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Friday, 30 October 2020

Poppy Fields of Red


Running in the poppy fields of red,
Innocent of the history it represents,
The blood that has been shed, Playing games with stirring petals, A memory to the dead, Eating poppy heads getting high on the seeds, Laying in a field and gazing at the sky, Day dreaming, Questioning why.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Yellow Roses

Beautiful in your prime,
Gracefully aging over time,
A memory of a vibrant look,
Will always stay in my mind,
A symbolism of love,
Given in kind...

Monday, 26 October 2020


The eyes are the windows to the mind,
Vision seekers to process visual details,
To feed the brain with images,
They show fear, hate, anger, love and sadness.
The eyes can communicate  louder then words when required,

Saturday, 24 October 2020


Don't be such a boar he heard her say,
Just because she did not get her own way,
He called her a sow as he walked away,
Then hid in the tree for the day,

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Poppy fields of Red,

Poppy fields of red,
Hope for peace ahead,
Landscapes turned from ruin, Germinated by seeds that were shed, In Flanders Fields a poet wrote, Where poppies grow and larks sing, from dawn to dusk, Never forgotten to those that loved, In remembrance we trust..

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

The Scent of a Flower

Attracted to you by your beauty and grace,
Floral scent to lure those to their fate,
Feminine appearance of sweetness and affection,
Aphrodite of love and beauty....

Monday, 19 October 2020

Mushroom Cloud

An island in a sea of ivy,
A mushroom growing high,
Spreading out over,
Like a mushroom cloud in the sky,
Just a stalk connecting it to the ground,


Flyer I am, 
With my go faster stripes,
Humming wings,
That sing with the wind,
A pilot of the sky,
With my Aviators on,
To protect my eyes,
A fighter with a sting,
Top Gun Maverick,
I have become ...... 

Mother Nature Life and Death

Dying leaves on a forest floor,
Fallen from the branches up above,
Decomposing  down on the ground,
Becoming part of the woodland again,
With fungi growing within the moss,
Ivy leaves creeping by,
Warmed by the sun light from a high,

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

See No, Speak No, Hear No

Perhaps it is best to just sleep,
Not to see what is happening in the current times,
To keep my opinions silenced,
Not to hear the opinions of politicians or public criticizing,
Unprecedented times, unknown outcomes,
Be kind, be thoughtful and think of others,
My thoughts and condolences are with all who have suffered a loss of a loved one or friend through the covid-19 pandemic,

Singapore Sling


I recall my tale of a Singapore Sling,
As my bartender Boon prepares a gin,
Slinging in the ingredients into the cocktail glass,
Sat in Raffles eating some peanuts,
Discarding the shells were they fell,
A punchy drink that went down well,

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Night skies

Looking up at the sky at night,
A beautiful sight,
Shooting stars grace the sky,
Constellations in the skies,
Guiding many with zodiac predictions,
Through out the cycle of life,
Dreams and desires,
Heartbreak and pain,
Throughout the universes great plan,


Sunday, 11 October 2020


My Hart is pure she heard him say,
In a mystical time when the land was lit by a lunar light,
As stars guided the way,
The air was chilled as she did not say a word,
Turned and walked away,
Life is about choice so they say,
There the hart stayed....

Saturday, 10 October 2020


Life can be nuts at times,
Save the times and squirrel the memories,
Lessons in time,
Times we cannot control,
Times that will pass,
Lessons learnt,
Experience gained.......


Sometimes it is hard to utter the words,
To be heard,
Expressing how you feel,
A voice to be heard above a crowd,
An opinion,
It is easier to get QWERTY,
Put it in TEXT,
Let it go viral.
To be heard...........


Friday, 9 October 2020

For Whom the Bell Tolls

I hear the sound of the bell,
Ringing slow repeatedly,
A toll that rings aloud,
For whom the bell tolls I do not know,
The bell tolls for thee that has died,
A loss to mankind,
Death knell pealing bell heard from above,
For a loved one that has been lost,

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Heart Song

A heart sings a song for those that will listen, 
For love and passion that is there to be given, 
Singing out loud with an angelic voice, 
A love song so pure it cannot be ignored, 
Listening for a whisper to say it has been heard, 
A love, 
To treasure, 
To be adored, 
Maybe one day to make a Queen, 
Hoping again, 
One day a man can be a King, 
To rejoice in love and in what it means, 
To relish in the magic things,
To look into eyes the truth to be told, 
True love shown by a loving soul,

Monday, 5 October 2020


True colours surround the body you own,
An aura illumination,
A luminaire, 
A beacon light to those that can see,
The characters and traits of the person you truly be,
Painted by an artist on this palette called Earth..

Saturday, 3 October 2020


Held in high esteem,
Sacred to the Gods,
Protected by the Duir,
The men of the oak,
Crown worn by Kings,
A symbol of strength,
An ancient tree ...

Friday, 2 October 2020

Game Birds


The Robin

 A teacher flew to me to enlighten me on where I have been,
On a journey of personal growth a transformation of who I used to be,
A spiritual guider accompanying me on my path,
Teaching me on how to focus on the signs and trust on instincts,
With a red breast singing away,
I here the song everyday,
Some times sung as a duet as another robin appears,
Bringing joy to my soul,
A smile to my face to be graced in this way,
With confidence I go forward each day,

Wild Geese

I walked along the river today,
As wild geese flew my way,
A flock navigating a course,
Which had been flown by those before....


A canopy over me,
Shielding yet I am free,
Protected by mother nature,
As the storm passes over,
Umbrella of trust from the canopy above,
Mother nature has provided for me....

Following A Path

Do you follow the path, Of the one that leads, To see them trip and fall, To laugh and mock, As they rise from the floor, The ground they ha...