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Friday, 28 January 2022

The Whisper


A whisper came from the wishing well,
Cast a coin if you believe,
For hope and faith,
Brought you to this place,
Make your wish of those dreams,
In time they may come real.........

Thursday, 27 January 2022

The Day

If the day never ends,
Tomorrow would never begin,
Yesterday just memories of the past,
No new beginnings,
Stuck on life's path,
A labyrinth of deep thought,
An enigma to challenge a genius one,
To find a new door,
To open,
Dreaming of how to begin again
When a heart rules the mind,
A New Dawn, 
A New Day,
That new beginning in a unique way,
To embrace that warming glow,
That heralds the dawn,
Igniting a soul,
Stirring a desire to live life again,

New Dawn - New Day- New Way

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

The Story was Told

The chapters unfolded,
The Acts played out per day,
On a life's day,
As the pages were read,
The story was told,
As the pages are turned,
A character born from pen and ink,
Played a part,
An individual tale wrote especially for you,
Lessons learnt from beginning to end,
The book is closed,
A  LIFE story read,

Monday, 24 January 2022

Alphabet Soup Made for a Day

Alphabet Soup made for a day,
Fuelling the mouth with letters from what we consume,
To form words from vowels and consonants,
To what you say,
Talking in your mind to what you see,
From writing the thoughts down for others to read,
The power of communication.
Can be expressed in many ways,
So be vigilant in what one states,
It could be misconstrued,
To form a debate,

Aa Vv Gg Bb    Hh Cc  Uu    Zz
    Jj    Xx  Dd  Kk  Ee    Ff      Ii

Ll   Qq    Mm Rr  Nn   St    Yy  Oo  Pp 

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Footprints on the Golden Shores

To walk along the golden shores,
Leaving ones mark like those before,
Footprints left upon the sand,
From their beginning to their end, 
Every footprint tells a tale,
Even paw prints from those with wagging tales,
Only to be washed away,
By the tide everyday,
To leave the golden sands clean again,
To capture new footprints, 
On a New Day again,

Friday, 21 January 2022

Dusk to Dawn Just Fun Fun Fun

Friday I am in love with you,
Weekends come time for fun,
Not enough hours in the days,
To make more memories in many ways,
So pick a path to journey on,
From dawn to dusk,
Just fun, fun, fun,
To end a day on a high,
To make that smile beam away,
For every hour that is in a day,
Make them count in your own way,

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Read if you Dare

Read if you Dare my Dear,
The caution hidden in the small print,
A message of importance before it is to late,
A Red  herring to some who ignore the caution,
Disappointed when A Red letter comes,
Leaving someone glum,

Wednesday, 19 January 2022


Oh the lessons we learn,
Enrolled at the University of Life,
No bank holidays or vacations,
No breaks,
Everyday a School Day,

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

The Wolf Moon

The sound of the wolves howl,
Across the landscape of the land,
As a Wolf Moon lights the nights sky,
A chilling air as the night proceeds to a dawning day,
With mystical tales of goblins and ghouls,
The myth of shapeshifters is still real,
Beware the Werewolf who stalks the night under the full Luna light,
For it would be hunting during this time,

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Rock Pool

Wandering clouds,
Catches an eye,
Caught in a rock pool,
From the sky,
On cloud nine,
Dreaming the day away,
As the sea kisses the beach,
In a tender way,

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Her Sumo Prince

She sang her passion to her Sumo Prince,
A game of Pachinko,
She took her chance,
The gossip made the tabloid news,
Yelling to read the story aloud,
At the Onsen she bared herself,
To bath in the natural hot spring,
One of natures beautiful things,
With cherry blossom in full bloom,
How the fragrance filled the room,
Dreaming of love and wonderful things,
Wrestling with her Sumo Prince,

Friday, 14 January 2022

In a Zone of Silence

In a zone of silence,
Out in the cold,
There is nothing to say,
Listening to the downpour,
The noise that it brings,
One's way,
Wavelengths bring colours,
That sign that there will be better days,
To walk on a path,
The path that leads you away,


Thursday, 13 January 2022

Orchid in Bloom

Orchid in Bloom

Her fragrance filled the room,
She was there in full bloom,
A budding beauty,
Dressed in white,
Innocent and pure,
It was love at first sight,
Eternity it will last,
The memories of that day,


Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Fire Flies

Fire flies lit up the night,
A reflection in those eyes,
That warming glow in a soul,
A kindled flame aglow,
Dancing in sequence,
A twinkling conversation,
That lights up a heart,

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Silence is Golden

One drink's a coffee,
One drink's a tea,
One does the talking,
One listens intently,
No gesture or response will be shown,
Just taking it all in,
Muted still one is,
As the other one leaves,
Discipline is the master,
Power is the silence,
Silence is the message,
Golden is the value,
That is all one needs to hear,


Monday, 10 January 2022

Standing in the Lunar Light

Like an Actor upon a stage,
Illuminated under the rays,
Stood in the lunar light,
A star is born upon this night,
Gazing upon the sight,
Billions of stars in ones eye,
Twinkling shining bright,
Against the blackness of the sky,
Casting wishes at the shooting stars,
Practised the lines a thousand times before,
The words now come so easily,
Carried upon the wind,
Throughout eternity,

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Brain Fog

Brain fog,
Over thee,
Raining thoughts,
Answers seeked,
Thinking slowly,
Figuring it out,
Concentration poor,
Cannot select a door,
Waiting for opportunity to knock,
A sign,
Or maybe luck,
A choice to make,
Consequences await,
Good or bad,
Out come unknown,
Only time will dictate fate, 

Saturday, 8 January 2022


Sat-on-ur- day,
Letting time slip away,
People watching as the world goes by,
Counting the rain drops that fall from the sky,
Sipping a coffee,
As puddles form on a side walk,
Umbrellas held hide,

Friday, 7 January 2022

Cast that Wish

Racing through the sky at night,
Maybe you will eye me in your sight,
A shooting star leaving a trail,
Cast that wish for it may come true,
Those dreams may become real,

Thursday, 6 January 2022

University of Life

Was it me,
Was it you,
Who was it that made the rule,
Who said this,
Who said that,
Why are we being put under this stress,
This way,
That way,
Do this,
Do that,
The personal test,
A path of life with lessons learnt,
University of Life with a degree,
A journey of personal growth at its best..


Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Devon Gold above the Horizon

An amber glow in the East,
That breaking dawn in the sky,
A new day as the horizon crossed,
The line between night and day,
Devon Gold above the horizon to eye,
As the sun starts to rise,
A present day with a shadow by ones side,
Strolling on a golden beach kicking grains of sand a high,
Together on a path unknown,
Footprints left as memories past,
To be washed away as time elapsed,
As a day fades.....

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Dancing Away the Day into Tomorrow

To dance barefoot,
On the natural land,
Dancing under the stars,
The freedom that she found,
Illuminated by a lunar light,
A shadow sprang to life,
To dance as her partner,
Around the glowing fire,
Flowing hair in the light breeze,
Dancing freely she was at ease,
A young beauty and a dancing shadow,
Dancing away the day into tomorrow,

Monday, 3 January 2022

Deja Vu

Deja Vu,
A whispering voice carried on the wind,
That face unseen,
Haunting words reminding one's soul,
You had been here before, 
A time, a place,
That gut sensation you have done something before,
Recognition of a situation repeating over again,
Can it be different with the previous lessons learnt,
Return of the ghosts from a New Year that had been,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...