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Sunday, 31 October 2021

Halloweens Whispering Leaves

The ghost of you comes around,
This time of year,
To hear the sounds of whispering leaves,
Heralding that your presence is near,
Comforting the scent carried on the breeze,
A natural fragrance that you are here,
In a woodland copse a mother natures spirit true,
With trees and plants,
Where animals dwell,

Witches gather to cast their spells,
Ghost and Ghouls will appear,
A trick or treat will catch an eye,
Until the dawn will break the line,

Then pumpkins rot with open eyes,
A sign of the night that has passed by,
When all is left is that memory made,
But is it real or has imagination taken place,


Saturday, 30 October 2021

The Witching Hour

Spirit Dancer

Spirit Dancer on an October night,
Dancing past the chimes of midnight,
Caught in the spell were time goes back,
Getting that extra hour is a Spirits delight,
To dance in the now,
With the Ghosts and the Ghouls,
As Witches cast that spell,
A spell over you,
For in the morning when you wake,
You would have gained an extra hour to,


Friday, 29 October 2021

A Bitter Kiss

A bitter kiss the wind does bring,
As the winter starts to creep in,
With whispers from The North,
A chilling bite it will bring,
With colder days now on there way,
Long gone are the summer days,
Hibernation is natures way........

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Love Murmuration

A whisper carried on the air,
That murmur carried on the wind,
A gathering of souls,
Prepared to go,
A murmur in a heart beat as the adrenaline starts to flow,
For South is the direction they will go,
A phenomenon in the skies,
As birds love to dance as they fly,


Tuesday, 26 October 2021


Yew be surprised,
Deceived are the eyes,
As you blink,
A foot step it would take,
To creep up on you to see what you would do,
Ancient as time has passed,
Old and wrinkly is the trunk,
With open arms to embrace those that rest in this place,

Monday, 25 October 2021

October Moon


October moon graces the sky in day light,
High above a tower at day break,
That morning stroll under a lunar glow,

A Startled Burst

A startled burst,
Take to flight,
A need to get to a higher height,
To escape that predator below,


Friday, 22 October 2021


Serengeti National Park

Mara, Mara was heard on the wind,
The herds of Elephants and Giraffes would sing,
As animals migrated the plains,
Wildebeest, Zebras and the Gazelles,
All of them on their way, 
To that annual location where they must be,

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Life as Destiny Unfolds

Tomorrow starts when yesterday ends,
The present is that thought between,
A vacuum of time in life where it is real,
For memories are just of history past,
Dreams are for future hopes,
Life is as destiny unfolds,

Monday, 18 October 2021

Stranger Things

Stranger things have happened to be,
Stranger times have made a Stranger become,
In a Strange time time is Strange,
A mirror image now that is Strange,
Strange to think how Strange things come over time,
When times are Strange,
Stranger becomes the mind.........

Travellers Tale

Ink drying on a realm of paper,
Words in defence of a realm,
Words unfold to describe a story to be told,
The history of old,
A kingdom so bold,
To explore the world,
By sea and wind,

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Mind Scrabble

Mind in thought,
Scrabble is the game,
Seeking to select the letters,
To try to explain,
Letters to spell the words,
To write the sentences to form the paragraphs,

To be heard,

The times that what is written with good intent,
Has been mis-read,
News mis-led with fake news,
To confuse the many,
Planting seeds to gain popularity,

Conspiracy theories,
There are many,
However what you read keep an open mind,
For control is what some seek to keep you in line,

Thursday, 14 October 2021


To switch the button ON,
Then OFF,
ON again,
Don't know what's wrong,
Emotions high,
In dilemma mode,
Check the power source,
Thinktank time,
Conspiracy theory,
Don't play the game.......  

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Flying High

Flying High

Flying high in the sky,
Birds eye view from above,
Looking down all around,
Watching what is scurrying around, 
Hedge line rows, 
Little woods,
If in open fields find cover quick,

Monday, 11 October 2021

Scent of the Woman

Scent of the Woman

The scent of the woman filled the air,
A perfumed fragrance dominated the room,
Graceful and elegant she glided over the floor,
A confident posture with a radiant glow,
This beautiful rose, 
Captured hearts,
She won the show, 

Saturday, 9 October 2021

The Sea Breeze

The sea breeze came with the smell of salt,
Clouds darkened as the sky changed,
The storm on its ways,
The sea changed,
with the crest of the wave,
With white horses running away,
With the wind getting stronger,
Stripping the leaves from the tree,
With branches and twigs left naked with ease,
Now summer has gone with winter on the way,
Days are now shorter,
The birds are migrating away..........................
sea Breeze 

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Catching that Wave

A board in hand,
Waiting for that swell,
To test those skills,
Practiced well,
To catch that wave and ride it true,
Not to wipe out and look like a fool,
To ride that crest to feel alive,
To find that pocket,
Cutback and realign,
To the ramp for that aerial view,
Duckdive back to the start to lineup again,

Monday, 4 October 2021

Escaping Thoughts

A thousand thoughts escape and flee,
Like fallen leaves from the trees,
Carried on the breeze away from thee,
Gone forever from their source,
Now one is free,

A Humming Song

Where to begin,
With a flap of the wings,
Humming starts,
Contentment seen,
A darting flash here,
A darting flash there,
The humming bird is in the air...

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Weeping from a Tree

Catkins weeping from a tree,
Next to a lake,
Where the wild ducks swim,
Surround by woods,
The trees grow tall,
With natural paths for those to explore,
To watch the natural beauty of the nature that is about,
In a place where mother nature takes care of its self.... 

To be Nuts

To be nuts jumping from tree to tree,
That bushy tail following thee,
Running around that trunk of a tree,
On the ground foraging around,
Scampering, leaping marking its ground,
Hiding stock for the winter months,
Living in a Drey it can be found,


Saturday, 2 October 2021


Who would read what you wrote,
Who could decipher a code,
Could you understand,
The hidden meaning created by man,
A message if understood,
Would make you understand,

Dawn of Time

Until the dawn of time,
The night will pass in the mind,
For the visions in the sleep will awaken dreams from the deep,
To transfer you to a different realm,
Another dimension in another world,
Things you see are hard to believe,
That deja vu,
Personnel to you,
Looking through the windows of the mind,
At an image in the mirror of a stranger to those eyes, 

A Careless Heart

A careless heart can fall in love quickly,
That tender look,
That gentle kiss,
A loving embrace,
Lost in the thoughts of dreams of tomorrow,
Thinking how to get through the day,
An image of that crush,
That makes a heart rush,
As Cupid's arrow flies,
It's on its way,

Friday, 1 October 2021


A world that is going potty,
With seeds planted growing out of ones head,
To sit at a Mad Hatters party,
Discussing life as it is,
With a pot of tea brewing,
Ready to put a mind at rest,
Topic of the day is the environment,
To do what is best,
Cutting the emissions so the plant may live,


Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...