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Thursday, 28 July 2022

Turning a Page

To turn a page on yesterday,
Reading a page a new,
To love or hate the characters you knew,
Depending upon how they treated you,
Life's little story is yours to choose,
So make it beautiful and be true to you.... 

Music on a Radio

To listen to the music on a radio,
A rhythm feeding the soul,
To express the emotions with your feet,
A heart beating in time with a beat,
Memories ignited with lyrics of rhyme,
The who, when where and time,
Singing to the music you have grown to know,

Rushing in Haste

To be at a pace,
Rushing in haste,
Fast from A to B,
To arrive at a destination,
Realising it was a waste of time,
Why be a Hare in a race,
To return from that journey at a tortoise's pace,
To know that a lesson has been learnt.....

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Song Bird

To tweet like a song bird on a morning new with the rising sun casting golden rays through a sky of blue,
Blessed is the time, 
This present day for you,
A wonderful gift,
So make those memories with family,
Friends and the ones that are in love with you,

A Crow

A crow left the murder,
To perch on a ridge in solitude,
He was joined by a single magpie who knew,
A crow's tear fell from his eye as he took flight to the sky,
The time had come to say goodbye to someone he knew, 



Bare and naked you stand,
Feet planted in the stand,
Naked as the day you were born,
No material or jewellery do you own,
To choose a path to venture on,
The first step and direction to plan,
The hardest part is that first step,
For that is where the first memories are made,

To Take A Breath

To take a breath on a morning new,
This present time,
A gift to you,
Yesterday's past,
A memory to last,
Forward you go,
On adventures new,


Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Chance, Choice, Change

If you had a chance,
To make a choice,
This would change your life,

Path change's,
A chance to choose,
The decision is yours,
It's up to you..........

To See With One's Eyes

To open one's eyelids,
To see with one's eyes,
The colours of life are better then black & white,
Colours are beautiful when joy is in one's life to brighten the darkest hours, 
When clouds are overhead and challenges must be met,

Writing Lyrics

If I wrote the lyrics and the music cord's for you,
Would it be a song,
A song you would sing along to,
Could it string a heart cord,
Maybe produce a tear,
Of that special person,
The one you hold so dear,

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Ears of Grain

She sat amongst the ears of grain,
Through the wind and through the rain,
The darkness came at the end of the day's,
The sun it rose in so many ways,
Life carried on all around,
In her world time stood still,
No movement of hands,
But shadows tell,
Protected by the lunar light,
During the dreams of a previous life,
Basking in the day's sun ray's,
Mother Natures spells of creative ways.....

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Where is The Mind

Where is the mind,
During space,
During time,
Lost in the universe,
With the stars and the signs,
Twinkling stars, 
Some shooting at times,
Wishes cast with hope to come true,
Only future days will show if they become real....

Sunday, 3 July 2022


Seconds fall like raindrops in a storm,
Time flows quick like a river on it's course,
Years flow by and courses change,
Memories last of younger days,
So view your glass as only half full,
Make the most of the time you know,
Fill that glass until it overspills, 

Mr Bumble

Busy, busy bee,

As humble as can be,

Buzzing between the flowers,

Working as you can see,

A Trembling Pen

Writing with a trembling pen,
Misspelled words caused by an irrational hand,
Heart felt emotions portrayed by ink,
Stained on paper by the tears that are made,
That last page testimonial to the one that meant,

The Book

To turn the page,
Within the book,
Trying to understand the words you read,
Not knowing what they mean,
Not judging a book by its cover,
In time you will discover,
The meaning of those words,
Within the book's cover

Be In Control

Only one person can control change,
That person is you,
It will not be easy,
Day by day,
Step by step,
Stay on that path,
Overtime you will notice something different about yourself,
Be proud of your personal development,

Be True

Be who you are!

Be true to yourself,

Be proud

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...