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Friday, 19 June 2020

The Walk

The Walk 
Walking away is hard for me, 
The pain I feel want go away, 
Walking away from the one I love, 
Walking away from you, 
It’s the hardest thing I have had to do, 
You’re in my head, 
In my heart, 
Tormented is my soul, 
Not sure anymore if I can find the right words to say, 
Trying to detach from the one I love, 
Hurts me every day, 
Past is past, 
Yet the memories stay,
Reminding me of what we had, 
What has been thrown away? 
The path is long but I want stray, 
I will stay the course every day, 
Letting go I have to do, 
Letting go of you, 
I can’t stay married in your single life, 
So no longer can you be my wife, 
Friends we will see, 
The children are my priority, 
Not sure what the future has in store, 
Going forward to explore, 
I wish you happiness, 
On your way, 
For what was is in the past is there to stay, 
Not sure if you understand, 
After all I am just a humble man,  
I tried so hard to make you listen, 
However you had already made your decision. X 

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