
To make memories,
That will last,
A life time..........

Memento Mori

Tuesday, 31 October 2023


To Listen to the heartbeats,
An individual sound,
Combined as one,
Thunder in the clouds,
Heralds the down pour,
Of heavy rain coming down,
Like teardrops flowing,
Staining the ground,
Never forget the lessons of regret,
Have we not learned......

Sunday, 29 October 2023


Some words will touch a heart,
Some words will touch a soul,
Some words will touch a conscience,
Some words will touch a generation as they grow old,
Words lead to action,
Be careful what you speak,
Careful what one seeks,
A testament of time,

Silence Speaks Louder Then Words

A Pause

A pause upon a line,
That comma of a kind,
This break to seek the words,
To express the sadness behind,
For every drop of blood,
A tear is shed,
That stain upon the earth,
Tattooed it will remain,
Of innocence is the loss,
Written will be the words,
Of regret in time,

Tears of the Clown

To Walk in a Circle

To walk in a circle for a millionth time,
Round and round a path defined,
A circular route one chose to walk,
In a roundabout way not lost for a day,
The start of an ending one would say,
Circle of Life


Thursday, 12 October 2023

The Hand

To hold a hand over a border line,
A love separated by a division,
The crime,
Tears run dry,
With emotions we try to comprehend the vision,
Of pain and destruction,
The beginning to an ending.......

Sunday, 1 October 2023

Rising With The Morning Sun

To rise with the morning sun,
With a beaming smile with a warming ray,
The day has begun,
Listening to the radio a favourite song,
With a chorus of birds singing along,
Watching the dancing shadows cross the grassland floor,
Cast from the trees that sway to the gentle breeze,


The Platform

In a waiting moment,
To stand on a platform,
Waiting for the time to arrive,
As an hour clock dictated by grains of sand drain,
To wait or travel on the train,
One must decide,
To stay in a place or go forward with the day's tat remain..

Steam Train Goodrington Devon UK

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Between The Lines

To read between the lines,
With an open mind,
Hidden words of a wish of a kind,
Maybe will come true on the path in front of you,
With each step forward a direction you will choose,
Climbing that mountain which is in front of you,
One day at a height you will stop,
To enjoy the view,

Haytor Dartmoor Devon 

Forward Motion

Forward motion gets you far,
Far from where you are,
On that path you chose to go,
The path that is in front of you,
On your way enjoy the view,
For a view will change every day,
Memories made and lessons learned,
That is part of life's big plan,

Berry Head Brixham Devon 

To Rise With The Break Of Dawn

To wake and rise with the break of dawn,
A new day born,
Yesterday gone,
Graced by the rays of the sun,
The morning has come,
Heading towards tomorrow,
The path has begun,

A New Path Starts With The First Step

Captured Visions

To capture the visions of one's dreams,
To write what the night eyes have seen,
Behind closed eyes where one will go,
Nobody understands the energy of the soul,
Put in chapter and verse for all to take time to digest,
Of paths and crossroads,
To live life like a King,

King Arthur Cornwall

To Dance With the Wind

To dance with the wind,
Listening to the singing leaves,
With the beating on the ground created 
by the rain beating down,
Swirling and twirling to the magical sound,
Dancing in the light of a burning fire,
With shadows cast across the forest floor until
the night is no more,

Dartmoor Mystical Woods

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Autumn Air

To stand in the August air,
Dimming sun as the evening comes,
Watching the day cast away,
As the darkness overcomes,
The golden rays of the sun,
Shadows disappear,
Night has come,
Trusting a lunar light to guide you home,

Night Owl

The Fog

The rolling fog,
It came my way,
My thoughts were all over the place,
Trying to find the words to say,
Best they are left for another day,
For when the fog disrupts the mind,
It's best to leave today until it becomes yesterday....

Torbay Devon UK

To Lose Your Way

I lost my way today,
On the path I strayed,
Fell and sat alone,
Over thinking I was on my own,
Mother Nature came along,
With her birds,
She sang a song,
The whispering trees guided me,
To a path I could not see,
Led me to a beautiful place,
From where I had been lost yesterday.....

