Heart Break, Divorce, Survival, Personal Growth, Hope and Faith
Wednesday, 29 December 2021
As a River Flows
To lend an ear,
Notice a tear,
Time to hear,
There to care,
As a river flows from a soul.
Thursday, 23 December 2021
Easy as ABC
Easy as ABC,
A tiny dancer said to thee,
For what you seek,
Is seeking you,
For a man that is sentry to a heart,
Must learn to dance again,
If the rhythm is right,
Then the magic will begin,
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights sparkle bright,
Lighting the streets on a festive night,
Chestnuts roasting,
Mulled wine poured,
Carol singers by the door,
Joy to the world the festive season brings,
Lovers kiss under the mistletoe,
Presents under the Christmas tree,
Some for you,
Some for me,
That special day is getting close,
The day after Christmas Eve,
Monday, 20 December 2021
Pine Cones
Sunday, 19 December 2021
Spirit Dancer
A Winters Tale
Winters Tale |
Naked branches of the trees,
Grace the skyline this time of year,
Winter storms have made them bare,
Golden brown the leaves grace the ground,
A winters tale,
Told every year,
As nature takes is course,
To fertilise the earth,
For where there is an end,
A new will begin,
That is the circle of Life.......
Thursday, 16 December 2021
As Easy as ABC
As easy as ABC,
A love message wrote so simply,
That look with silent words,
Only a heart would have heard,
A whisper from a lover's mouth,
The ones we need to here,
I LOVE YOU.......
A magical time for you .............
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
A Magical Time
Carol Singers can be heard,
Ten drummers drumming,
Joy to the World !
Lights on the tree twinkle and sparkle,
On a cold clear night,
Lovers arm in arm look on,
While others walk on by,
Oh its a magical time of the year,
Sleigh bells ringing,
The aroma of chestnuts roasting,
It is Devine
Monday, 13 December 2021
Only a Wish
Sunday, 12 December 2021
The Sycamore Leaves
Saturday, 11 December 2021
The News Today
To sit and read the news today,
Hot off the press,
Coming your way,
A tabloid's print,
Edited their way,
A picture or two,
That secret to be told,
False news or truth,
Who knows,
Do YOU ?
Friday, 10 December 2021
The Star
The beat quickened when you came into view,
Aroma of perfume filled the room,
Waltzing across the floor,
In an air of grace,
With that smile,
Upon your face,
Lighting the room,
Like the STAR you are,
Adored by many,
Far and wide....
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Your not Alone
To walk in the sunlight,
Your not alone,
A shadow by your side,
In the dark of the night,
Your shadow is there,
Invisible out of sight,
Always there,
Your quite companion,
On your journey of life......
Monday, 6 December 2021
Waltz in a December Moon
A gypsy Queen waltzed in a December Moon,
Waltzed around a burning fire,
In the chill of the midnight air,
A loving glow showed,
As a Prince shared a tender kiss,
The violins played that romantic tune,
At a magical time of year,
As the matchmaker watched from a distanced place,
The cherub with a smile on his face,
Let an arrow fly,
Hitting the heart of destiny's mark,
Lit by a shining star,
Friday, 3 December 2021
The Dark of The Night
In the dark,
The dark of the night,
Pitch black,
Guided by a star,
Way up high,
In the depths,
Of a midnight sky,
A bearing point to set a course,
To help you on your way,
Thursday, 2 December 2021
An Edge of Reason
On the edge,
An edge of reason,
That boundary line,
To a heart is treason,
In a state of control,
To balance on an edge,
As a head is in a spin,
Fate is in the hand that tossed that coin,
If it is tails,
They left again.........
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Going with the Flow
Floating on the river,
Tears of yesterday,
Going with the flow,
Being swept away,
Staring at the clouds,
Which are fading today,
Looking at the rainbow,
A magical display,
Drifting towards a future,
A future that will unfold,
Heading forward to destiny,
A fortune that was foretold......
