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Wednesday, 28 December 2022

A Ghost of A Butterfly

Butterfly Meadow

She rested under the willow tree,
The branches low and swinging free,
Catkins drooping overhead,
That is where she rested her weary head,
A ghost of butterfly,
In a meadow where she used to fly,
Watching now the butterflies in the sky,


Tuesday, 27 December 2022


To wonder,
What a future holds,
Nobody knows,
Of dreams and wishes,
What the heart longs for,
A change in life,
Of fortune,
Love and more,

In a present moment,
That is the gift,
To breath in the air,
The time to live,
To love the one's that mean the most,
To express the words to tell them so,

The past,
The present,
The future,
Divisions of life,

A second in a hand,
As time goes by,
Of smiles and laughter,
Rivers that flowed by tears that are shown,
All memories individual owned,

So to the stage,
One must go,
To play the part,
An actor's role,
Until the day we depart.........

Of Christmas Past

A new dawn has come and a Christmas is past,
Memories made to last,
Of kissing under the mistletoe,
Of carol singing, 
Christmas present wrapping,
Mulled wine and sleigh bells ringing,
Unwrapping of the presents hidden under the tree,
Presents from you,
Presents from me,
Of children's laughter,
The joy that it brings,
Now to start to planning for a Christmas next year....

Thursday, 22 December 2022

A Winters Day


To walk a path on a winter's day,
Thoughts in your mind,
You lost your way,
Needed a sign to get you back on track,
That is when he came along,
With a flash of red,
Upon a breast,
Just to let you know your not alone,
That little friend,
To guide you home,

Thursday, 15 December 2022

The Mistletoe

The Lovers 

Toe to toe,
Under the mistletoe,
That loving kiss,
Lip to lip,
Emotions shown,
To that one,
You know .....

The Cold

The bitter cold,
It bit the skin,
It made the soul,
Shiver within,
The heart beat slowed,
As a pulse it froze,
The sign that winter is coming in.. 

The Journey

Haytor, Dartmoor, Devon 

What makes a journey,
To hear someone say,
With everyone taking footsteps every single day,
To climb the mountains,
A challenge for some,
Looking at the view,
When the climbing is done,
Measured in time means nothing,
What matters most is how far one has come ..... 

United Stand

Berry Head, Brixham, Devon

To watch the clouds drift over the bay,
As November days fade away,
December comes a festive time,
But hearts are low over this land,
A human spirit will prevail,
United together all will stand,
For those that are week welcome the stronger hand.... 

A Glance

At a glance,
A casted eye,
Catches an image,
A spy,
Caught in a mirror,
That former self,
As one continues to walk on by..


The Poet

What makes a poet,
My heart questions how,
To write the words that come in ones head,
To get acknowledged when the poem is read,
Is it luck or a name,
That makes it great,
How do you promote to progress ahead......

Saturday, 26 November 2022

The Robin

You came to say hello,
Knowing that I was low,
You stayed with me on this rainy day,
To hear what I had to say,
To hear me say,
I loved you,
Oh how I miss you so,
That you already know,

Friday, 25 November 2022

November Rain

 November rain falls hard and fast,
A torrent of water passes as I walk on a path,
Dark and grey the sky above,
I guess the rain is going to last all day,
To the comfort of home I go,
To look at the rain threw the window pane,

A Secret Crush of Love

A burning heart on fire with desire,
That passionate flame burning within,
Radiant blush shown on the skin,
A secret crush of love,
The one who kindled the flame,


A murmuration,
That sight to see,
Birds dancing in the sky
Before they migrate away,
Flying high,
Fast then slow,
Diving low,
Oh the patterns they make,
Turning the sky from blue to grey,
A beautiful murmuration of the day.....

Whispering Words

Whispering words can be heard,
The voice unseen,
Travelling far upon the wind,
The message it brings,
In a code when it is heard,
Brings life from within,
For it stirs a heart,
To miss a beat,
Before it starts to sing,


 A illuminating light,
Explaining everything,
That warm glow,
A radiant beam emitted from within,
Eyes wide open,
Special knowledge known,
Of a soul in love,
With another human being...

