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Sunday, 31 January 2021

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, the #word to #rule

Gimme. Gimme, Gimme the #word,
To #rule the word to be heard,
The word is love,
Oh can it be heard above,
The rule of love,
To trust the feelings of the word,
For one to become two,

Saturday, 30 January 2021

Gossamer Butterflies

Forget-me-not the true love said,
Faithful love is there to give,
As #butterflies come and go,
Remembering the delicate blue of a mouse's ear,
A fairy darts opening her wings #gossamer like silk a spectacular sight if ever seen,

Wrong Love

 #Wrong, wrong, wrong the mind was screaming at the heart,
The heart was in despair for it thought it was true love,
Blinded by the facts the heartache it was put through,
A soul in turmoil trying to calm the storm,
Who was ruling who, the heart or the mind, 
The mind #slammed the thought of true love as the heart had been hurt before,
#Slam the thought before the heart could hurt anymore,
The body still lay on the #floor a #caricature of a vision seen before,
With that #butterfly sensation like never before,

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Broken Hearted

A heart that is broken feels the pain,
The deepest cuts that remain,
A reminder of a love so true,
For that is what it meant to you,

A Fool's Journey

Dream Big,

A Fool's journey it is, day dream within the dreams,

Write Briefly with the ink capturing the visions that were seen,

Mindful that the thoughts do not wilt, crawl through the mind seeking whispers of a kind,

The secret messages from the Devine, vibrant tunes in poems sung, to stir a hearts rhythm only another love can understand,

Searching the Country with love in mind,

Seeking a twin flame to become entwined,

Monday, 25 January 2021

Winterbourne Tears

#Winterbourne on tears of pain,
Stream stained scars that remain,
Dry reminder of the flood that day,
Transient nature of a broken love,
That has gone away,


Lost Idols

#Idols lost within a crowd,
A spirit you can hear within a voice,
Spoken tone,
A message clear,
All you have to do is listen,


A searching HART

Heart guitar in the hands,
Emotions on the #edge,
Picking the strings to sing divine,
A love song to touch a soul,
Twin flame you are trying to reach,
For true love is what you seek,
A fire in side,
Fueled by the marrow inside the #bone,
A reincarnated soul,
Searching for the lost love,
A life time before,
For you were the sun,
You were the moon,
A love that was written in the stars,
As foretold by the TAROT cards,
Destiny is but what Destiny brings,
All you need is love.......................

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Generous Thoughts

Blood is flowing,
Memories on the mind,
#Generous thoughts running through the arteries and the veins,
Capillaries experiencing goosebumps at the end of the line,
Reactions of the heart,
Oh how the rhythm sings,
Chorus lines,
Been here before,
Love must go on,
Secret messages from the chest,
Adrenaline kicking in,
Missed a quarter beat,
Knocked off of your feet,
Hard to recover from a broken heart,
When all it does is rain..................... 

Saturday, 23 January 2021

A Diary Page

A new day,
The new page,
In the diary to date,
Capturing thoughts and visions of the memories,
Before they all escape,
Transferring them to script,
To last the length of time,
Words of emotion,
How to define,
These thoughts that are on the mind,
For life is such a precious gift for all to experience,
Days of mortal bliss tainted by the unkind,
For those days of love there will be days of grief,
A heartbreak of a kind,
A mortal feeling a human will feel in their lifetime,

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Roll of a Dice

The dice was cast,
Outcome left to fate,
A #random chance it would land on eight,
Even numbers,
The odds are on,
The outcome seen when the roll is done,

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes wide open,
#inch's define,
The windows to the mind,
A #sentinel surveillance,
Visions captured not colour blind,
Rose tinted glasses not worn today,
As eyes capture the pictures,
Memories that will stay,
In the vaults of yesterday,
Captured words of what has been heard,
Stored with visions to what they mean,
This reality of what this brings,
For it is marked in history,
In what the new days will bring,

Love Clarity

When is love not love,
I guess that is when the other person says it is not,
When trust is broken and betrayal is shown,
Leaving a heart that is broken,

Tuesday, 19 January 2021


The World watched in eager anticipation,
The ceremony on parade,
The President's promise on inauguration day,
Has a tyrant left or has a tyrant arrived,
Votes that counted are those that can decide,
Ego will show from the shadows where they grow,
In time the World will know,

Moon Light Shadow

A dream of a moon light shadow,
The trickster who deceived the earth,
While a lunar light was shining,
The shadow tricked the tides of the sea,
To starve the golden sands,
From caressing waves,
Leaving boats beached on the sand dunes to await their fate,

Monday, 18 January 2021

The Bitter Equality

What is #equality if it said with a #bitter tongue,
What is worth if it is not valued,
What is love if you left with a broken heart,

Sunday, 17 January 2021

The Town Crier

It was supposed to be a secret,
A #reflection of the past.
Lived with the devil,
Word mirrored in reverse,
The Town Crier screaming the secret while ringing a bell with pride,
The #orator of my heartbreak,
Taking #credit for himself,
The #root of all evil spoken in words,

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Forgive the Modern Time Blues

#Forgive the heart for the rhythm in the beat,
For #modern time blues play havoc with the tunes,
Words of love that meant so much,
Make a heart ache when songs are sung,
Reminding of loves of past,
A reminder of the lust,
Special times shared by two,
Memories stirred by words that were real,

Friday, 15 January 2021

Music of the Stave

The heart song was written on the #stave,
The words of love to last for decades,
Sung by Romeos serenading their Juliet,  
Musicians playing to the rhythm of a hearts beat,
With the words of love that touch emotions deep, 
Little cherubs with their bows playing with the strings,
Conducting with the arrows as the music flows,

