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Wednesday 6 January 2021

A FOOL'S Journey

It takes time for a heart to #heal,
But does not #heal completely,
Lessons in love can take its toll,
From little scratches to puncture wounds,
The heart that has been torn in two,
To #vex a heart endlessly,
For love to have vexed a mortal soul for an eternity,
The pain vexes the hurt on a level unexplainable,
Heart broken from this day then tomorrow,
Photos of  past loves pile the piles into a piles,
Searching for a true love on a FOOL'S journey one must go,
The soulmate to seek, 
Aware of cupids #vendetta to send his arrow deep,
To bring loves #misery,
#Perseverance in dreaming of a fairytale to come true,
That the next greatest love,
That could be you, 



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