The Mask

An actor hiding behind a mask,
Masquerading at a glance,
The disguise to hide one's identity,
To play the role within the Act,
Acting the part upon a stage,
An act enrolled,
Every day.....

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Melted Chocolate Hearts

Chocolate hearts shared by two,
Melted hearts as passion grew,
Moulded together by the heat,
A true love bond,
That's so sweet, 

The Question

To question every question,
No answer can be found,
How long is a piece of string,
Tied in knots,
To the question bound,

To Sail Upon a Pond

To sail upon a pond,
No wind to fill the sail,
Drifting alone,
One must prevail,
To have no compass bearing,
No destination end,
To drift with time,
As tomorrow begins to end.....


The Door

Open a door,
Enter a new,
A world you never knew,
That first step,
Over a threshold,
You must go,
For a future is waiting for you,

The Witching Hour

A witching hour is soon to come,
That cauldron simmering on a raging fire,
Frogs legs, lizards and nettles to,
All mixing in the witches brew,
A spell is ready to be cast,
Hallowe'en a curse of the past,
A night of ghosts, ghouls and scary things,
Trick or treat,
It's up-to you,

Mysteries of the Night

To look into the sky at night,
Starry night,
A delight,
To see afar between the stars,
With a lunar moon shining bright,
Wishes cast upon a shooting star,
A secret held to a heart so tight,
Mysteries of the night,

Rappers Delight

Poetry in motion,
The words did rhyme,
A song created to be sung in time,
That rapper retorted the spoken words,
Beat boxers created a chorus to be heard,
A message hidden in the lyrics of a song,
Discovered by those that sang along,,,,

To Greet A Day

A warming smile,
To greet a day,
That humble greeting as you walk your way,
On a path you follow,
Heading for another day,
That day called tomorrow,

I Spy

To open an eye,
To play,
I spy,
A letter dealt for the day,
A card came from the letter deck,
It landed the right way up,
A capital L,
Could it be love,
As the actor's started the play,

Thursday, 3 November 2022


Riddle me this,
Riddle me that,
Said the cat,
Sat on the hat,
The hat on the mat,

The cat was black,
The same as the hat,
Hidden on top of the black mat,

Pat was the cat,
The cat was fat,
He liked to eat,
Eat a rat,
Watched by a bat,
Who was watched by a nat,

Sunday, 23 October 2022

A Thousand Letters

A Romeo with a quill in hand,
Ink well full and thoughts in mind,
Alphabet of letters, all twenty-six,
Collating letter's to form the words,
Sentences formed,
Paragraphs third,
A letter written,
Messages hidden in the words as they are read,

Thursday, 13 October 2022


Tabloid news,
Hot off the press,
A story to digest,
True or fake,
On a front page,
There for you to view... 

A Morning Dew

Tear drops form a morning dew,
On the grass that one once knew,
Grass was greener from a view,
A bridge has gone from where one grew,
As time goes by the grass survived,
Looking greener now from the other side,
No way to cross,
That bridge is lost,
No way back for you, 

The Dark Spirit

It came from the darkest place,
A shadow in the night,
Unheard it advanced from out of sight,
Within a dream or wide awake,
Invisible to an eye,
It came with a fright,
To hear a whisper in the ear,
My name is FEAR ..... goodnight my dear,

A Mirrored Pond

Standing on a mirrored pond,
No movement,
No ripples formed,
Peacefulness all around,
Mirrored clouds float on by a reflection of the sky, 

You and Me

You are You,
I am me,
One might to drink coffee,
One might to drink tea,
One may like the sunrise,
One may like the sunset at the end of the day,
That is how it's meant to be,

The Weekend

The weekend has come,
Time to have some fun,
As the night gives way to a Saturday,
And today becomes yesterday,
So before tomorrow comes a day,
Plan your Saturday in a special way,

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

The Fall


To see the trees,
The Autumn leaves of different hues and shades,
Seasons come the leaves Fall down,
To lay upon the ground,
A sign that winter is coming,
As temperatures start to cool,
With birds migrating,
With murmuration in the air,
Nights drawing in,


Saturday, 1 October 2022

Misty Eyes

Misty eyes saw the horizon,
A line dividing the sky,
Drifting on water,
Directed by the wind,
Watching the clouds drift bye......