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Insurrection of the Heart

The heart had started an #insurrection against the mind,
#Praise was stated at the beauty that had caught the eye,
For cupids arrow had hit its mark and sunk deep,
Thoughts of warning of  broken love that came before,
Warning signs not to be ignored,
A #challenge not to break,
If you fall in love take it slow,
For love at first sight can sometimes bite,
Leaving memorable scars, 

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Stood on the Shoreline

Stood on the shoreline with #intrigue in mind,
Where Land meets the Ocean,
Looking at the horizon,
In a day dream,
A greenie blue meets a bluey grey,
With white cotton wool clouds that drift along on their way,
Golden rays warm the yellow sands,
Kissed by tendering waves,
Foot prints left my other walkers who had passed this way,
#Ubiquitious seagulls in the sky,

Tuesday, 12 January 2021


The water wheel kempt its #cyclic motion,
A continuous kinetic momentum,
Fueled by tears of pain,
Rivers following from their source,
The grieving brave with #valour,
A standing #ovation  by other survivors, 
With hearts like #vellum tattooed empathy and compassion,
To #mourn what had passed..... 

Monday, 11 January 2021

A Bravado in Love

The days of old when youthful #bravado in love came with an air of take it or leave it,
With young hearts broken at an intense rate,
When a cupids bow was in rapid fire mode,

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Mentoring Soul

A man of broken dreams,
Visions seen are still in another realm,
Oh those songs that are played on the heart strings,
The soul as a #mentor providing hope and faith,
Knowing that love is #deserved,
However knowing that it will be fate,

Saturday, 9 January 2021

The Rain Forest

Person of the Forest

  Looking back on the rain forest one weeps, 
  To see the disappearing trees,
  Making way for progress,
  They say,
  Apologies my home is in your way,
  For crying now rain drops fall,
  On baron land where trees will grow no more,
  People of the forest will have to move,
  To make way just for you,
  Those that stay will not survive long,
  That is the human way, 
  So remember the rain forest that once was,
  It will never be the same,

Intrigued by Wits

To open up one's heart,
To utter the scared words,
Announcement of truth,
Spoken from the mouth,
An oral declaration of love,
Scared out of one's wits,
Butterfly sensation within,
For fear of rejection,
For the answer to the statement,
The mind in limbo,

Friday, 8 January 2021

An Innocent Rendezvous

A seed of doubt was sown,
Sown deep in the chamber of the mind,
The seed which would grow to a thought,
The thought that would demand time,
To create an #innocent vision,
Creating dreams of a kind,
Attracting cupids arrow,
Sending an arrow deep,
A #rendezvous of the heart and mind,
The yearning for a connection, 
For that Angel that has caught your eye,
A fairytale to come true,
So one could become two,

Thursday, 7 January 2021

The Nuance of Repeating Thoughts

The mind was familiar with the #nuance of the repeating thoughts,
Like a herd of elephants stampeding a #way through the valley,
#Violated intrusion,
Shades of meaning masked in rising dust,
#Nuanced thinking,
Mental confusion,
Thinking out loud,
Shallow thinking of the false and the truth,
Trying to understand the emotions felt,
With eyes engaged in an #nuanced glance,
As one tries to figure it out,
With #perseverance in mind,

Wednesday, 6 January 2021

A FOOL'S Journey

It takes time for a heart to #heal,
But does not #heal completely,
Lessons in love can take its toll,
From little scratches to puncture wounds,
The heart that has been torn in two,
To #vex a heart endlessly,
For love to have vexed a mortal soul for an eternity,
The pain vexes the hurt on a level unexplainable,
Heart broken from this day then tomorrow,
Photos of  past loves pile the piles into a piles,
Searching for a true love on a FOOL'S journey one must go,
The soulmate to seek, 
Aware of cupids #vendetta to send his arrow deep,
To bring loves #misery,
#Perseverance in dreaming of a fairytale to come true,
That the next greatest love,
That could be you, 



Monday, 4 January 2021

Sentry Guard of the Mind

Friend or Foe,
Challenged the Sentry Guard of the mind,
A whisper from the dark,
A Spirit walker in your dream,
Who goes there ?
The Sentry Guard commands,
A creation of your manifestation
Created from the depth of  your mind,
I am the conscious thought,
A #vulture circling within,
That chose to engage with,
With the issue you created,
Which is now selected in the subconscious mind,
A vicious circle programmed,
Entry denied the Sentry Guard yells,  
Do not make this a #habit Spirit walker,
Your meddling and interference will not be tolerated, 
For the issue created has been accepted, 
End of the debate.

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Remains of Puddles

 When all the rain has fallen down,

#latter opinions don't mean a thing

And the  #dirge is over,

Survived the lamentation of grief,

All that remains are puddles,

When the storm is over,

Clouds disperse,

Rays of sun will shine through with a warming


To ignite life into you,

Saturday, 2 January 2021

United We Must Become

If a tweet could reach the World,
A message that could be heard,
In times of doubt,
With all effected,
A union of souls all in hope,
That life can return to normal,
For a loss that is endured for some,
The loss is felt by everyone,
At a time of hope and faith,
For those that are trying to save the human race,
United the World must become,
To overcome what has come,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Velociraptor's Plot

 A descendent of a #Velocirapter,
Damn that is cool,
Oh there is going to be a #Reckoning now,
Better start a running, 
#begin a #plot is set,
Murder of crows is on the way,,

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...