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Thursday, 23 June 2022

A Fading Light

The light fades away,
Dimming of the rays,
The end of a day,
Curtains drawn,
Thoughts no more,
Leaving at an exits door,

Traumatised and Still


Traumatised and still,
Arms outstretched like the branches of a tree,
Leaves rustling and lost with the effects of a turbulent wind,
Deep rooted this trunk through a hurricane,
To survive a storm and grow anew,
A fitting home for crows to choose,

Clouds in the Sky

To look at the clouds in the sky,
Shape and images you try to spy,
Faces appear to deceive a mind,
A form of trickery of being sun blind,
Birds of prey loom overhead,
Do they thick that one is dead,
Comfortably numb the day is done,
Just laying still,
Basking in the sun, 

An Open Stage

To walk upon an open stage,
On a dawn of a brand new day,
No lines are learnt or how to perform,
On this new day you are born,
To act a part in so many ways a character shown of who you are,
To be loved or hated, 
Time will tell,
This depends on how your story unfolds,

Sunday, 19 June 2022

A Spell is Cast

A murder of crows flying high,
Some crows perched on branches high,
Viewing a witches dance below,
Round and round they prance,
Chanting words thrown to the wind,
Carried far as the ritual begins,
A spell is cast,
Now the act will be told,

Saturday, 18 June 2022

A Fake Smile

A fake smile,
Crimson lips,
Biting one's tongue,
Keeping emotions in check,
Emotions buried in the depths,
Feelings hidden behind the eyes,
Storms identified when one cries,
Tear stained scars left on blushing cheeks,
A path that ends with a good bye,
That lesson learned,
Good try,

A One Way Sign

I saw a sign upon the way,
One way,
To show the way,
Forward in a direction no one knows,
Only memories to be made along the way,
Oh, of the stories to be told in our elderly days,
Of storms we sailed,
Of rainbows we have seen,
The days of sun where we played and had fun, 

Shining Stars

Stars shining above you,
Glittering in the darkness of night,
Lunar ray's your guiding light,
Steering you to the dawn of a day,
In sweet dreams your carried away,
In wishes and hopes that will make your day,

Leaves of the Canopy

To look a high at the sky,
To see the breeze kissing the leaves,
The leaves in the trees in the canopy,
With rays of light breaking through to light the path to guide you through,
The darkest path you ever knew,
Those whispering trees encouraging you,


 Letters combined to form the words,
Writing sentences to be read,
Supported by those that cast an eye,
To read the meaning in the lines,
Anniversary day it has come to be,
Thank you all,
For following me X

Day Dreaming a Day Away

To bask in the sun of a summer's day,
This day on a beach breathing in the sea air,
Listening to the sound of breaking waves on the seashore,
With singing gulls as they soar,
Summer day's in a golden bay,
Day dreaming a day away,

A Hot Summers Day

On a hot summers day,
In a field of gold off a country lane,
Ears listening to the rustling grass,
As a scarecrow stood in a central position mocked by the crows that torment his soul,
Clothes bursting with stuffed straw a home to a harvest mouse,
Who would of thought,

Birthday Stage

To walk upon an open stage,
On a dawn of a brand new day,
No lines are learnt or how to perform,
On this new day that you are born,
To act a part in so many ways a character shown of who you are,
To be loved or hated time will tell,
This depends on how your story unfolds,

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Sand Dunes of June

Lost in the sand dunes of June,
Whispering winds blasting grains of sand,
Words carried on a breeze leaving a sting when the message received,
Watching your ship sail away,
Grains of sand fall as time fades away,
However all the memories stay,

The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....