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Tuesday, 16 June 2020

The Heart of a Broken Man Part 1

The Heart of a Broken Man 
Never in a million years did I, me, the family man who loved his wife and his family expected to find myself questioning my existence.  
What started as a joyful bike ride in April 2015 that led me to one of my favorite beauty spots nearly ended in tragedy?  
I had always appeared to others a strong individual and normally could manage life’s little curve balls however a combination of events proved to test my human capabilities to the limit.  
Since November 2010 I had been suffering from severe tinnitus a symptom from acoustic shock caused by an industrial accident when I was exposed to an acoustic blast from an electrical circuit breaker.  
The screaming banshees and associated sounds taunted me and haunted me. 
They were relentless and were with me constantly twenty four seven. 
Day and night a man tormented and suffering to come to terms and to accept the condition. 
It took me to 2016 to really start to manage the condition in which by this time I had started to help others.  
As I explained to other suffers, tinnitus is invisible if I had lost a leg people would understand the anxiety and depression that would go with that disability. 
My life changed in 2015 when at the time I was facing redundancy, I suspected my wife was having an affair, my father had cancer and combined with the tinnitus my mind became overloaded and fueled with anxiety, depression, I questioned my existence.  
In regards to the tinnitus I had always explained to my consultant that I was worried when asked how I was coping. 
I explained that I was afraid that I felt that I was on a slide and now and again I would slip and slide down.  
Somehow I would manage to stop my decent by grabbing the sides of the slide. 
If possible I would be able to drag and wiggle my way back up the slide. 

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