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Friday, 28 May 2021

Stoned Faced

A face cast in stone,
The cumbersome feature,
A lost focus,
With a mind that ways heavy,
Over thinking thoughts drift away,
Like wandering clouds in the sky,
Lost in a labyrinth of space,
Time slips by,
Trusting the Universe to guide the way,
To exit the pool of emotion,
Fed by the pain,
From the eyes that rained,
With tear stained scars a memory of the past,
With words you wish to say to put that person in their place,
Like a rock in a hand contemplating fate if to cast it into the pool, 
What ripples would it make,
Easier to just drop the rock and silently walk away,
Letting karma take its place........

Stoned Faced 

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Fated Path

Led by the hand,
An Angel of Grace,
A Devine messenger,
From a far away place,
Taken on a fated path to destiny's magical place,
A place of beauty,
Enchanted and pure,
A fairy tale woodland,
In another world,
Mother Natures gift an Ancient Woodland hidden,
Ruled by a Fairy Queen,
To fall in love with a Princess,
A humble little Frog,

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

The Message of Return

It was a sight to see Turkish Delight,
For a poetic verse had been read,
From Russia with Love a message was sent,
By one who's true heart that was red,
A boomerang reply from Australia was cold as a verse was
returned to sender,
Sitting and dreaming of a China Girl,
I hear her heart sing,
For the Sake of Japan the Land of the Rising Sun,
Listening to the words of Butterfly with a tear in the eye,
To hear the beat of the African Drums a pleasure to the ears.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Magician's Magic

If a Magician can do magic,
To cast a spell,
To make that wish come true,
The one cast in a wishing well,
That spell to make that dream become real,
To conjure a magic fire,
For a phoenix to be born again,
To lick a flame,
That desire to love,
To conjure that love potion,
To attract a twin flame......


Monday, 24 May 2021

A Bouquet in Bloom

A bouquet in bloom,
A gesture of emotion,
Given when love was true,
Left to dry natural,
A reminder of long ago,


Sunday, 23 May 2021

An open eye.
Open minded,
To make up ones mind,
Seeing is believing,
But seeing can be deceiving,
Thoughts to bear in mind,
A trick of sight,
The lack of light,
An over active imagination,
To believe in what one is seeing,
With ones own eye. 


Umbrella Day

Umbrella day to shade one from the rain,
Walking in puddles on a blustery day,
Standing under an umbrella some protection, 
A guard in a way,
Singing in the rain under cover as you walk away,


Flower Moon

Hunting in a Flower Moon,
In May in the dead of the night,
Close to the Tor the Moon is bright,
Illuminating the sky at night,
Hawks eye view over the moor in the lunar light,


Saturday, 22 May 2021

Dream Flying

 Dream flying in the dead of the night,
 The moon a guiding light,
 The World is an Oyster, 
 So leave a realm to go explore,
 Collecting souvenirs is memories gift,
 A maple leaf from Rockies High. 
 From Russia with love to steal a kiss.
 Standing on a Table Top looking down over a bay,
 Feeling the warmth from a Rising Sun to help you on your way,
 Over the Pyrenees heading to the Eiffel Tower,
 To circle Big Ben just before the dawn........

Friday, 21 May 2021

A Heart in Their Hands

A Lover holds a heart in their hands,
Cares for it over time.
Feeds it with loving devotion,
Divine connection is born,
Soul mate union,
Twin flame attraction,
To last to the end of time.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Navigating River

River Avon Devon

The river navigating its course,
Waterfalls descending,
Flowing on earth as a natural source,
Flowing fast then flowing slow,
An eddy here and there,
Meandering this way then that,
Creating a riverine in the landscape,
A place to be to relax and unwind,
Meditating by the banks of a river,
Beside Mother Nature bathing in the pools,

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

A stranger To My Eyes


 Until the dawn of time,
 The night will pass in my mind,
 Visions in my sleep will awaken dreams from the deep,
 To transfer me to a different realm,
 Another dimension in another world,
 Things I see are hard to believe,
 Looking through the windows of mine,
 For an image in the mirror is a stranger to these eyes,

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Tranquillity of Mother Nature

Branches forming a canopy over me,
Protecting me from the downpour by an umbrella of leaves,
A musical sound as the rain is beating down drumming on the leaves,
A medicating sound,
With a wind section orchestrated by the movement of trees assisted by a gentle breeze,
Tranquillity of mother nature coming over me, 
A chorus of birds can be heard invisible to the eyes,
The woodland floor a carpet of blue as I walk on a track I never new....................................................


Monday, 17 May 2021

Swimming in Eyes of Blue

Swimming in eyes of blue,
A rarity it is true,
To fall in deep dreams with you,
Like a whirlpool to your mind I dive,
Pulling in a love from the Divine,
Enchanted and swimming blind,
Drifting through the lakes of your mind,
Sharing in the love of life,

Sunday, 16 May 2021

The Barriers after the Pain

The barriers after the pain,
Built to contain the rain,
An energy source released through a duct,
A release of a sort when it is not,
For emotions do need to flow,
For if held back it will surely blow,
When memories are triggered,
By a song,
A rainy day it is,
Tear stain scars will flow,
Feeding the rivers again.....