The Grapevine

The grapevine sang of a message spread,
For those who listened to the words that were said,
Singing aloud the grapevine song,
The rhythm and beat that stirred those feet,
To lead to one to walk a path alone with a message in one's head... 

A New Gift

A gift of a present day,
A surprise and memories made,
This day to be renamed,
To be called yesterday,
To sleep and wake to a new day,
A new gift,
To dream of tomorrow,
To what life will bring,
Remaining in the present moment with every breath you take....  

The Rose

To watch the petals,
Fall off a rose,
A dying flower by the hour,
That fragrance diminishes,
As time goes by,
But the memory of that rose will survive...... 

Words that are Wrote

Declined to speak the words that are wrote,
Ink staining a page as they are wrote,
Letters joined to form the words,
A letter you know that will be heard,
When a voice is to weak to speak,
That pen is mighty within that grip....... 

The Book

To open a book,
Look at a page,
A message of love in the words that you read,
To understand the words that are wrote,
Leaving a lump within your throat,
A tell tell sign a watery line,
Left by a teardrop as it fell......

Floating Somewhere

To drift without a care,
Lost but floating somewhere,
Carried by the flow,
Destination unknown,
Growing old,
Day dreaming with the clouds,
Racing high above,
Losing track of time,
As life flashes by with a blink of an eye..... 

Singing on a September Day

A blackbird singing at the break of day,
Announcing the dawn of a present day,
That warming glow as the sun starts to show,
Over a golden bay,
On this September day


Blinded by the light,
Only to see stars in the blackness of night,
Predictions told in constellations of old,
A tellers delight,
That  fortune told,
Luck and wealth,
Romance and love,
In the coming days,
A gypsy King sat beside a fire of the dancing flames....  

Tuesday, 20 September 2022


It is better to try and not give up,

Then not try at all,

Sometimes we try but don't try hard enough,

Try the thought of stepping stones,

Every step forward is progress,

Monday, 19 September 2022

Coffee Mug

I looked at the horizon over a coffee mug,
The aroma of the coffee it woke me up,
The sun rising in the East,
Over a divining line,
A warming glow to start a day,
In a present moment,
In a present way,

The Beacon

To see a star,
A guiding light,
That direction a beacon in the dark of night,
To lead you on a path to a morning glow,
Where a ray of light will warm a soul,
With a New Day dawning to a chorus of song,
Yesterday is over and tomorrow has begun,


Kind Of Magic

Its a kind of magic,
As ink graces a page,
By the wave of a hand a story is made,
From the first page until the end,
That book of Life,
With memories within,

Friday, 9 September 2022

Morning Dew

The scent of a morning dew,
A smell of a morning new,
Fresh air from a sky of blue,
The sun that rises on an Eastern Horizon,
Warming rays that start a day,
Over the sea of the Golden Bay,

Thursday, 8 September 2022

Water Marks

A pen ran dry,

No words to pen,

Thoughts in mind of a letter to send,

Words to express no ink to write,

A paper stained  by the tears as they fell,

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Burning Fire of Desire

Burning fire,
Raging desire,
Passion deep,
Feeling's over you,
Hit by a Cupid's arrow,
That heated kiss,
A building love that leads to tomorrow,


She sneaked through the walls and through the doors,
Travelling not to be heard,
Unaware she had passed,
Into another world,
No longer was she there....

Into The Shadows

Into the shadows to hide away,
Camouflaged during night and day,
Watching with open eyes,
As normal life just passes away,
Memorising what is seen,
As the sand of time drains away,
In the darkest place to be,
Tears that pass as rain,
Just get washed away,

A Travelling Love

I saw the lines way up in the sky,
Tale, tale signs your travelling today,
Destination I not know where,
Coming or going I don't care,
Memories made either way,
To travel with you to another day .....

