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Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Death of a Day

What is the difference in a day was heard,
The whisper uttered death,
For when a day has ended a new day will dawn,
The mourning sun will reminisce the day gone by,
With memories going to a cloud in the sky,
For the gift is today to live life to the full,
Until it becomes yesterday as the circle of life goes,
Tomorrow is full of hopes and dreams,
Herald by day break as the birds sing,

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

A Lonely Cloud of Spring

The flowers of spring the joy they bring,
Looking up at a lonely cloud,
That floats way up high in the sky,
Over vale and the hills the crowd had gathered to wave it goodbye,
With golden smiles the daffodils danced to a breezy tune,
As the cloud was on a journey directed by the wind,


Rainbow of your Dreams

A rainbow bringing hope a symbol pleasing to an eye,
Sunrays dancing between droplets high in the sky,
Colour formations forming an arc,
Dreaming of the end,
Gold may be waiting for you,


Sunday, 28 March 2021

Love Song to Last for Years

A Romeo serenade to a love so true,
The love song of words he will sing to you,
To dance with you in his arms so that you are near,
The whisper of a lovers voice the words you near to hear,
A song that will last for years,
To melt a heart with words of choice,
A dance in harmony,
The lovers waltz,


Saturday, 27 March 2021

The #Ornate Wheel

Wheel of Fortune

  Way up high,
  Way down low,
  That is how the journey goes,
  Round and round momentum turns,
  On an Ornate wheel,
  A revolution in motion,
  On an axle of life,
  Enjoying the highs,
  Enduring the lows,
  That is how a story goes..........

Thursday, 25 March 2021

#Eagles Eye

An Eagles Eye observation keen,
Keeping focus simultaneously all about,
A birds eye view from a high,
Mindful of where you are at,



The roar within the pride,
A king with a mane as a crown,


#Instinct of a Bee

It's bee-n a busy day,
Instinct is to buzz away,
To buzz here and there,
Working all day buzzing away,
Returning to hive at the end of the day,


Wednesday, 24 March 2021

#Bright are the Lights

Lights of the Promenade

Bright are the lights that light the night,
When the moon is out of sight,
Be careful you don't stray,
For surely you will lose your way,
With whispers carried on the wind,
To stir emotions from within,
With rustling leaves from the trees,
Enough to give you wobbly knees,
Ghost stories told of spirits past walking on the promenade.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Head and Shoulders to Head Over Heels

There are always going to be the ones that are head and shoulders above the rest,

There are those that will go over the heads of others to get what they want,

Then there is the one in a group who has a good head, who is intelligent with a good sense of judgement,

An old head on young shoulders is rare,

The clumsy ones go head over heels and end up heels over head, these are the strong ones that get up dust off laugh at themselves and start again with a new beginning.

Friday, 19 March 2021

Tulips from Amsterdam

In a windmill land, 
Windmills keep on turning,
The land is flat where tulips grow,
If tulips from Amsterdam are given to you,
Deep love is what they feel,
For spring is in the air,
It is time for love,
As the windmills keep on turning,

A Personnel Wake

Tear stained scars remain a reminder of the time, 
The rivers ran dead from the emotions of where they were fed,
A history of what once was in a time called yesterday,
A personnel wake held at the death of a romance,
Only memories are left,

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Rejection not for the faint-hearted

If the idea was dismissed,
A refusal of the proposal that had been submitted,
The thought of rejection was not for the faint-hearted,
A calculation of risk to assess before proceeding,
Is the safest way to go,

Wednesday, 17 March 2021


Hunters Moon

It was the most ethereal flight of a night the owl had ever witnessed,
To fly above the earth as a spirit in the glowing light,
To feel as light as air,
Flying on the whispers of the wind,
A hunter after the game,


Unlikely Outcome of Fortune

It was unlikely that a hero would show,
No cape crusader to safe the day,
The odds predicted the outcome,
The consequence of the action,
Who would take the risk,
For fortune favours the brave,

Tuesday, 16 March 2021


To rap a tune,
Sing a rhyme,
Make a dime,
Investment time,
Bulldog spirit,
Dollar sign,

Monday, 15 March 2021

Comity to Circumstance to the World

It was due to circumstance that comity was demonstrated to others,
The World knew that it was for mutual benefit,
For if one person could lead the way he would be crowned the Leader,
If a Leader could create a formula,
A mathematical equation, 
To start with one (1) would be a plus for it was better than nothing (0),
Success would be shown by growth,
If the numbers multiplied the Leader had succeeded,
For the others had demonstrated that they were listening,
That is the power of the voice and the freedom of speech,

Sunday, 14 March 2021


What you see is what you get,
To be who you are without regret,
Some will find you likable,
Some will have contempt,
There will be those that come and go,
and the ones that are meant to be, will stay,

Thursday, 11 March 2021

A Smile a Day Mimic

Primate my mate,
Monkey see monkey do,
No rules,
To learn by watching without understanding,
Imitate what you have learnt without consequence,
Remember a smile is infectious,
A smile a day goes along way,
Smile away,


Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Power of The People

When a voice has spoken and the people have listened,
Opinions will be formed,
Individual opinions of a subject or subjects,
There will always be a difference in interpretation of such events,
Who is right who is wrong,
What is truth,
What has been exaggerated,
As with all news the people are the listeners,
Just be careful of forming your opinion on what you hear,
Be open minded to the possibilities that the facts may be distorted,
Always two sides to a story,
When it comes to a Family, any Family,
Certain things should be resolved behind closed doors,
Not aired,
Most importantly there must not be a witch-hunt,


Sunday, 7 March 2021

Freedom is Expression

The greatest freedom is expression,
To have liberty to express your view,
To express how you feel,
Love, pain, heartbreak, loss, regret and hate,
Oh those emotions are unique,
Everyone has views,
Respect them, 
Judgements and opinions will come as with human nature,
Everyone sees it differently,
Always have an open mind with what you hear and see,
Look deeper at what you hear and what you read,

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

#Manifest a Love Song

Sing a tune with a lute in hand,
Manifest the princess from that dream,
Words of a love song from the Devine,
An angelic song worthy of Romeo to use to serenade,
From the shadows of the night below the window,
A cherub with an arrow and bow,
To send a loving message to the heart he wants to know,

Monday, 1 March 2021

March On

Where did February go,
March in like a lion,
Heading towards spring,
A month named after a Roman God,
Time for new beginnings,
Aquamarine colours of blue,
With rabbits and Easter eggs,
Maybe a bonnet for your head,
Daylight saving time begins,
A Guinness or two,
Oh beware the ides,
Then out like lamb and on to April fool's, 

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...