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Wednesday, 30 June 2021

A Silent Voice

If a verse was written,
A poem in rhyme,
Could it grab a readers attention,
Would they spend the time,
To take note of the words,
Transcribed to the page,
Of emotions conjured from within deep,
From a person who found it heard to speak,
A silent voice,
With so much to say,
Of love, joy and heartbreak,
Of someone who lost their way,
A voice that is not heard above the crowd,
Of poems and verses that have passed which have not be observed,
Maybe one day,
A verse will touch a readers nerve,
That poem will relate to where the reader had once been,
A place, a face, that moment in time,
That tear stained scar left from memories left far behind,

Actions Speak Louder Then Words

A Fork in the Road

A fork in the road,
No direction foretold,
Which way to go,
Standing waiting for a sign,
A fool on a journey,
No map at hand,
An outcome unknown,
No time to waste a leap of faith,
Away one goes on a journey unknown,

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

The Garden Shed

Under the arch to the garden shed,
A place to go at the end of the day,
To relax an unwind,
As the day closes to the end,
To reflex on the things that matter to you,
Enjoying the ambiance as the sun goes down,
As the gardens scent is all around,

The Border Wall

A border wall standing tall,
Cascading foliage,
Falling low,
A colourful display,
At the end of the day..

Red and White

Poppies and Daisies,
Red and White,
Background of green,
A gardeners delight,


Sunday, 27 June 2021

Release the Ties That Bind

Release the ties that bind,
Free to fly away,
To take you forward to sanctuary,
Far far away,
Migrating to a different realm,
To start a new,
A new beginning,
In a different way,
To build a base in another place,
A firm foundation to build upon,
Stronger then the one of yesterday, 

Friday, 25 June 2021

Echo's of a Wishing Well

Ripples made from a coin that fell,
The sound from with in deep,
Resonates well,
Echoing a wish had been cast,
For an eternity it will last,
For a wish had been heard,

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Blue and Pink

Blue and pink displayed in week,
On a background of green,
In a gardeners world.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

A Beauty of Love Stands Tall

Behind the foxgloves,
In front of a wall,
A beauty of love stands tall,
Shy and hiding away,
To only appear on a sunny day,
An angelic white,
With an innocent look,
A snow white in mother natures world,
Where the creatures of garden play,
Running past her base,
Sometimes at night,
Sometimes in the day,

Sunday, 20 June 2021

A Gardeners Fork Retired for the Day

A gardeners fork retired at the end of the day,
After been busy digging away,
Loosening, turning and lifting away,
In the garden beds where it was employed for the day,
The handler know sat in his chair,
Enjoying now the evening air,
For garden shows a display of the hard work provided to make it look this way......


A Monument to the Gardeners Friend

A monument to the gardeners friend,
The one who is busy from dawn to dusk,
Buzzing between the flower beds in shifts,
Working hard all day long,
Who helps the garden along,
With his buzzing wings singing a song, 

English Garden on a Summers Day

Hidden in a village in a garden they grew,
The flowers and plants tended by the gardener they knew,
Watered and fed in the flower beds by the shed,
Bordering the lawn where the grass grew instead,
Variations of scent that perfumed the air,
A vibrance colours so pleasing to the eyes,
This English garden is a beautiful surprise,
With an ambiance to compliment to relax a soul,

Pine Cones

Fruits of the tree,
Autumn fall from the year before,
Laid on the ground under the branches from where they fell,
A conical shape with individual plates,
A safe for the seeds that reside with in,
Until mother nature release them to grow into pines again.... 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Alphabet Selection

 To select the letters to form the words,
     To form a sentence or a verse,
         Bonded to the page by pen and ink,
            Emotions captured from with in deep,
                To bravely write and cast it out,
                    Truly how you felt,
                        To stir a bond with those that read,
                            To understand where you have been,


Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Battle Scars are Nursed Away

Over time smooth the rocks have come,
Washed and cleansed by mother nature,
Battle scars are nursed away,
Repeated process day by day,
Personal growth through a flowing tide,
As waves and waves pass over and by,
To change the appearance of what once was,
With a healing touch and a lot of love,