Monday, 29 November 2021
Bare Foot
Bare foot on the grass,
Folding the blades as we pass,
Bare foot on sand,
Imprints washed away,
Bare foot in the mud,
Vanishing traces of where we had been,
Bare foot on the stones,
A path of pain,
Bare foot and grounded with nature,
Memories to be made,
Friday, 26 November 2021
The Beat
Thursday, 25 November 2021
The North Wind
The North Wind came,
Its winter again,
A chill in the air,
That bitter kiss,
Wind and Rain,
Hail and Snow,
Through the Winter Months who will know,
The weather can change as the forecast will show,
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Calculating from Afar
Sunday, 21 November 2021
The echo's of the rain drops reoccurring in the dreams,
Oh the colour of the Rainbows after the storms,
The memory of the first dawn on that new day,
The steps on a new path that lead you away,
The music played on the paths you walked,
That music that helped you along the way.......
Saturday, 20 November 2021
A Transformation
A vacant mind,
Open minded,
A vacuum in time,
But time goes by,
A state of transition,
In a cocoon,
Protected from the storms,
Hidden within,
Transforming silently,
Out of sight,
To return to society,
A beautiful sight.....
Friday, 19 November 2021
A handful of straws,
The short straw pulled,
The toss of a coin,
Tails called,
Heads it is,
Three of a kind,
A Royal Flush shown,
The pot has gone,
Sometimes that is the way it is,
Roulette with a one chip bet,
Testing an individuals strength of what is left,
Thursday, 18 November 2021
Dancing to a Singing String
Dancing to the singing strings,
Strings played upon a heart,
A girl dancing in the dark,
For the visions and dreams played upon the screen,
Hidden behind the curtains of the windows to the mind,
As a cherub plays with the bow,
Striking the strings very slow,
With a melody only one other will hear,
That special one with that loving ear......
Monday, 15 November 2021
Hunting a Dream
Sunday, 14 November 2021
A Harbouring Heart
A harbouring heart,
Protected from the storms,
A heart that had sailed the seven seas,
Battered and bruised,
Repaired and mended,
Ready to sail again..............
Saturday, 13 November 2021
The Saturday
To sit for a while and watch the world go by,
Sat on a bench watching the tide rise,
People watched the day through,
As they walked on by,
Dogs running having fun,
Chasing a ball that had been thrown,
Children playing in the sand,
Those that were brave swam,
Lovers walked hand in hand,
Sat on a day called SATURDAY.............
Friday, 12 November 2021
The Rose Garden
A rose grew in the garden I knew,
Against the wall that was bare before,
Rambling away in different ways,
Over the years it grew,
Displaying the colours in a natural way,
Filling the air with a perfumed scent,
Memories from the chairs,
In that rose garden I shared,
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Dancing in the Rain
Dancing in the rain,
Playing a game,
Jumping in the puddles,
Getting wet again,
A grown man acting young,
At an age but still having fun,
The blue days and the dark nights,
Are yesteryears,
Just having fun with the wellington's on,
Counting the rain drops as they drop,
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
A Polka Dot Dress and Disco Lights
Polka dot dress and disco lights,
A Dancing Queen on a Friday night,
Moving to a rhythm,
Feeling the beat,
Watched by others when on the floor,
Dancing without a care,
Like they were not there,
A crystal ball spinning around,
Trusting the DJ to pick the right sound,
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Dancing on the Path of Life
To dance in the lunar light,
On a cold and chilly night,
With stars twinkling way up high,
In the depths of the midnight sky,
Shooting stars and casted wishes,
Hoping dreams will come true,
Dancing to the dawning light,
Bathing in that warming glow,
For a new day born in the now,
Dancing on that path of life,
To that music with that beat,
Oh, that rhythm that stirs those feet,
Monday, 8 November 2021
Castle and Bridges
Sausages and Beer,
In the land of poets and thinkers,
A Federal Eagle held a high,
With castles and bridges far and wide,
Alps that climb to the sky,
The Unwanted Message
Knock, Knock, Knock,
Ding, Ding, Ding the door bell sings,
Ring, Ring, Ring the mobile screams,
Letter in the post,
