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Saturday 2 April 2022

Etsy Art Shop ANARTSHOP by Anthony

Change is always hard,
Acceptance is harder,
There is no time limit,

Standing up and starting on a new path,
Choosing a direction of personal growth,

I look back to where I started,
How far I have come,

Yesterday I achieved a personal goal,
It was on my bucket list to start an Art Shop,

Yes a bucket list,
If your curious please look at my earlier posts on my blog,
That explains my personal journey,

I invite you to take a peek at the Art Shop on Etsy ANARTSHOP by Anthony.
All art work are prints of my own original work.

Watercolour, pencils and ink wash,

Heart of a Broken Man, a new dawn a new day a new way is now on Tiktok in which some of the poetry is being read by Anthony,

Again I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read by posts on the Blog.
I really do appreciate your support.



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