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Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Gallimaufry of the Heart

Re-occurring thoughts,
Images and visions repeated,
Never ending cycle,
Played out within the mind,
Raining thoughts from the brain,
The clogs doing overtime,
Powering the #windmills in my mind,
With #vermillion blood vessels pumping to the rhythm of a heart beat,
Creating confusion,
A magnificent #gallimaufry of childhood dreams,
Melting chocolate hearts left,
In the play ground,
Chiseled initials in an ancient tree,  
A reminder of a teenage love,
What needed to be said in a medley of words,
Scent of potpourri unsettling an unconfident soul,
The hodgepodge verse turned into a hash,
A long time ago,
Confused back then the meaning of love,
Not confused today as one grows old.......

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