That email ping,
The unwanted message sent to the bin,
For when photos past stir memories shared,
Has regret sunk in,
For what once was will never be again,
Sunday, 7 November 2021
Young at Heart
Peter, Peter, Tinkerbell thought,
Shaking her fairy dust to cast that spell,
For manifestation could not work alone,
For Peter Pan had taken flight,
And was long gone,
To travel on his own,
For one who is young at heart,
Refuses to grow old,
On the travels that the path will lead,
Making memories every day,
Friday, 5 November 2021
Scent of a Bonfire
The scent of a bonfire fills the air,
A guy on the fire in despair,
Fire works exploding in the black of the night,
Colourful displays light up the sky,
Rockets reaching a height,
Bangers go off stirring a fright,
Children with sparklers in hand,
Making random patterns as best they can,
Thursday, 4 November 2021
Winter Sets In
The cold wind blows,
From the North that we know,
The temperature drops,
The nights draw in,
Seeking creature comforts in a place we live in,
With a glowing fire,
Heating the room,
Sitting in an arm chair with the TV on,
Watching the news of what's going on,
Looking at the weather forecast,
With the wind and rain that it brings,
Possible frost with icy mornings,
You never know there could be snow,
Creating a wonder winter land,
As winter sets in,
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Tick Tock
Tick Tock Tick Tock,
Listening to the sound of the Grandfather Clock,
As the pendulum swings oh how it sings,
Hands conducting on a dial,
The bell chimes on a quarter,
A chorus sang on an hour,
How grand it stands in a place of honour,
Keeping a house in order,
Monday, 1 November 2021
Dark Matters
Hidden in the night sky,
Hiding from the naked eye,
Out of sight from those that seek,
Camouflaged and out of view,
Hidden from you,
Watching from high above,
Everything that you do,
Dark matters,
A background to starlight,
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Halloweens Whispering Leaves
The ghost of you comes around,
This time of year,
To hear the sounds of whispering leaves,
Heralding that your presence is near,
Comforting the scent carried on the breeze,
A natural fragrance that you are here,
In a woodland copse a mother natures spirit true,
With trees and plants,
Where animals dwell,
Witches gather to cast their spells,
Ghost and Ghouls will appear,
A trick or treat will catch an eye,
Until the dawn will break the line,
Then pumpkins rot with open eyes,
A sign of the night that has passed by,
When all is left is that memory made,
But is it real or has imagination taken place,
Saturday, 30 October 2021
The Witching Hour
Friday, 29 October 2021
A Bitter Kiss
A bitter kiss the wind does bring,
As the winter starts to creep in,
With whispers from The North,
A chilling bite it will bring,
With colder days now on there way,
Long gone are the summer days,
Hibernation is natures way........
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Love Murmuration
A whisper carried on the air,
That murmur carried on the wind,
A gathering of souls,
Prepared to go,
A murmur in a heart beat as the adrenaline starts to flow,
For South is the direction they will go,
A phenomenon in the skies,
As birds love to dance as they fly,
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Yew be surprised,
Deceived are the eyes,
As you blink,
A foot step it would take,
To creep up on you to see what you would do,
Ancient as time has passed,
Old and wrinkly is the trunk,
With open arms to embrace those that rest in this place,
Monday, 25 October 2021
October Moon
October moon graces the sky in day light,
High above a tower at day break,
That morning stroll under a lunar glow,
Friday, 22 October 2021
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
Life as Destiny Unfolds
Tomorrow starts when yesterday ends,
The present is that thought between,
A vacuum of time in life where it is real,
For memories are just of history past,
Dreams are for future hopes,
Life is as destiny unfolds,
Monday, 18 October 2021
Stranger Things
Stranger things have happened to be,
Stranger times have made a Stranger become,
In a Strange time time is Strange,
A mirror image now that is Strange,
Strange to think how Strange things come over time,
When times are Strange,
Stranger becomes the mind.........
