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Saturday, 17 July 2021

Portfolio of Art

Portfolio of Art,

A New Day, A New Venture, A New Path,
Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained so they say,
Over the years art has been my meditation a focus point to assist me on my journey through those dark days.
I guess it was a surprise to my closest friends and family when shown my art work as I had not drawn or painted since I was a youngster. 
Through their counsel the artwork has been printed. Now to market the prints and sell them.

The artwork is presented in 16 x 12 white picture mounts sealed in clear polybags.

Now to find a suitable market place to sell them.

The journey continues....................


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Thank you for visiting the Heart of A Broken Man, New Dawn, New Day. I do hope that you have enjoyed the poetry and quotes. Please feel free to leave a comment.

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