Dartmoor Tree Canopy

Thursday, 10 August 2023


To search high and low,
To seek that piece to make that jigsaw complete,
That certain piece to make one whole,
Like it used to be,
That jigsaw piece made to be,
In the shape of the heart,

 A Heart

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

A Smile

A smile that graces a face each day,
Means so much in so many ways,
Not just to one but all around,

For the joy of seeing that beaming grin,
For knowing that emotion of the joy within,
Meaning so much, 
What happiness it brings,

With emotion a tear is shed,
The joy of happiness is read,
For a smile is like the rays of the sun,
Warming the soul with the beams that are shone,

Sunday, 30 July 2023

The Key

Only you hold the key,
A key that sets you free,
To the mystery of tomorrow,
Is for you to discover,
For happiness lies within,
That same key opens a door for every tomorrow,
Open that door,
Let life begin,

The Vision

You have to see beyond the vision,
This present view is all that is given,
The future is the path you choose,
So feed those dreams alive inside your head,

The Ink Wells

To write the lines from tears that bled,
Fed from the ink wells in one's head,
No one understands the journey that you shed,
That took you on your path ahead,
To a present time of poetry and rhyme,
Which feeds the souls that hides inside..........

Soul Words

The words awakened a soul,
Deep thought led to a key,
That key opened the door,
Courage took the first step,
Forward on a path revealed each day,

Being Human

You're only human after all,
As a heart beats faster than before,
To see a smile that graces a day,
It turns you head in so many ways,
With piercing eyes that see deep into you,
You're true self exposed,
In a full view,
For this is beauty .....for this is you.....

Hold Your Breath

You can breathe ten million times or more,
Hold your breath but time goes on,
Speak without moving your lips,
Hear the words does that make sense....

Ghost Riders

Ghost riders on a path,
Sleeping in the daylight hours,
For when the darkness comes,
Galloping free between the trees,
Stories of hauntings,
To scare you,
To make you feel uneasy.....

The Phoenix

Like a phoenix from the ashes of a fire,
Soaring high in to the sky,
To clear the ash from one's eyes,
Looking down from a high,
For a phoenix rising is a powerful thing,
From the lessons learned will start again,

The Poet Words for a Son and Daughter

I will always write,
As I am the writer,
However the words are for you,
For you are the words,
A son and daughter,
Emotions flow like ink from a pen,
Like blood flowing from a broken heart,
The love will never end......

Rainbow's Beam

A rainbow's beam,
Colourful ray one has seen,
Over a bay,
In the sky,
Just before night time begins....

The Sun Over The Rainbow

To see the sun over the rainbow with beaming rays warming through,
Two magpies flying high,
Walking that path for tomorrow,
The fortune teller knew,
For a silver coin placed upon a palm,
A reading especially for you.... 

The Trojan Gift

A wooden horse given as gift,
Stood where it was left,
To stand rigid in a woodland trial,
Through all the weathers it will prevail...

Thursday, 13 July 2023


To fly on the wings above the clouds in a Spanish sky of blue,
To dream of walking on the Golden mile in Marbella with the love you knew,
Basking in the sun until the evening hours when the sun descends,
Watching from a cafe seat the sea caressing the beach,

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

To Bathe in the Rays

To bathe in the rays,
Those warming beams,
Golden wealth,
From high above,
Starts when the day begins,

Feeling the Heat

Dancing to a beat,
Feeling the heat,
Moving to a rhythm with both feet,
Like poetry feeding a soul,
A define message made by cords and strings,
To find the words to be paired,
That chorus you want to sing,
An expression out loud,
That others want to hear,

Shoot for the Stars

Shoot for the stars,
Where ever you are,
Capture that dream,
Let your heart sing,
Express those emotions with the biggest grin,
For happiness lies within,

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Foot Steps

Foot step by foot step,
Forward one goes,
On a path,
No one knows,
An adventure of life,
Stories of growth,
Memories to be made,
As we go,
That time,
That place,
the face of yesterday.....

Drifting in Time

Drifting in time as the hour clock chimes,
As the night turns into day,
A warming glow comforts a soul,
As cotton clouds drift over a bay,
A summer tide caress a shore,
The foot steps are no more,
As yesterday's path is history,
Forward one must go.........

Thursday, 15 June 2023

The Sky

To count the clouds as they floated up high,
Upon a background of blue,
The sky,
Time it passed by,
To lay in a meadow of grass,
Pondering on the thoughts,
As they grew,
The sun rose in the East and descended in the West,
A pause on the path is sometimes the best,


Wrapped in the Winds

Wrapped in the winds of the sea,
A powerful force,
Guiding me,
Pushing forward,
To beautiful places I have never seen,
Wind in my sails,
Sailing the sea of life,
Mooring in the harbour's,
Five minutes of respite,
Evading the pirates who try to steal my heart,

Sailing Heart


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining,
That warming glow,
Sipping a coffee,
Listening to a beat,
The song of long ago,
The lyrics you know,
That mean everything,

To Feel The Rays

Opened one's eyes,
To feel the rays,
That beaming sun,
Rising on a new day,
Birds are singing,
A chorus of tweets,
Messages spreading from their beaks,
Carried far upon the breeze,
Like a drifting cloud,
Over the sea,

Thatcher Rock Torquay

At The Gate

To stand at the gate,
After a rainy day,
To take the first step,
On a new way,
Guided by the sun,
On a new day,
Feeling the warmth,
Of the golden rays,

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Devon Poet Anthony Personal Message

Devon Poet, Artist, England

Heart of a broken Man, New Day, New Way 

AKN Anthony Newman

The blog has now been established from 2018 but I have been writing since 2015.