Travellers Tale
Ink drying on a realm of paper,
Words in defence of a realm,
Words unfold to describe a story to be told,
The history of old,
A kingdom so bold,
To explore the world,
By sea and wind,
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Mind Scrabble
Mind in thought,
Scrabble is the game,
Seeking to select the letters,
To try to explain,
Letters to spell the words,
To write the sentences to form the paragraphs,
To be heard,
The times that what is written with good intent,
Has been mis-read,
News mis-led with fake news,
To confuse the many,
Planting seeds to gain popularity,
Conspiracy theories,
There are many,
However what you read keep an open mind,
For control is what some seek to keep you in line,
Thursday, 14 October 2021
To switch the button ON,
Then OFF,
ON again,
Don't know what's wrong,
Emotions high,
In dilemma mode,
Check the power source,
Thinktank time,
Conspiracy theory,
Don't play the game.......
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Flying High
Monday, 11 October 2021
Scent of the Woman
Saturday, 9 October 2021
The Sea Breeze
The sea breeze came with the smell of salt,
Clouds darkened as the sky changed,
The storm on its ways,
The sea changed,
with the crest of the wave,
With white horses running away,
With the wind getting stronger,
Stripping the leaves from the tree,
With branches and twigs left naked with ease,
Now summer has gone with winter on the way,
Days are now shorter,
The birds are migrating away..........................
sea Breeze |
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
Catching that Wave
A board in hand,
Waiting for that swell,
To test those skills,
Practiced well,
To catch that wave and ride it true,
Not to wipe out and look like a fool,
To ride that crest to feel alive,
To find that pocket,
Cutback and realign,
To the ramp for that aerial view,
Duckdive back to the start to lineup again,
Monday, 4 October 2021
Escaping Thoughts
A thousand thoughts escape and flee,
Like fallen leaves from the trees,
Carried on the breeze away from thee,
Gone forever from their source,
Now one is free,
A Humming Song
Where to begin,
With a flap of the wings,
Humming starts,
Contentment seen,
A darting flash here,
A darting flash there,
The humming bird is in the air...
Sunday, 3 October 2021
Weeping from a Tree
Catkins weeping from a tree,
Next to a lake,
Where the wild ducks swim,
Surround by woods,
The trees grow tall,
With natural paths for those to explore,
To watch the natural beauty of the nature that is about,
In a place where mother nature takes care of its self....
To be Nuts
To be nuts jumping from tree to tree,
That bushy tail following thee,
Running around that trunk of a tree,
On the ground foraging around,
Scampering, leaping marking its ground,
Hiding stock for the winter months,
Living in a Drey it can be found,
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Who would read what you wrote,
Who could decipher a code,
Could you understand,
The hidden meaning created by man,
A message if understood,
Would make you understand,
Dawn of Time
Until the dawn of time,
The night will pass in the mind,
For the visions in the sleep will awaken dreams from the deep,
To transfer you to a different realm,
Another dimension in another world,
Things you see are hard to believe,
That deja vu,
Personnel to you,
Looking through the windows of the mind,
At an image in the mirror of a stranger to those eyes,
A Careless Heart
A careless heart can fall in love quickly,
That tender look,
That gentle kiss,
A loving embrace,
Lost in the thoughts of dreams of tomorrow,
Thinking how to get through the day,
An image of that crush,
That makes a heart rush,
As Cupid's arrow flies,
It's on its way,
Friday, 1 October 2021
A world that is going potty,
With seeds planted growing out of ones head,
To sit at a Mad Hatters party,
Discussing life as it is,
With a pot of tea brewing,
Ready to put a mind at rest,
Topic of the day is the environment,
To do what is best,
Cutting the emissions so the plant may live,
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Samurai I Am
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Lost in a Galaxy
Lost in a galaxy hidden behind those eyes,
Accessed through the windows of the mind,
Travelling through the dark matter,
Watching the electrical storms,
Created by thought,
A mind conscious of its dimension,
Its need to absorb....
