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Friday, 19 June 2020


Open minded, 
I decline, 
Just don’t like the answers, 
Deep in thought, 
I retort with angry answers, 
Not like me to offend so easily, 
Stepping back that’s my tact, 
To get some clarity, 
Needing time to analyse what is happening to me, 
Questioning why I wanted to die, 
The answer comes so easily, 
Living life with a broken heart is what you have left for me, 
Flying free, 
Free from me that is what you have asked to be, 
To live your life happily, 
Don’t worry about me, 
Going forward is my only way, 
Living day by day, 
Hoping the pain will ebb away, 
Son and a daughter comfort me, 
They are my priority, 
To see them live their lives gives me hope, 
For what will be will be, 
To one day live my life freely. 

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