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Jack In The Box

She opened the box,
Jack jumped out,
She screamed,
He sprung about,
A horror from childhood days,
That clown springing out,

Monday, 29 August 2022

Horror Dream

 Horror comes within the dream.
What does a vision mean,
To wake in a cold sweat,
Leaving a fright night without regret,
Demons, ghouls and scary things,
Keep repeating within the dream,

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Shadow Spirits

To dance with the shadows,
Cast from an open fire,
Dancing in rhythm with a burning desire,
Singing and chanting in a hypnotic state,
A dance of life the foot steps make,
As a body is ridged a soul escapes,
A spirit dancer has chosen their fate,

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

The Cover of a Book

The cover was turned the pages were read, 
Character revealed but the cover mislead,
Opinions of others were said to deceive,
Spread by one who planted the seed,
So read the book and don't be fooled,
For knowledge is hidden in the words that you read,

The Demon's Kiss

She kissed the demon within the dream,
The sharp white fangs pierced the skin,
Ecstasy filled her soul,
Passion did unfold,
Heightened frenzy did take place,
As the demon took her life from her veins,
Dripping fangs he left the scene,
To find another victim to feed again,

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Words Written In Water

Words written in water,
Fountain pen tears expressed,
Washed away in time,
The memories still exist,
The pen is mightier than a sword,
Although the words cannot be read,
But silence is golden,
Those words will never be said,

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

An Arrow Shot

Like a cherub with a bow,
An arrow shot,
It missed its mark,
The target of the heart,
Tears where shed,
From the eye of the beholder,
To learn to live apart,

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Mixed Pack of Christmas Cards

Mixed pack of Christmas Cards
2 number of each print,
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTShop by Anthony,

10 luxury quality colourful watercolour prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,


Sunday, 7 August 2022

Stag ( Hart) Christmas Cards

Stag (Hart) Christmas Cards
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTShop by Anthony,

10 luxury quality colourful prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,


Father Christmas Xmas Cards

Father Christmas, Xmas Cards
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTShop by Anthony,

10 luxury quality colourful prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,
For sale on Etsy,
AN ART shop by Anthony,


Robin Christmas Cards

Robin Christmas Cards,
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTshop by Anthony,

10 luxury quality colourful prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,


Exeter Cathedral Christmas Cards

Exeter Cathedral Christmas Cards,
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTShop by Anthony,

10 quality colourful prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,


Ballerina & Soldier Boy Christmas Cards

Ballerina & Soldier Boy,
For sale on Etsy,
ANARTShop by Anthony,

10 quality colourful prints,
with white envelopes,
The cards are produced from
my original watercolour paintings,


Thursday, 28 July 2022

Turning a Page

To turn a page on yesterday,
Reading a page a new,
To love or hate the characters you knew,
Depending upon how they treated you,
Life's little story is yours to choose,
So make it beautiful and be true to you.... 

Music on a Radio

To listen to the music on a radio,
A rhythm feeding the soul,
To express the emotions with your feet,
A heart beating in time with a beat,
Memories ignited with lyrics of rhyme,
The who, when where and time,
Singing to the music you have grown to know,

Rushing in Haste

To be at a pace,
Rushing in haste,
Fast from A to B,
To arrive at a destination,
Realising it was a waste of time,
Why be a Hare in a race,
To return from that journey at a tortoise's pace,
To know that a lesson has been learnt.....

Sunday, 24 July 2022

Song Bird

To tweet like a song bird on a morning new with the rising sun casting golden rays through a sky of blue,
Blessed is the time, 
This present day for you,
A wonderful gift,
So make those memories with family,
Friends and the ones that are in love with you,

A Crow

A crow left the murder,
To perch on a ridge in solitude,
He was joined by a single magpie who knew,
A crow's tear fell from his eye as he took flight to the sky,
The time had come to say goodbye to someone he knew, 



Bare and naked you stand,
Feet planted in the stand,
Naked as the day you were born,
No material or jewellery do you own,
To choose a path to venture on,
The first step and direction to plan,
The hardest part is that first step,
For that is where the first memories are made,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...