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Balance between light and dark,
Natural harmony at a glance,
Hard and soft,
Ying and Yang,
Grains of sand that get washed away,
A new design everyday,
Time goes by,
Seasons change,
But ART is seen in different ways,
Monday, 27 September 2021
Time to go
Birds flying over thee,
Chasing leaves in the breeze,
Going South,
Somewhere else,
Fleeing North natures course,
Cold wind blows as they know,
Now its time they must go,
Navigating the Greenwich Line,
On a destiny know one knows,
Diluted Words
Think before one speaks,
For strength is what one seeks,
To dilute the intensity of those words,
But voice a view,
To get one heard,
A Politicians mind is hard to find,
If a personnel agenda is the line,
Spouting lies to a herd,
For one who puts others first,
Is the truest kind,
Sunday, 26 September 2021
A Fragrance of a Flower
A fragrance of a flower,
Can fill the air,
The scent can trigger that memory dear,
A time a place,
Oh that magical place,
The beauty captured in a still.....
Friday, 24 September 2021
A Drop in The Ocean
A drop in the Ocean,
An Ocean in the drop,
Your World is an Oyster just look,
Is that glass half full or is the glass half empty,
A mind full with personal thoughts,
Kept to oneself those feelings felt,
Silence is golden,
The power of the soul,
To harbour that energy,
To plant the seeds so they grow,
A tree of life branches in many ways,
Weathers the storms that comes from all directions,
Be true to yourself and personally grow,
To the greatest heights,
To bathe in the sunlight,
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Return to Sender
A cupids arrow missed its mark,
Leaving a wound that scars a heart,
The lover letter sent,
Words from with in,
Written on scented paper,
Every word meant,
Retuned by post,
Written upon,
Return to sender,
Address unknown.....
A beauty Queen with a broken heart,
Is searching for her King.................
Monday, 20 September 2021
Harvest Moon Gathering Love by a Lunar Light
The Harvest Moon rises in the sky tonight,
A lovers wish to walk in the lunar light,
To gather the emotional feelings,
The ones that feel right,
To kiss the lover of your dreams,
The one that stirs you from your sleep with butterflies during the night,
To hold them in your arms,
Whispering sweet words that brings delight,
Holding them close for many years,
To walk the paths as the future unfolds,
Walking together until you get old,
Holding hands along the way,
Monday, 13 September 2021
Come Take My Hand
Come take my hand,
Lets walk upon the sand,
Listening to the sound of the band,
As the sea caresses the beach,
Our feet just out of reach,
As the moon light bathes the Bay,
In its natural way,
The lunar light shines on a lovers night,
As two are one,
In cupids eyes,
A Gypsy Queen leads her Gypsy King,
To that paradise,
As cupids arrow takes flight,
To hit its mark on this romantic night...........