Monday, 14 June 2021

Love Struck Romeo

An embrace cast in stone,
A romance to last a test of time,
For when two become one,
Lovers entwined,
A caressing touch,
That loving look,
For where there is a Juliet a Romeo will be close beside,

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Love in The Mist

Love in the mist,
A secret kiss,
The passion of desire,
Bewitched by a ragged Lady,
A fairy's spell,
The secret wish cast in a the well,
For a magical enchantment,
True love to grow,
Banishing the devil in the bush,
To pastures new,



A busy day bumbling away,
Buzzing here and there in a gardeners plot,
Colour of yellow and black displayed on a fuzzy back,
Bombing from flower to flower and back,
A gardeners friend to help things come along,


Friday, 11 June 2021

A Casted Spell Upon The Words

 A casted spell upon the words,
The written verse read out loud, 
Will be heard,
A verse of poetic strength,
Stirring emotions from within deep,
Of love and romance with a twin flame,
That soul mate sent from the Devine,
A whispering heart in tune with a beat,
Creating aflame with a burning heat,
When two become one within the fire,

A Secret of a Ley Line

To walk through a portal on a ley line,
Transportation to another time,
Attracted and drawn through a door,
A gateway opened by a magical source,
To an ancient land of days gone past,
Following an aligned path,
Guided by an unseen force, 
To see what cannot be believed,
To keep secret until the end of time,
The door to time travel on a ley line,

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Tunnel Light

Light at the end of the tunnel,
So close,
Yet so far away,
Within reach but not today,
Hope and faith to reach that goal,
Dreaming big to win the show,
Small steps in time,
To look back with pride at the climb,
Personal growth harnessed from determination and strength,
With will power to start over again,
Coming from the dark side of the soul,
On a fool journey you go,
In search of the sun,
And that soul mate from along time ago,

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Garden Party

A garden party on a sunny summers day,
English men drinking tea in the midday sun,
Going potty and having some fun,
Mad dogs running wild chasing butterflies as they fly,
No time to sleep when the sky is blue,
With drifting cotton wool clouds floating be,
Sunny rays make the day,
Casting the shadows were they lay..... 

Cross Eyed with Words

Reading the poems of summer love,
Cross eyed in what the words are saying,
Written by a poetic fool hit by an arrow from a cupids bow,
Wishing on a dream,
A dream to unfold,
Like a fairy tale told of old,
For when a Prince awakens Sleeping Beauty with  a kiss a story in history is made,
Like a Princess who kisses a frog and a man of her dreams appears,
True love to be found in Beauty and the Beast 
The greatest love story to be told 
for every rose has a thorn,
For love killed the beast as in King Kong......

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

A Boundary Wall

It is good to have healthy boundaries in a relationship,
Emotions can sometimes breach them,
That is ok,
You can manage the breach,
However the boundaries must stay,
It is ok to say NO,
Never accept pressure to remove those boundaries,
They are your safeguard of what you will not except,
Your life your choice ...........


Monday, 7 June 2021

A Mighty Oak

From an acorn grows a mighty Oak,
On the paths of life we will see these mighty trees,
Growing through the years the mighty roots go deep to support the mighty trees,
Surviving the cold blue days and thunderous storms to stand tall under a rainbows arch,
To spread its branches in the summer days,
Each oaken shield has a story to tell,
Even the oak tree that has fallen,


Saturday, 5 June 2021

Sanctuary Island

A rock a place of stability,
A place of sanctuary to be,
Protected by the sea,
Security in isolation if the need be,
An Island for reflection,
To pause to think,
Letting life continue flow without you,


Friday, 4 June 2021

Model Intuition

An image of you remains today,
Doing the cat walk in your own individual way,
Strutting your stuff as you dared,
A model woman in so many ways,
Impowered into action to get results,
Your beauty grows as you mature,
Deep in thought as you progress,
With an eye on the prize to full fill your desires,

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Morning Glory

The Sun in its morning glory,
Rising over the horizon,
Lighting the path on a daily basis,
New dawn, a new day, a new chapter has begun,
A dairy page for the day to capture the memories that will be made,
Following on from memories made,
On a previous page of yesterday,


Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...