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Saturday, 26 November 2022

The Robin

You came to say hello,
Knowing that I was low,
You stayed with me on this rainy day,
To hear what I had to say,
To hear me say,
I loved you,
Oh how I miss you so,
That you already know,

Friday, 25 November 2022

November Rain

 November rain falls hard and fast,
A torrent of water passes as I walk on a path,
Dark and grey the sky above,
I guess the rain is going to last all day,
To the comfort of home I go,
To look at the rain threw the window pane,

A Secret Crush of Love

A burning heart on fire with desire,
That passionate flame burning within,
Radiant blush shown on the skin,
A secret crush of love,
The one who kindled the flame,


A murmuration,
That sight to see,
Birds dancing in the sky
Before they migrate away,
Flying high,
Fast then slow,
Diving low,
Oh the patterns they make,
Turning the sky from blue to grey,
A beautiful murmuration of the day.....

Whispering Words

Whispering words can be heard,
The voice unseen,
Travelling far upon the wind,
The message it brings,
In a code when it is heard,
Brings life from within,
For it stirs a heart,
To miss a beat,
Before it starts to sing,


 A illuminating light,
Explaining everything,
That warm glow,
A radiant beam emitted from within,
Eyes wide open,
Special knowledge known,
Of a soul in love,
With another human being...

The Mask

An actor hiding behind a mask,
Masquerading at a glance,
The disguise to hide one's identity,
To play the role within the Act,
Acting the part upon a stage,
An act enrolled,
Every day.....

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Melted Chocolate Hearts

Chocolate hearts shared by two,
Melted hearts as passion grew,
Moulded together by the heat,
A true love bond,
That's so sweet, 

The Question

To question every question,
No answer can be found,
How long is a piece of string,
Tied in knots,
To the question bound,

To Sail Upon a Pond

To sail upon a pond,
No wind to fill the sail,
Drifting alone,
One must prevail,
To have no compass bearing,
No destination end,
To drift with time,
As tomorrow begins to end.....


The Door

Open a door,
Enter a new,
A world you never knew,
That first step,
Over a threshold,
You must go,
For a future is waiting for you,

The Witching Hour

A witching hour is soon to come,
That cauldron simmering on a raging fire,
Frogs legs, lizards and nettles to,
All mixing in the witches brew,
A spell is ready to be cast,
Hallowe'en a curse of the past,
A night of ghosts, ghouls and scary things,
Trick or treat,
It's up-to you,

Mysteries of the Night

To look into the sky at night,
Starry night,
A delight,
To see afar between the stars,
With a lunar moon shining bright,
Wishes cast upon a shooting star,
A secret held to a heart so tight,
Mysteries of the night,

Rappers Delight

Poetry in motion,
The words did rhyme,
A song created to be sung in time,
That rapper retorted the spoken words,
Beat boxers created a chorus to be heard,
A message hidden in the lyrics of a song,
Discovered by those that sang along,,,,

To Greet A Day

A warming smile,
To greet a day,
That humble greeting as you walk your way,
On a path you follow,
Heading for another day,
That day called tomorrow,

I Spy

To open an eye,
To play,
I spy,
A letter dealt for the day,
A card came from the letter deck,
It landed the right way up,
A capital L,
Could it be love,
As the actor's started the play,

Thursday, 3 November 2022


Riddle me this,
Riddle me that,
Said the cat,
Sat on the hat,
The hat on the mat,

The cat was black,
The same as the hat,
Hidden on top of the black mat,

Pat was the cat,
The cat was fat,
He liked to eat,
Eat a rat,
Watched by a bat,
Who was watched by a nat,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...