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Monday, 28 February 2022

As Cold as Stone

As cold as stone,
Carved and chiselled,
Weathered by the storms,
No blood flows,
But the scars are there,
From the impact,
Of the words,
In a place of solitude,
This place will do,
To stand guard,
A sentry to a heart,
Protector to a soul,


Thursday, 24 February 2022

That Broken Family Tree

Branches torn from the tree,
Gone on the path of their destiny ,
The trunk remains on its own,
Years are shown by the rings that grow,

Through the seasons the tree does stand,
Strong after weathering the storm,
The bark is scarred where the branches broke,
A memory of what was lost,

In summer time the tree does bloom,
With leaves of green,
How they shine,
Attracting birds with its grace,
A loyal and trusted resting place,

In autumns fall,
Some leaves do shed,
Like falling tears,
The tree lay bare,

An image of that lonesome tree,
Magnificent in its beauty 
The Ancient English Oak it truly be,

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

The Shadow

A shadow clinging to a soul,
Whispering I will not let go,
Wherever you go I will follow,
You are not alone,

A companion during the day,
An invisible friend in the dead of the night,
Hidden and out of sight,
Never fear I will be there always by your side,

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

To Jump into the Fire

A glowing light,
Burning bright,
That beacon seen in the night,
An internal glow,

A warming flame drawing in,
Attracted by the light,
That passionate heat drawing the weak,
Burning those that get to close,

That attraction,
A burning desire,
To jump into the fire, 

Monday, 21 February 2022

Beautiful In Their Grace

Every flower blooms unique,
Individual petals like a finger print,
Different shades and hues,
Some to lure you,

Beautiful in their grace,
Growing in different places,
Some growing small,
Others growing tall,

A scent carried on a breeze,
To tempt the birds and the bees,
An aroma to fill the air,
To let them know you are there,

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Counting Seconds in the Past

 Time on the wrist,
 Controlled by hands,
 One going fast,
 Counting seconds in the past,

 That present second short to last,
 A new memory that is sure to last,
To stay with you,
Through the nights and the days,

A special second to last all the way,
A snap shot of a place,
That face,
That time when things were great,

Hands go forward as we know,
We age as we grow,
Forward at a second at a time,
From the day you are born,
To the day that you die,

Friday, 18 February 2022

The Glass

Oh that glass half empty,
That glass half full.
The way you view it,
Well that's up to you,

Everyone's life is unique,
Lessons learnt,
Can do funny things,

So learning from the lessons with a glass half full,
Gives you the opportunity to grow,
Learning from a glass split keeps you in the past,


Thursday, 17 February 2022

To Climb the Highest Heights

To climb to he highest heights,
Marvel in the sight,
To be at one with the sky,
Feeling the wind lift you high,

Wishing you were a bird so you could fly,
To race the clouds,
Over a mountain range,
To feel alive again,

An adventure starts with a first step,
Conquer that mountain,
Do not ever give up,
The greatest strength is your believe,

To look back at the path you chose,
Remembering the steps you took,
The places were you took that break,
Lessons learnt on the way,
Places stayed and people met,
That has led you to this place today,

The Highest Heights

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

To Feel The Kiss of a Radiant Beam

To tour a path,
Destination unknown,
To pause at a gate,
To take some time,

To view the landscape from a different place,
Brings a smile upon a face,
To feel the kiss of a radiant beam,
Warms the soul deep within,

To listen to the sounds around,
Only mother natures tune,
There are no crowds,
To disrupt you,

With trees swaying in a breeze,
Cotton wool clouds floating by,
With cows and sheep grazing free,
A buzzard soaring high above thee,

The beauty is the land you see,
On a path that sets you free,
To explore the paths that you choose,
Life's journey is all about you,

Monday, 14 February 2022

The Storm

Rain drops bouncing on the ground,
That strong wind blowing trees over again,
A storm with a name,
Grown in the Atlantic is on the way,
To cause havoc again,

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Dancing Under a Silver Moon

To dance by the sea under a silver moon,
Dancing to the tune as the sea touches the sand,
Hair blown by a gentle breeze,
Feet kissed by a gentle sea,

Connected to mother nature,
With feet in golden sand,
To dance until the dawn,
When the sun warms the land,

A young maiden,
Pure and sweet,
Dancing all night,
With golden stand at her feet,

With dreams and wishes,
Hoping they will come true,
Dancing under the silver moon,
Self love at present,
Will have to do,

Friday, 11 February 2022

Tears of a Clown

Tears of a Clown

A hat to hide a frown,
That smile to hide the pain,
Hiding a tear in the pouring rain,

Looking like a fool in the eyes of others,
Feeling low again,
Slight joy to make others laugh,
Walking slowly on a path,

Healing a heart torn in two,
Calming the memories of the past,
Knowing you cannot change a thing,
What once was,
Will never be again,

If the tears of a Clown,
Strike a cord with you,
Your not alone,
There are others like you,
On the path you must go,
Things will change before you know,


Wednesday, 9 February 2022

A Comet

Travelling fast way up high,
Soaring on a path in the dark mass,
Passing Planets and Stars at night,
On a universal path,
Leaving a trail behind a tail,
A Comet burning bright,
One of the creators wonderful sights,

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

To Stand Amongst the Trees

To stand amongst the trees,
Moving with them in the breeze,
Listening to the sounds,
From the trunks and the limbs,
Rejoicing as they sing,
Branches reaching out,
Underneath a canopy,
Blue sky way up high,
A picture that changes daily,
Dependent on nature's scene,


Monday, 7 February 2022

Lost in the Sound of a Radio

To sit in a car,
And drive to far,
Lost in the sound of a radio,
With memorial tunes of days of old,
Accompanying you on a road,
To burn the fuel with the miles you do,
To a tank that is nearly empty,
With a foot on a pedal,
With hands on a wheel,
And an open road to follow,
Your in control of tomorrow....

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Emotions Expressed by the Grace of a Hand

To write what you feel,
The words that are real,
The messages straight from the soul,
That heart that beats,
As ink touches the sheet,
Emotions expressed by the grace of a hand,
As the letters flow and sentences are born,
For a reader to read,
Would they understand,
That Life is a lesson,
On the paths of decisions,
As we head to destiny's great plan,

Saturday, 5 February 2022

To Hold a Pen Full of Ink

To hold a pen full of ink,
Writing the words that you think,
Freedom silent of speech,
Read by those that know what they mean,
Of love,
Or loss,
Expression of emotions from within,
Relating to most who understand,
Where those thoughts come from,
Written by that hand,

Friday, 4 February 2022

Dancing Romancing

Dance with me and I will dance with you,
Hand in hand a waltzing we will go,
Dancing to a rhythm,
Moving to the heat,
Lost in the emotion,
Feeling the heat,
I will take the lead,
You follow with your feet,
Moving together in a magical feat,
Dancing under a crystal ball

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Memories of the Golden Bay

Hand in hand,
On golden shores,
Warm rays through the day,
Imprints left from where you had been,
Two as one,
Love is seen,
Memories of the golden bay,
The ones you will take away,

Tuesday, 1 February 2022



 Inside out,
 Outside in,
 Caught in a  deja vu dream,
 Not sure where to begin,
 Travelling between dimensions,
 Outer body experiences,
 Floating between worlds,
 Is it a sci-fi thing?

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...