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Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Going with the Flow

Floating on the river,
Tears of yesterday,
Going with the flow,
Being swept away,
Staring at the clouds,
Which are fading today,
Looking at the rainbow,
A magical display,
Drifting towards a future,
A future that will unfold,
Heading forward to destiny,
A fortune that was foretold......

Monday, 29 November 2021

Bare Foot

Bare foot on the grass,
Folding the blades as we pass,
Bare foot on sand,
Imprints washed away,
Bare foot in the mud,
Vanishing traces of where we had been,
Bare foot on the stones,
A path of pain,
Bare foot and grounded with nature,
Memories to be made,

Friday, 26 November 2021

The Beat

The Beat


The sound of guns carried on the chilly air,

The beaters on the ground,

Barking dogs and beating sticks,

The Pheasants start to run,

Afraid to take to flight,

A target in the sky,

They might become.......

Thursday, 25 November 2021

The North Wind

The North Wind came,
Its winter again,
A chill in the air,
That bitter kiss,
Wind and Rain,
Hail and Snow,
Through the Winter Months who will know,
The weather can change as the forecast will show,

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Calculating from Afar

Eagles Eye 


To spy from way up high,
Watching from afar,
Looking to see what is moving about,
Observing with a keen eye,
Calculating prior taking flight,

Sunday, 21 November 2021


The echo's of the rain drops reoccurring in the dreams,
Oh the colour of the Rainbows after the storms,
The memory of the first dawn on that new day,
The steps on a new path that lead you away,
The music played on the paths you walked,
That music that helped you along the way.......


Saturday, 20 November 2021

A Transformation

A vacant mind,
Open minded,
A vacuum in time,
But time goes by,
A state of transition,
In a cocoon,
Protected from the storms,
Hidden within,
Transforming silently,
Out of sight,
To return to society,
A beautiful sight.....

Friday, 19 November 2021


A handful of straws,
The short straw pulled,

The toss of a coin, 
Tails called,
Heads it is,

Three of a kind,
A Royal Flush shown,
The pot has gone,

Sometimes that is the way it is,

Roulette with a one chip bet,
Testing an individuals strength of what is left,

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Dancing to a Singing String

Dancing to the singing strings,
Strings played upon a heart,
A girl dancing in the dark,
For  the visions and dreams played upon the screen,
Hidden behind the curtains of the windows to the mind,
As a cherub plays with the bow,
Striking the strings very slow,
With a melody only one other will hear,
That special one with that loving ear......

Monday, 15 November 2021

Hunting a Dream


Hunting a Dream within the sleep,
Hunting that Dream within the Dream,
Searching high and low,
No where else to go,
But deeper in the sleep,
For a Dream that is hidden within the Dream,
Cannot be seen,
Is this just the Dream,

Sunday, 14 November 2021

A Harbouring Heart

A harbouring heart,
Protected from the storms,
A heart that had sailed the seven seas,
Battered and bruised,
Repaired and mended,
Ready to sail again..............

Saturday, 13 November 2021

The Saturday

To sit for a while and watch the world go by,
Sat on a bench watching the tide rise,
People watched the day through,
As they walked on by,
Dogs running having fun,
Chasing a ball that had been thrown,
Children playing in the sand,
Those that were brave swam,
Lovers walked hand in hand,
Sat on a day called SATURDAY.............

Friday, 12 November 2021

The Rose Garden

A rose grew in the garden I knew,
Against the wall that was bare before,
Rambling away in different ways,
Over the years it grew,
Displaying the colours in a natural way,
Filling the air with a perfumed scent,
Memories from the chairs,
In that rose garden I shared,

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Dancing in the Rain

Dancing in the rain,
Playing a game,
Jumping in the puddles,
Getting wet again,
A grown man acting young,
At an age but still having fun,
The blue days and the dark nights,
Are yesteryears, 
Just having fun with the wellington's on,
Counting the rain drops as they drop,

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

A Polka Dot Dress and Disco Lights

Polka dot dress and disco lights,
A Dancing Queen on a Friday night,
Moving to a rhythm,
Feeling the beat,
Watched by others when on the floor,
Dancing without a care,
Like they were not there,
A crystal ball spinning around,
Trusting the DJ to pick the right sound,

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Dancing on the Path of Life

To dance in the lunar light,
On a cold and chilly night,
With stars twinkling way up high,
In the depths of the midnight sky,
Shooting stars and casted wishes,
Hoping dreams will come true,
Dancing to the dawning light,
Bathing in that warming glow,
For a new day born in the now,
Dancing on that path of life,
To that music with that beat,
Oh, that rhythm that stirs those feet, 

Monday, 8 November 2021

Castle and Bridges

Sausages and Beer,
In the land of poets and thinkers,
A Federal Eagle held a high,
With castles and bridges far and wide,
Alps that climb to the sky,

The Unwanted Message

Knock, Knock, Knock,

Ding, Ding, Ding the door bell sings,

Ring, Ring, Ring the mobile screams,

Letter in the post,

That email ping,

The unwanted message sent to the bin,

For when photos past stir memories shared,

Has regret sunk in,

For what once was will never be again,

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Young at Heart

Peter, Peter, Tinkerbell thought,
Shaking her fairy dust to cast that spell,
For manifestation could not work alone,
For Peter Pan had taken flight,
And was long gone,
To travel on his own,
For one who is young at heart,
Refuses to grow old,
On the travels that the path will lead,
Making memories every day,

Friday, 5 November 2021

Scent of a Bonfire

The scent of a bonfire fills the air,
A guy on the fire in despair,
Fire works exploding in the black of the night,
Colourful displays light up the sky,
Rockets reaching a height,
Bangers go off stirring a fright,
Children with sparklers in hand,
Making random patterns as best they can,

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Winter Sets In

The cold wind blows,
From the North that we know,
The temperature drops,
The nights draw in,
Seeking creature comforts in a place we live in,
With a glowing fire,
Heating the room,
Sitting in an arm chair with the TV on,
Watching the news of what's going on,
Looking at the weather forecast,
With the wind and rain that it brings,
Possible frost with icy mornings,
You never know there could be snow,
Creating a wonder winter land,
As winter sets in,

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Tick Tock

Tick Tock Tick Tock,
Listening to the sound of the Grandfather Clock,
As the pendulum swings oh how it sings,
Hands conducting on a dial,

The bell chimes on a quarter,
A chorus sang on an hour,
How grand it stands in a place of honour,
Keeping a house in order,

Monday, 1 November 2021

Dark Matters

Hidden in the night sky,
Hiding from the naked eye,
Out of sight from those that seek,
Camouflaged and out of view,
Hidden from you,
Watching from high above,
Everything that you do,
Dark matters,
A background to starlight,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...