The goal was to help by expressing my emotions hoping that it would assist others going through challenging times.

I thank all those who have engaged in taking the time to look at the blog poems that have been posted and for the private messages that I have received.

The art shop on Etsy is now established and progressing well. A contribution from the sales goes to various charities. ANArtshopByAnthony. There you can find Cards and artwork for sale reasonable priced, 

Again a big thank you, it truly means a lot.




A Mourning Dove

A morning dove,
Set free,
Flew away from love,
Heading into the glowing sun,
To feel the radiant glow,
Upon the wings,
As the dove begins to sing,
With a shadow upon the land,
Carried far from where she began...


Drifting With Time

Drifting with time,
As days pass by,
The full moon comes and goes,
Influencing the tide,
Days of highs,
Days of lows,
A story of life,
As we grow,

A Drifting Heart

The Message

The lips spoke the words, 
The message could not be heard,
Lost in the moment,
Upon the face of the dial,
But understood,
As time moved slowly,
By the movement of the hand,
From a present moment,
To the future,
As the blind mice ran......

Dance In The Sand

To dance in the sand,
As the sun began to shine,
With lapping waves caressing the beach,
Drifting in mind with a tidal flow,
Like a message in a bottle,
Not sure how far it will go,
For on a beach,
It's easy to dream......

A Tear In The Eye

Standing on the shoreline,
Thoughts drifting with the tide,
Foot prints in the sand,
A tear in the eye,
Looking at a division,
The sea and the sky,
Fixated by a rising sun,
Each day as time goes by....

Tears from an eye


Watching The Hands

Its seems funny,
Watching the hands,
Moving in a clockwise direction,
As time goes by a second at a time,
As a human we move with it,
Memories will lapse as the movement goes,
Watching time pass,
As we age in the process,
With every second priceless as we grow old,


Broken Heart

The heart was young,

When it learnt to love,

It broke when it learned the word of trust,

Opened Eyes

Eyes opened to see the beauty in front of you,
A world outside the front door for you to explore,
Pastures green,
With falls of blue into a stream,
Drifting clouds in skies of blue,
Golden rays beaming,
Warming you through,
Walking a path destined for you,

River Dart Totnes Devon England

That Magic Spell

That magic spell cast on you,
A charming attraction,
That drew,
Enchanting words whispered low,
Spell bound in thought a curse alluring you to,
That charming charm,
A talisman's alarm,
Be careful who you let cast a magic spell on you,

Staring at a Lunar Light

To stare through the branches under a lunar light,
Watching the drifting clouds travelling in the dark of the night,
A midsummer's dream,
With spirits and ghosts in an ancient woodland,
With shadows cast by swaying twigs,
The sound of singing pixies as the fairies dance,
Magical the scene under a moonlight glow,
Guarded by trees,
Sentry's as strong as oak,

Tuesday, 4 April 2023

The Journey

A journey starts with the first step,
The direction is up to you,
For over hill,
Over dale,
The route you will chose,
Over grass,
Barefoot in the sand,
Or plodding in the mud,
Is the trail you will leave behind......


Sunday, 2 April 2023

Beaming Smile

A beaming smile,
In front of you,
Starts the day as it should do...

The Sound of Silence

Silent in the silence,
Listen for the sound,
When you understand the words,
You turn the words around,
Listen and be silent,
You will see more than you hear,
When you understand,
Then the message,
It is clear.....

Dark Clouds

Darkened clouds,
Black and grey,
The wind is high,
A storm is brewing,
High above,
A bolt of lightening,
Racing through the sky,
Clap of thunder,
What a fright,
Time to take cover,
Out of sight..... 

Fire Dance

Dance like your feet are on fire,
Dance with a burning desire,
Let the rhythm feed your soul,
Let the beat guide your feet....

Wish Cast

It was a wish cast in a well,
Spun as a coin fell,
Forged upon a dream,
As a tarot card had foreseen,
That prediction from a past,
Crossed one's path of a Gypsy King.....