Woodland in May

Woodland in May

  Mother Nature's healing way on a cloudy rainy day,
  In an ancient wood where the bluebells grow,
  On Sunday in the month of May,
  A cuckoo singing along the path, with blackbirds as the chorus verse,
  The stroll through a grounded path,
  With a woodland scent filling the air,
  For there is nothing more healthier than to be outside in the fresh air,


Friday, 14 May 2021

A Memory Cast in Stone

A memory of the past,
Fossils encased in rock,
The vision of what use to be along time ago,
A history cast in stone,
For what use to be has gone,
Evolution came along,


Spirit Stones

Always be vigilant and look for signs with an open mind,
For spirit stones can guide you on a path of a kind,
A sign of encourage to accompany you when your on a path alone....


Thursday, 13 May 2021

The Day Draws to an End

As the sun falls across the land,
The day draws to an end,
Memories made along the path will remain,
For a day will soon be in the past,
Tomorrow heralds a new dawn,
A new day to begin,
For an adventure is to go and explore,
The unknown in the great outdoors.....

Sunset Dreams

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Squadron of Geese

The sound of cracking wings,
Carried upon the wind,
As a squadron of geese followed a river course,
Led by a Wing Commander,
A circle and begin to descend,
The Wild Geese Mission is set to begin.....


Branching Out and Reaching High

Branching out aiming high,
No limitation reaching the sky,
For a seed was planted long ago,
Over the years the seed did grow,
Strong roots were grown on firm ground,
To grow into a mighty tree,
Strong the trunk needed to be,
In order for branches to spread,
To form a canopy,


Oak and Shield

Stood under a mighty Oak,
An Oak and shield protecting me,
Viewing a meandering Dart,
Following to the sea,
Totnes Town spied afar,
Rolling fields of green,
With edges filled by trees...


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Ancient Home

Standing in a circle of an ancient home,
Led to this place by a row of stones,
In the mist and the rain,
On a windy day,
High on a ball in a magical place,
Dartmoor has beauty on any day,
Just make sure you don't lose your way,
So stay on track for that will get you safely back...


Sunday, 9 May 2021

A Dartmoor Way

To fall in love,
In love with life again,
To heal on a path of a Dartmoor way,
To walk upon the moorland grass,
Between the granite rocks and the gorse,
To come across a stone row,
An ancient settlement of long ago,
To stand where ancestors have been,
Go explore the great outdoors,
In the sun and the rain,

Friday, 7 May 2021

Who is Laughing the Most

One was running, one stood still,
One's glass half empty, one half full,
The day one fell, one kept running,
On another path,
A path a new,
In the dark one lay,
Fighting to survive,
To change and adapt with personnel growth,
One stood up to laugh the most....

A New Day a New Way

Dark clouds gather above,
As the sky starts to cry,
Pain in the rain,
The memory is a stain,
The one that remains,
To this day,
Tear stained scars,
Left with a broken heart,
A man has to start a new day,
A new way,
On a path,

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Read 'Em and Weep

Read 'Em and Weep,
Stood with an onion in hand,
Playing with the cards that have been dealt,
Cut and diced and shuffled out,
An honest gesture stretching over time,
With tears in the eyes,
From the pain of the cut,
The effects of this onion has been felt much,
With tear stained scars marking the cheeks.....

The Dartmoor Way in the Month of May


Walking over baron land,
Going to Tors where they stand,
Of marsh and peaty sand,
Beware the bogs for they are deep,
Granite boulders lay about,
Where heather grows and  cotton wool clouds are low,
When the wind is strong it will drive the rain,
From this source the river flows,
Down through the valley below,
To meet the sea with golden sands,
A land of myths and legends,
Tales to chill those bones,
Of Devil's footprints across this land,
A place to explore with a compass in hand.....


00000 1

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

A confetti Trail

A vision of a confetti trial,
Two lovers walked to ringing bells,
For cupid had shot an arrow deep,
A couple in love at first sight,
Two have now become one,
A journey to new heights,
For two have become man and wife, 

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Bluebell Woods of Spiritual Divine

Listening to the bluebells ring,
In this enchanted wood,
A carpet of blue with a canopy of green,
This beautiful land of a fairy queen,
Protected by the ancient trees,
The mystical presence of the spiritual divine,
In this sacred and secret land, 
Where pixies are known to stroll but keeping out of sight.


Nature Walks of Life

A path takes us to new locations,
From the past position,
To a present time,
A memory captured in a lens,
The window of the mind,
Around the corner the future untold,
Until we get there we will not know,
So enjoy the journey on the path,
Capturing memories that will last,


Sheeps Tor

A woolie fleece on a windy day,
Protects its owner on a winters day,
High on the moor where the weather is rough,
Where the ground is made of granite rock,

The Rocky Path

Some paths we take can be rocky,
We can trip and stumble,
Nobody said it would be easy,
From the lessons learnt,
Your doing great,
Keep moving forward,
For as you cover the ground,
You are getting stronger.......


Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...