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Thursday, 30 September 2021

Samurai I Am


Swimming around as Koi as can be, 
In pool of fish like me,
Busy doing what must be done,
Some days in the rain,
Some days in the sun,
Samurai in nature I am,
As I face my destiny.....
As a MAN

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Lost in a Galaxy

Lost in a galaxy hidden behind those eyes,
Accessed through the windows of the mind,
Travelling through the dark matter,
Watching the electrical storms, 
Created by thought,
A mind conscious of its dimension, 
Its need to absorb....


Tuesday, 28 September 2021


Balance between light and dark,
Natural harmony at a glance,
Hard and soft,
Ying and Yang,
Grains of sand that get washed away,
A new design everyday,
Time goes by,
Seasons change,
But ART is seen in different ways,

Monday, 27 September 2021

Time to go

Birds flying over thee,
Chasing leaves in the breeze,
Going South,
Somewhere else,
Fleeing North natures course,
Cold wind blows as they know,
Now its time they must go,
Navigating the Greenwich Line,
On a destiny know one knows,

Diluted Words

Think before one speaks,
For strength is what one seeks,
To dilute the intensity of those words,
But voice a view,
To get one heard,
A Politicians mind is hard to find,
If a personnel agenda is the line,
Spouting lies to a herd,
For one who puts others first,
Is the truest kind,


Sunday, 26 September 2021

A Fragrance of a Flower

A fragrance of a flower,
Can fill the air,
The scent can trigger that memory dear,
A time a place,
Oh that magical place,
The beauty captured in a still.....


Friday, 24 September 2021

A Drop in The Ocean

A drop in the Ocean,
An Ocean in the drop,
Your World is an Oyster just look,
Is that glass half full or is the glass half empty,
A mind full with personal thoughts,
Kept to oneself those feelings felt,
Silence is golden,
The power of the soul,
To harbour that energy,
To plant the seeds so they grow,
A tree of life branches in many ways,
Weathers the storms that comes from all directions,
Be true to yourself and personally grow,
To the greatest heights,
To bathe in the sunlight,

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Return to Sender

A cupids arrow missed its mark,
Leaving a wound that scars a heart,
The lover letter sent,
Words from with in,
Written on scented paper,
Every word meant,
Retuned by post,
Written upon,
Return to sender,
Address unknown.....
A beauty Queen with a broken heart,
Is searching for her King.................

Monday, 20 September 2021

Harvest Moon Gathering Love by a Lunar Light

The Harvest Moon rises in the sky tonight,
A lovers wish to walk in the lunar light,
To gather the emotional feelings,
The ones that feel right,
To kiss the lover of your dreams,
The one that stirs you from your sleep with butterflies during the night,
To hold them in your arms,
Whispering sweet words that brings delight,
Holding them close for many years,
To walk the paths as the future unfolds,
Walking together until you get old,
Holding hands along the way,

Monday, 13 September 2021

Come Take My Hand

Come take my hand,
Lets walk upon the sand,
Listening to the sound of the band,
As the sea caresses the beach,
Our feet just out of reach,
As the moon light bathes the Bay,
In its natural way,
The lunar light shines on a lovers night,
As two are one,
In cupids eyes,
A Gypsy Queen leads her Gypsy King,
To that paradise,
As cupids arrow takes flight,
To hit its mark on this romantic night...........

Friday, 10 September 2021


There will always be the expression that cannot be explained,
Amazingly some will decide to state the expression means this or that,
The person who truly knows is the person who wears it,
As they say,
Never judge a book by its cover,
There are many books that are an interesting read,

Thursday, 9 September 2021

For Who Does The Bell Toll

An ancient Bell,
Hangs in a Devon Church,
For who it tolls know one knows,
With ghost stories told of those who dwell,
With in the grounds of the Church,
Weddings and Christenings grace the Church,
Bringing joy to all,

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Peeking Duck

I saw a Peeking duck,
It was peeking at me,
Waddling in the water of a paddy field,
Assisting a farmer to grow a crop,


Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Goose Squadron over River Dart

Goose Squadron

 Wing Commander, Wing Commander this is Squadron Leader...OVER

Squadron Leader this is Wing Commander.... OVER

Visibility clear, flying at 15 meters above the River Dart, all clear below,
Request permission to take the squadron in to land...OVER 

Squadron Leader this is Wing Commander circle the squadron and bring 
them in to land .... OVER

Wing Commander ROGER and OVER and OUT

Monday, 6 September 2021

A Meadow Day

The Meadow

To fly in a meadow with open wings,
A butterflies dance on a summers day,
To fly upon the warmest breeze,
The flashing colours that grace the skies,

Dancing to the Break of Dawn

To dance with a lover to the break of dawn,
Dancing along a shoreline,
A splashing of feet,
Reminiscing of the earlier hours,
Of dancing in the sand with bare feet,
Skinny dipping in the sea,
Entwining together on the sandy beach,
In a lovers embrace,
Bathed in the lunar light,
With twinkling stars that are gazed upon,
Spotting a shooting star,
A wish is cast with a tender kiss,
Two soul mates together you are.....


Saturday, 4 September 2021

Like a Magician

Used the ingredients,
The ones on the list,
Mixed together,
As the recipe suggests,
Like a magician the spell was cast,
Set free to manifest,
To the Universe the recipe goes,
That hidden formula that only some do know,
For seeds of dreams,
Planted to grow,
To return to the one that sowed,

The Magician


Friday, 3 September 2021

The Watcher

The Watcher in the Sky

He watched with a keen eye,
The watcher he watched like a spy,
Observing what he saw,
Taking the visions in,
Dimensions crossed unseen,
The watcher a Devine being,
Hidden from the eye,
The watcher in the sky.....

Thursday, 2 September 2021

A Token Gift From Above

The feather shed from an Angel's wing,
Descend down on the wind,
A token gift from above,
The sign your not alone,
On this path that you own,
A treasured message the joy it brings,
This little token from an Angel,
Who took you under their wing,

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

A Chorus Burst To Life

I heard a grasshopper at my feet,
Stridulation in the field,
A chorus burst to life,
A song that filled the air,
I bent to take a peak,
The grasshopper took a leap,
A song into the evening chirped on,
On the stage,
An orchestra led by the hind legs,
To the ears within the field,
Lit by the lunar light with twinkling stars in the sky,

Stepping Stones

Jumping on the stepping stones,
Bounding over the stream,
Going against the flow,
Following a dream,
Leaping like a child,
Embracing life again,
Traversing the broken path,
Divine direction guided,
A chosen path on a personal journey,
Walking over the moors,
The journal ready with a pen in hand,
To capture new memories born from a new day,


The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....