Rivers Flow

A rivers flow is never the same,
On course to its destination,
Sometimes it is fast,
Sometimes it is slow,
With pools in between,
Rivers never flow the same,


An assassin with a pen,
Poisonous ink,
Venomous letters,
On the page,
Acid message ingrained,
Black ink that stains ......

Crowds of Yellow

Crowds of yellow in the hedgerows,
Primroses beneath the trees,
That sway gently in the breeze,
Dancing branches,
Blossom in the air,
That wandering cloud,
Lonely in a sky of blue,
With a running stream,
Through a valley of green,
On a path in the day of Spring.....  


Listen to the wisdom long ago,
Thought you learned a lot,
But learned more as you grew old,
For lessons learnt everyday,
Showed you an individual path,
You chose to walk your way.......

The Line

The line, 
A divided sign,
That Horizon,
One sees in the distance,
A course set,
That personal goal,
May be reached,
Time set by night and day,
Does not matter,
If you believe in tomorrow.......


Pen Pal

To find a friend,
In a pen,
To write the words to be read,
When a voice cannot be heard,
A message as easy as ABC,
As letters create the words it needs,
To reach the eyes of those that read,
For a pen is mightier than a sword,
For peace is what must be achieved,

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Hello, Greetings from Afar

To reach out from so far away,
That message from afar,
A greeting to say hello,
From someone you don't even know,
That message which took a time,
To travel through space and time,
To find its way,
How to respond and what to say,
I guess hello will have do today,


Sunday, 19 March 2023

Stars at Night

To count the shining stars at night,
The stars that are shining bright,
To cast a wish upon that shooting star,
From where you stand,
From where you are,
Wishing for that dream to be real,

A Poet

Being a poet writing by verse,
Posting your poems to be read,
Capturing your emotions those feelings inside,
For those to see,
There is nothing to hide,
Maybe you will be famous,
You could be a Wordsworth,
Not in a crowd,
To wander,
In time we will see......... 

Driving With Destination Unknown

Driving with destination unknown,
Listening to your favourite songs,
On a road never travelled before,
Excitement within to explore,
All you need is a tank full of fuel,
That open road is waiting for you,


Open that door to somewhere new,
Go and explore what is in front of you,
Forward to go on a present path,
Learning the lessons of the past,
To appreciate the beauty in front of you,
Take it easy and enjoy the view,

Reminisce Over The Days of Youth

To sit and sip coffee from a mug,
Reminisce over the days of youth,
The thought of growing old,
The memories of the past age with every new dawn,
But never forget the day you were born,

Snow Trail

To leave the footprints in a blanket of snow,
That tell tale sign where ever you go,
A trail that melts as the temperature grows,
A snowman built like a cairn,
On a path you won't return,
That disappears over time,
But the memories last a lifetime.



Tuesday, 7 March 2023

A Poetic Voice

To sing the songs in a poetic's voice,
Written words of a Poet's choice,
To write the verse to be heard,
That chorus line to last,
To rekindle that memory hidden deep,
A memory of a lifetime,
That is sweet,


Sunday, 5 March 2023


North, East, South and West,
The wind blows,
Which direction to take,
To soar above the clouds so high,
To view the world from a high,
Taken on the wind,
Adventure a new,
Not knowing the destination,
Somewhere new,

Cloud of Dreams

To sleep within a cloud of dreams,
Thoughts drifting in between,
Floating by in the mind,
With no particular destination,
Sometimes high,
Sometimes low,
One will never know,
How the dreams unfold,

To See

To open your eyes,
At the dawn of the day,
To spy the sunrise in a different way,
A surprise in a way,
This new born day,
Adventure and lessons to be made,

Grace of The Day

By the grace of the day,
To dance in a way,
Under the golden rays of the sun,
To dart between the shadows of the wandering clouds,
In the present moment on the path you found,
With budding bulbs on natures scene,
The birds and the bees carried on their wings,
Heading towards,


You Will Know

It's real,
When you feel it,
You will know, 

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

The Rhythm of the Rain

The sound of rain the rhythm it makes,
Music to the ears of those awake,
Beating down like a child on a drum,
A tune to remember when you are on your own,
A rhythmic beat that stirs you to your feet,
That leads you to the window to take a peak,

Swooning Heart

As romance bloomed,
A heart did swoon,
Love in the air,
Under the Lunar glare,
Passion grew,
Between the two,
As they came to pair,
A lovers embrace,
That heated dance,
In a magical place,
Hidden out of view,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...