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Tuesday, 23 June 2020

The Line

The Line 

Walking the line, 
Memories to remind me of days gone by, 
Alone I walk with my thoughts hoping to clear my mind, 
Along the beach with sand at my feet, 
Waves crashing in as they breach, 
On the golden beach, 
Boats floating in the harbour, 
A protected armada, 
Overlooked by the Inn, 
A place watch the sun go in, 
To a favourite seat overlooking the beach beneath, 
Where the young love to play in the park on a sunny day, 
The steam train goes by with a puff of smoke,  
Waved on by many as it goes, 
Over hills far away, 
Up and down the hills to another place, 
On this line walked my many, 
The smell of sea salt air is plenty, 
It helps to make you feel at ease, 
In the gentle breeze, 
The sounds of gull’s are with you all the way, 
Seals pop up to say hello, 
Curious they are as we know. 

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