Friday, 10 September 2021
There will always be the expression that cannot be explained,
Amazingly some will decide to state the expression means this or that,
The person who truly knows is the person who wears it,
As they say,
Never judge a book by its cover,
There are many books that are an interesting read,
Thursday, 9 September 2021
For Who Does The Bell Toll
An ancient Bell,
Hangs in a Devon Church,
For who it tolls know one knows,
With ghost stories told of those who dwell,
With in the grounds of the Church,
Weddings and Christenings grace the Church,
Bringing joy to all,
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Peeking Duck
I saw a Peeking duck,
It was peeking at me,
Waddling in the water of a paddy field,
Assisting a farmer to grow a crop,
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Goose Squadron over River Dart
Goose Squadron |
Wing Commander, Wing Commander this is Squadron Leader...OVER
Squadron Leader this is Wing Commander.... OVER
Visibility clear, flying at 15 meters above the River Dart, all clear below,
Request permission to take the squadron in to land...OVER
Squadron Leader this is Wing Commander circle the squadron and bring
them in to land .... OVER
Wing Commander ROGER and OVER and OUT
Monday, 6 September 2021
A Meadow Day
Dancing to the Break of Dawn
To dance with a lover to the break of dawn,
Dancing along a shoreline,
A splashing of feet,
Reminiscing of the earlier hours,
Of dancing in the sand with bare feet,
Skinny dipping in the sea,
Entwining together on the sandy beach,
In a lovers embrace,
Bathed in the lunar light,
With twinkling stars that are gazed upon,
Spotting a shooting star,
A wish is cast with a tender kiss,
Two soul mates together you are.....
Sunrise |
Saturday, 4 September 2021
Like a Magician
Friday, 3 September 2021
The Watcher
Thursday, 2 September 2021
A Token Gift From Above
The feather shed from an Angel's wing,
Descend down on the wind,
A token gift from above,
The sign your not alone,
On this path that you own,
A treasured message the joy it brings,
This little token from an Angel,
Who took you under their wing,
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
A Chorus Burst To Life
I heard a grasshopper at my feet,
Stridulation in the field,
A chorus burst to life,
A song that filled the air,
I bent to take a peak,
The grasshopper took a leap,
A song into the evening chirped on,
On the stage,
An orchestra led by the hind legs,
To the ears within the field,
Lit by the lunar light with twinkling stars in the sky,
Stepping Stones
Jumping on the stepping stones,
Bounding over the stream,
Going against the flow,
Following a dream,
Leaping like a child,
Embracing life again,
Traversing the broken path,
Divine direction guided,
A chosen path on a personal journey,
Walking over the moors,
The journal ready with a pen in hand,
To capture new memories born from a new day,
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Phoenix Rising
To rise from the fire,
Wings alight,
Shadows cast in the dark of the night,
A trail of smoke betrays the flight,
Reaching heights not flown before,
Ascending higher to the unknown,
Phoenix rising,
Breaking free,
Born again to spread its wings........
Finding Eden
Day dreaming,
At the bottom of a waterfall,
Overhead a rainbow's arc,
Crystal clear the pool to bathe in,
Surrounded by foliage,
A place of exotic beauty,
With golden rays that caress the skin,
Not a care in the world as time passes by,
Watching the clouds that drift up high,
A cure of mother nature to take time out,
Finding Eden is what life is about,
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Value Your Time
In a life time,
Value your time,
Choose your direction careful,
The world is there to see,
Make memories,
No your worth,
Do not waste time or energy on what does not reciprocate,
Monday, 23 August 2021
Caught by Medusa's Stare
Dartington Memorial Figure |
Caught by Medusa's stare,
Turned to stone in open air,
Fated to lounge in a garden,
In the grounds of an Estate,
Weathered by the elements,
On a yearly basis,
Viewed by many as time goes on,
Shaded by the Sweet Chestnuts that grow tall,
Climbed upon by the young when they explore,
Listening to lovers as they walk,
Hearing whispering secrets as they talk,
Close to where actors act,
Even sometimes acrobats,
Reclined and at ease,
Within where beauty surrounds,
A Memorial Figure to last for years, ever Moore,
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Following A Path
Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...

I heard the songs of Christmas, The spirit began to rise, Trees began to appear, Christmas lights lit the sky at night, Carol singers singin...
The full moon played with the mind, Emotions overwhelming, Like the tides, Waves and waves washed over one, Dreams and visions become undone...
She led me by the hand, Under the mistletoe branch, To whisper softly, The words I longed to hear, Drowning in the deep blue of her eyes, I ...